clapmac with common sense and intelligence. we intelligence. it has ever been. so what has happened on immigration is it is all blending and now with migration, the migration is a catastrophe. you have hundreds of thousands, you, you have people who want to pour into all of these countries, you have to see what is happening in germany, there, there have been riots in germany. what the hell is he thinking? they're having tremendous crime where they had none. they have villages overrun, but listen, this could be the great trojan horse of all time. you look at the migration, study it, look at it, now they will start infiltrating with women and children. but if you look at that mike gratian and i am looking at and i'm the first one to pointed out, three weeks ago i'm sitting and same isn't it a it a shame. then i said to myself, wow, they are all men. there were no men, there are so few children, there are so few women. they are all men, they're tough looking cookies. i say what is going on here? then you look at what five or six people did in pari