must mention that the bank is all by the board so burrill lost somebody outsiders she is in control she's the boardroom and she's the owner and she's sensibly presented to sit in the board seats or whoever would make a decision is actually her represent did it all and like a body like her so it's not something that some big banks or somebody came in give you a long and they don't know you you don't know the mystery of like there is a family kind of thing it's eight and a half million women's family so we worked it as a kind of a organization to be with them and for them. but here it would problems arise that was reported recently that grammy model in south india has in recent years been distorted by then sure capitalism profit makers will of families may face debt spiral forceful debt collections which in some occasions are let to suicide are you aware of this. yes one thing i want to correct it is not the grameen model if it is a grameen model it will not go into leasing i p o and so on so what we are not in that business we are not here to make money out or activity so they deviated fro