ambassador of canada to mexico, and he's already been acknowledged, but my good friend, ambassador gary dueranada's ambassador to the united states. now head of the non-partisan institution, i want the audience to know how impressed i am that prime minister harper chose gary, the former new democratic party premier of manatoba to be the ambassador to this country. such bipartisanship is to be applauded and rare in this country these days. he invited me to lunch at the canadian embassy is few months ago, and in addition to having the most gorgeous embassy in town, he demonstrated an ipad app that shows canada's contribution to the economy of each state and each u.s. congressional district, a great way to show our congress why this relationship matters to their constituents. with me at lunch that day was david beyet, the directer of the wilson center's remarkable canada institute. he worked hard to bring the prime minister here today and all pleased his efforts were successful. one housekeeping note -- after my conversation with the prime minister which should last about 30 minutes of the hour