still was us is sandip bhagat. the u.s. -- the world bank has left u.s. growth unchanged and reduced everyone else's. how long can the u.s. stan touched from the slowdown we see elsewhere -- stay untouched from the slowdown we see elsewhere? sarah: it begs the question -- sandip: it begs the question, how soon until the weakness build over? we are largely a closed economy, heavily dependent on domestic consumption. what do we see on this front? a tight labor market. we added more than 300,000 jobs in december. wages are going up, and in the sweet spot, we are at 3.2% wage growth. this is below the levels that we see with inflation. are rising, inflation's are contained, and consumer spending in november was almost 5% annualized. much has been said about the manufacturing, purchasing managers index. to services pmi fell from 60 57, which keep in mind this composite pmi is still above 55. it is far from contracture. this tells us it confirms the anticipation of the slowdown. hardly anything to be concerned about. joe: you paint a goldilocks scenario for the