Jun 5, 2018
Jun 5, 2018
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Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held her daily briefing with reporters addressing President Trump's decision to cancel the Philadelphia Eagles visit to the White House. At the start, White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Kevin Hassett provided an update on the U.S. economy and job market. Sponsor: White House
Topic: obama administration
Source: Comcast Cable
May 30, 2018
May 30, 2018
eye 12
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[LIVE] Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefs and takes questions from reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: White House Briefing, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
The latest political developments of the day and interviews with top newsmakers are featured.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, Nuclear, South Korea,...
Source: https://sflan.com/details/CNNW_20180522_190000_CNN_Newsroom_With_Brooke_Baldwin/start/1021.8/end/1785.7?q=the+white
The latest political developments of the day and interviews with top newsmakers are featured.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues, Crime, Elections
Exploring issues that affect leaders in the U.S. and around the globe.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, South Korea
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Drugs
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, South Korea, Nuclear,...
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/06/gore-pruitt-debate-paris-targets/
Anderson Cooper takes viewers beyond the headlines with in-depth reporting and investigations.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Job Accomplishments
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/06/scott-pruitt-coal-jobs/
Katy Tur hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Israel, Syria
May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018
eye 58
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and took questions on a variety of topics including the confirmation hearing for CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel, the president's announcement that the U.S. would withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement, and reports of companies, including AT&T, who made payments to President Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, allegedly for access to the president. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sec, north korea, trump, washington, michael cohen, cia, california, korea, mr. sarbanes, pompeo,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A look at the day's latest news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, Nuclear, Israel,...
May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018
eye 62
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, nebraska, russia, geena haspel, haspel, rudy giuliani, china, virginia, geena,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Interviews with political figures and news updates.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Job Accomplishments
May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018
eye 98
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters and took questions primarily about President Trump's knowledge and recollection of reimbursements he made to attorney Michael Cohen for a $130,000 settlement payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. President Trump had previously denied knowledge of these payments. Ms. Sanders claimed to have only first heard about the president's involvement in these payments when former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a member of...
Topics: ms. sanders, cia, north korea, giuliani, michael cohen, haskell, donald trump, daniels, gina haskell
Source: Comcast Cable
A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/issue/climate-change/
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea
A weeknight look at the news, featuring interviews, analysis and panel discussions hosted by Bret Baier.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues
Business news and analysis.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues
News, analysis and interviews with politicians and observers.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
eye 66
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters at the White House on a range of issues. She confirmed that Adm. Ronny Jackson is no longer serving as President Trump's personal physician but is still an active-duty Navy doctor assigned to the White House. In addition, Ms. Sanders addressed the transfer of President Trump's medical records saying it is a "standard procedure" for the White House medical unit to obtain a newly elected president's medical records. Other...
Topics: iran, michael cohen, israel, james shaw, adam schiff, afghanistan
Source: Comcast Cable
Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day's top political news stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Iran, Nuclear
A recap of the day's headlines and a look at what's in store for tomorrow.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, South Korea, Foreign...
A look at the day's top news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, France, Drugs, North Korea,...
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, France, Iran, Nuclear, Syria,...
Apr 23, 2018
Apr 23, 2018
eye 55
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes reporters questions at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: north korea, mike pompeo, syria, macron, california, china, scott pruitt, trump, north koreans,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Foreign Policy, France, Legal...
ABC News' Sunday-morning news forum.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Syria, Legal Issues, Elections,...
Apr 13, 2018
Apr 13, 2018
eye 93
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: syria, russia, jim comey, michael cohen, sarah, washington, mueller, the f.b.i., jim, mccabe, latin...
Source: Comcast Cable
Business news and analysis.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Women, Human Rights, Poverty,...
Source: https://sflan.net/details/FOXNEWSW_20180411_200000_Your_World_With_Neil_Cavuto/start/64.5/end/1186?q=robert+mueller
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues, Syria, Trade, China
Apr 9, 2018
Apr 9, 2018
eye 53
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During a White House briefing, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders reiterated President Trump's warning that he would hold accountable those behind a chemical attack in Syria. Ms. Sanders responded to criticism that the president "green-lit" the attack by announcing he wanted to withdraw U.S. troops from the country. She also took questions on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Sponsor: White House
Topics: russia, sec, syria, isis, zuckerberg, epa, assad, scott pruitt, france
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Civil Rights
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2017/10/whos-blame-slow-confirmations/
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Military, Russia,...
Chris Matthews debates hot political issues with politicians, newsmakers and Washington leaders.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Drugs, Crime,...
Source: https://www.ebookarchive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20180402_100000_FOX__Friends/start/7298.4/end/7749.2?q=identifier%3AFOXNEWSW_20180402_100000_FOX__Friends%2A
A look at the day's top news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Workers, Technology, Drugs, Immigration, Civil Rights, North Korea, China,...
Mar 27, 2018
Mar 27, 2018
eye 241
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions on a range of issues, including the decision to expel 60 Russian diplomats from the U.S. and allegations that hush money payments were made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign. Ms. Sanders also commented on a recent announcement that the 2020 census would include a question of citizenship that had been removed from the 2010 census. Additionally, the press secretary was asked questions about ongoing trade...
Topics: sec, russia, mexico, daniels, jared kushner, isis, jay sekulow, donald trump, washington, jimmy...
Source: Comcast Cable
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions on a range of issues, including the decision to expel 60 Russian diplomats from the U.S. and allegations that hush money payments were made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign. Ms. Sanders also commented on a recent announcement that the 2020 census would include a question of citizenship that had been removed from the 2010 census. Additionally, the press secretary was asked questions about ongoing trade...
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Census
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2018/09/trumps-distorted-attacks-on-his-accusers/
Kate Bolduan gives a fresh take on today's top stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Foreign Policy, Crime
The White House said the president will sign the $1.3 trillion omnibus bill once it's approved by Congress. The announcement came during a briefing with Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and Legislative Affairs Director Marc Short. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Mick Mulvaney, Drugs, Federal...
Mar 20, 2018
Mar 20, 2018
eye 64
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters to discuss a variety of topics including a meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as a special counsel's investigation into the 2016 elections and Russian interference. Sponsor: White House
Topics: russia, south carolina, robert mueller, syria, mueller, trump, north korea, vladimir putin
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Crime, Drugs
White House Press Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters at the White House daily briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Legal Issues, Drugs, Crime
White House Press Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters at the White House daily briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Drugs
Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Mar 15, 2018
Mar 15, 2018
eye 55
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: russia, john, sarah, pompeo, united kingdom, florida, paris, alabama, missouri, gina haspel, north...
Source: Comcast Cable
Mar 12, 2018
Mar 12, 2018
eye 56
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[LIVE] White House Press Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters in the briefing room at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: north korea, california, china, koreans, betsy de voss
Source: Comcast Cable
Mar 9, 2018
Mar 9, 2018
eye 39
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with the press corps. Questions focused mainly on the upcoming meeting between President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong-un. Press Secretary Sanders said "the United States has made zero concessions" and added that North Korea must take "concrete steps" toward denuclearization before the president meets with the North Korean leader. In addition, she said the time and place of the announced meeting has yet to be...
Topics: ms. sanders, north korea, kim jong-un, california, korea, whitefish, south korea, lindsey graham,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Elections, North Korea,...
A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Veterans, Afghanistan, Trade,...
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Guns, Children, Taxes, ISIS,...
Mar 2, 2018
Mar 2, 2018
eye 26
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and took questions on a number of issues including the president's announcement earlier in the day about new import tariffs to be placed on steel and aluminum, the president's tweets about and relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and remarks made earlier in the day by Russian President Vladimir Putin about his country's missile defense systems and nuclear arsenal. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, washington, russia, fisa, sarah, billy graham, north korea, south korea, gowdy,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Feb 28, 2018
Feb 28, 2018
eye 58
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At the White House briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders addressed a range of issues including gun policy, delayed nominations and on the status of White House security clearances. Shortly after this briefing, media reports confirmed that presidential adviser Jared Kushner's security clearance was downgraded from top secret to secret level. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sarah, russia, syria, north korea, georgia, toomey, hicks, john kelly, ryan, south korea, mike...
Source: Comcast Cable
A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Guns, Children, Public Safety,...
The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues, Elections
Feb 20, 2018
Feb 20, 2018
eye 114
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders answered a range of questions over the Russia investigation and the president's response to the charges against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies. She told reporters that it's clear Russia meddled in the 2016 election, but that it didn't have an impact, and that the Trump campaign did not collude with the Russians. She later added that President Trump has been tougher on Russia in his first year than President Obama was in his eight years...
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Feb 20, 2018
Feb 20, 2018
eye 74
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quote 1
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders answered a range of questions over the Russia investigation and the president's response to the charges against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies. She told reporters that it's clear Russia meddled in the 2016 election, but that it didn't have an impact, and that the Trump campaign did not collude with the Russians. She later added that President Trump has been tougher on Russia in his first year than President Obama was in his eight years...
Topics: russia, fbi, florida, obama, jared kushner, vladimir putin, sarah, scott, parkland, sarah sanders
Source: Comcast Cable
A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Guns
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues, Elections
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Women, Deficit, Federal Budget,...
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Deficit
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2018/05/trump-spins-rise-in-job-openings/
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes, Workers, Retirement, Drugs,...
Feb 12, 2018
Feb 12, 2018
eye 62
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sec, rob porter, fbi, porter, mitch mcconnell, ruth bader ginsburg, mr. porter, the nation, mick...
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Women, Federal Budget, Military,...
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Military, Drugs,...
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Federal Budget, Russia, Legal Issues
Interviews with newsmakers and roundtable discussions cover the top news stories of the day.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
A weeknight look at the news, featuring interviews, analysis and panel discussions hosted by Bret Baier.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Economy, Taxes, Workers, Government...
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Russia, Legal Issues
Jan 30, 2018
Jan 30, 2018
eye 65
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announces the guests who will be attending and sitting in the first lady's box at the State of the Union tomorrow. Sponsor: White House
Topics: harvey, fayetteville, isis
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Economy
Source: https://www.universallibrary.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20180130_110000_FOX__Friends/start/9306/end/9678.4?q=ainsley
Jan 29, 2018
Jan 29, 2018
eye 68
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions at a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: fbi, andrew mccabe, sarah, usps, mccabe, john, montana, isis
Source: Comcast Cable
Jan 24, 2018
Jan 24, 2018
eye 68
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes reporters' questions at a briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, fbi, switzerland, daca
Source: Comcast Cable
Jan 23, 2018
Jan 23, 2018
eye 0
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quote 1
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefs reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: H. R. McMaster Archive, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, North...