charlie harper! it's great to see you, old buddy! darrin, if you don't stop poking around, you won't even make dessert. i'll be down in a minute. that's what you said 30 minutes ago. something tells me you're not too anxious to see your old buddy. not anxious to see charlie? don't be ridiculous. he only happens to be one of the greatest guys alive. he'd be perfect except for one minor thing. what's that? he's rich, bright, intelligent, charming, and witty, and he excels at everything. outside of that, he's a sweetheart. sounds horrible. i'll hate him. impossible -- nobody can hate charlie, not even me. don't think i haven't tried. well, i bet he didn't graduate cum laude the way you did. no, he didn't. there, you see? he did better. he graduated summa cum laude, and he was three years younger than me. oh, well... ah, hold it. you were elected student-body president, weren't you? only after charlie resigned so that he could devote more time darrin, you can't tell me that charlie was any more popular with the girls than you were. let's