depress leaking rates and not withstanding the discipline employee's interest in claim the blower erstadtuesday. -- blower status. i've also submitted bunch of requests for research i'm doing. not all returns are in but they suggest that leakers throughout the u.s. government are very rarely formally punished. the second point is that there are a lot of leaks of classified information. i doubt i need to provide much foundation for that point to this audience but a government report, called the willard report, called classifies information leaks. a routine daily occurrence in washington. so the claim there is they're daily. the wmd commissions, public report in 2005, referred to hundreds of serious press leaks of classified information over the past decade alone. the third point is that a piece of argument, is that most of these classified information leaks are potentially prosecutable. the willard report from 1982, in virtually all cases the unauthorized disclosure of classified information potentially violates one or more federal statutes. the act which is the main statute involved has