people who are housed and the rest on shelter and behavior health and emergency homeless services meals, intake out reach etc. and multiple studies on the connection of homelessness shows that it results in the frequent use of the systems that drive up the healthcare systems costs and as mentioned for the cooperation of supportive housing it costs $40,000 annually to keep them homeless. and in san francisco, which was mentioned it costs about $12,000 a year, for supportive housing, and as a side note, the master lease units which are only slightly less, and the money goes to private land lords, and people who are paying often, 85 percent of the income, and on the rent and leaving them to extremely des taout is just less than that, and for about 10,000 and also the same cost, we can put the people into non-profit housing, and affordable units that are run by non-profit housing providers that have kitchens, and bathrooms, and bedrooms, and it costs 1400 to keep a household in the rent control apartment, and it costs the city, 12,000 to fix up, one time cost to publicly funded or a public housing. and it costs