. >> sam: [ sighs ] >> silas: sam, sam. wait, hey, listen. what? the street? >> sam: what? >> silas: give me one second to explain. >> sam: what is there to explain? you and ava jerome were kissing. >> michael: dad, i-i -- what are you doing? >> sonny: listen to me. i got to do this, 'cause i would not forgive myself if i don't. >> michael: well, what, dad? you never hurt me. >> sonny: yes, i did! i knew you and kiki weren't related. i finally said it. >> michael: wait, i'm sorry. what do you mean you knew? before kiki and morgan got married? what do you -- >> sonny: i -- you know, i swear to god, i wanted to tell you. connie told me to tell you, and i didn't. so i let you believe a lie. >> michael: why -- why would you do that? >> sonny: because i promised morgan i would. >> michael: wait a minute, dad. you -- you promised morgan? >> sonny: yes, son. i did. and i'm sorry. >> michael: wait a second. wait, are you telling me that morgan knew kiki and i weren't related before the rest of us?! >> sonny: yeah. morgan knew. ,, ♪ [ female announcer ] wit