some time ago, marshall mcluhan said that the medium is the message and that is more true today than ever. media have proliferated and they now permeate our society. we're surrounded by it constantly 24/7 and users increasingly are defining what the media are and what those media mean to the rest of us. and mark, why is it important for the media to really understand addiction, treatment, and behavioral health? i think as doug just said, it's 24/7, people rely on the media to get their information and, as the media reaching out, people are forming opinions, ideas, attitudes about what they think about addiction and mental illness based on what they're seeing on these tv shows or seeing on the internet or hearing on the radio. so if what they hear is accurate, they'll be forming accurate opinions and able to help themselves or help other people who are dealing with these issues. if they hear inaccurate information, it proliferates stigma, the discrimination, and all the unfortunate circumstances people with addictions or mental illness find themselves in as a result of miscommunicatio