ha made his first publ appearance with his younger brother raul, since haing over powero him fiv yearago. raul caso has led the country through sweeping changes. now the commust cuntry set for e ofhe biggest mov y from theirevolutionary past. >> if i de castro's surprise aappearance ce at the clong remony of theommust party pay and wasreeted by a prolonged standingvation. nyelegates could be seen cryi as took his pce besideis yoger brher, esidt raul castro. it'she fst time that the two cast brothers have been seen sid by se in publi sincfidel was taken ill fi years ago. hisppearance is seen as a sign of support for the econic changes which raul castro has pushedhrou the party congress. it could also b the 84-year-old iconic revolutiony lead's nal farewell to the litil stage. raulastro h spoken of the ed to bng through n younger aders but all the to sts remain inld hds. th theumbetwo spot going to the 8yearld vice present. there e the new faces on the inner cabinet. >> congress is n over a what cubs arell waiting to ar i jus what are the onom refms that the communist rty s proved. e wod o