and the two stars of it were a woman called rosamund pinchot and a woman called lady diana cooper. and clare always said that she was offered the part that eventually went to diana cooper in that play. and the other part went to rosamund pinchot, whose husband, bill gaston, was a tremendous womanizer. and clare rented his house on--guess what?-- crotch island one summer, and he kept coming and going, and he wouldn't let her--he wouldn't let her have any peace. c-span: you said in that summer on crotch island, there were a lot of affairs, a lot of different men. >> guest: a lot of different men. c-span: how did you find all this out, by the way? >> guest: i found--well, she kept a diary of that summer. so it was all documented that first of all came william harlan hale, one of her young recruits on the magazine who was going to be one of those young promising writers of the early '30s who knew katherine anne porter and had written. c-span: and she was, like--what?--30 and he was, like, 22. >> guest: yes. clare in 1932 was 29, and he was about 22 years old. and he was the first arriv