laguna street pavement renovation and sewer replacement contract, this contract was awarded to, michael o'shaughnessy construction in the amount. of $7,122,075.54, with a duration of 305 days, the reason for this request is because additional time was required to account for delays for the material suppliers for the sewer work, and also for the, auxiliary water supply system, you know, fire hydrant work, also for, unforeseen hard rock subsurface surface condition, discovered during the excavation for the installation of the sewer pipes and also the discovery of active existing utilities, conflict with sewer work, the location of the paving and sewer work was done on district two and five, in the neighborhoods of hayes valley, lower pacific heights, western addition and civic center. this contract has 37 blocks and 18 intersections paved with new pavement, 29 new curb ramps were constructed, meeting ada compliance and 14 blocks of sewer work was joined from puc, and this has been completed as well. the project started on may 16th and 2022, with a duration of 305 days and a contract duration contingenc