. >> supervisor cohen: one more thing, shereen, madam clerk, can you call item three? >> clerk: yes. item three, resolution approving and affirming the 2018 dignity community funds needs assessment. >> supervisor cohen: all right. thank you. go ahead. >> okay. so that -- that item or that piece of it, and then, i need to also present to you the community needs assessment today for your approval and to hopefully move on it to the full board next week. >> supervisor cohen: all right. >> so this year, we've been business busy doing the dignity needs assessment. i gijust want to start by givi some evidence where we are. this plan are outline funding strategies for the next four years and be based on the needs assessment. that also includes all of the dollars that we have in the -- in the dignity fund bucket, which is approximately 54 million right now. the cycle will begin again in 2020 -- 2021 and '22 with another large scale community needs assessment. our goal with the dignity fund community needs assessment was to really have a very, very robust participatory process w