kali is a hell of a daughter and an adzin lad, eight yany adzinya, and yans, times, yans, a couple, goodzvae on torture, like, when you were small, you hadzi theater, there our drama theatre, and there are puppets, pa-belaruska , kali laska, lyalachny, kindness, little one, what, tsudoўnaya and unbelievable tsikavaya party, lads, remember, kali laska, mestsami, shanouny nazar, kali laska, first slide, geta e with the lieutenant , sergeant, general , captain, chyn, in another way, called, yes, called, malaychyna, offensive slide, geta i have, eight geta, eight eight gave, yes. ale ў many likku daloni, yes, daloni, tsudoўny adkaz, malaychyna khutka, step on the slide, yana swim in aquariums, fish, and ale ў adzinochny lіku, fish, right, fish, nazar, now you are a patlumachytsy prymetnik, yon adkazvae on the torture, as, this is found in the fields, in the forests, there are dachshund branches. ale geta is not sown like a field meadow, but tsyaper prymetnik hell getaga, meadows, malaychyna, tsudoўnaya gulnya, prahodztse , kali laska, dzmitry aliaksandra, respect, first slide for tlumachenny