built on the idea that countries will share the air for the best on historical responsibility i'm capozzi those countries that have the good historical disposability and have the greatest capacity shoulda the greatest part of the effort and that is what trump is avoiding but the rest of the world will let him get away with it i mean thanks very much indeed i know you got to get a flight we do appreciate your time thanks very much and he joined us here so you can hear the plenary still ongoing we're very close now i think to a conclusion that we will this these tones are all about cantering on to the sunlit uplands of international cooperation. that nearly disappeared into the vortex of national divides but it seems at least with staggering on today's uplands of that maybe more international cooperation as we lead into the important next year when the paris agreement becomes that international mechanism of collaboration ok nick carr kind of life for us and madrid thank you very much indeed well for more insights on what is a stake at the current 25 summit let's bring in meteorologist kevin