>> we have commissioner paul yett. >> vice president elias: commander, congratulations. >> thank you very much. i'll get started. good evening commissioners and vice president elias, police commissioners. good evening, director henderson and chief scott. i'm with the risk management office and i'm here today to present to you our early intervention system, the summary for the second quarter of 2021. thank you, sergeant youngblood. we have a presentation on our screen. let's start with the early intervention system. i'm going to refer to that as 'eis' going forward. but the san francisco police department preevengs system of individual sfpd members. the intent of the system is to provide nondisciplinary measures to provide the highest level of satisfaction to the public. this is a very comprehensive report. i will be focusing on the highlights. next slide, please. i'd like to give full credit for this report to the team at our legal divisions. this is one of the many projects they've worked on and we have two preventional staff. thank you for putting this presentation together. okay.