the ss m pa miss use the bus spaces for - we need taxi cops guys. >> memorable. >> i'm also + just not of the university. i'm here to discuss the inaction. this project hadn't been implemented is simply unconscionable. everyday thousands of people risk their lives for no reason other than the dysfunctional department here. here in san francisco we have coming up a transit first city meeting. we're second process and third apply kate motorist and fifth, if people like myself had time to come down here we could actively get those projects implemented. at the time i implored i to take the opportunity to start an action to - no more excuses. we need this project pledged. thousands of people are risking their lives everyday. >> anybody else? >> item 10. >> before we go mr. reiskin the point is about the left turn on holt can somebody look into that and next time come back. >> okay item 10 is consent calendar those items are considered to be routine and unless a member the public wishes to separate the items. one member of the public wants to separate one item. >> motion two approved. >> any