wth sb 277 and we need go after the bad doctors who arebasically making money by throwing the rest of usx our children under the busx putting our children at risk. es for so we shouldn't allow fig physicians to modify the licenses? >> what about the ones that want to have the right to say no? is it a small groupo is it still growing? >> it's a small number that's persistent. unfochinately when they cluster together, those schools are at risk. and tha become as tinder for a wildfire outbreak of disease er to protect the public and students at school, we need this bill. and in fact this bill is sponsed by the medical association, tia american pics. doctors know we need this bill to keep our patients safe. >> do you get a lot of response? people paying attention or posed to the bill or mandatory vaccinations? >> overall the number of parents opposed is small but they're very vocal. so at that hearing last week for about two/two and a halfours you had parents lined up lodging their opposition to the bill. >> were there parents on the other side also? >> there wir parents on the other side as