aragorn, academy award nominee, viggo mortensen. >> stephen, stop.these camera guys after me all over the world. >> so, you're not doing it? >> no, i can't do it. i already told you, and if you keep harrassing me i'm going to have to sic my lawyers on you. >> okay... then, reprising his role as frodo, elijah wood! >> yeah, (bleep) it, i'm in. ( cheers and applause ) >> a film 20 years in the making. >> concentrate, young padawan. use the force. >> stephen: come on, man, that is "star wars!" ♪ ♪ this shot looks? >> stephen colbert presents peter jackson's "the lord of the rings" series, "the hobbit: the desolation of smaug's" "the laketown spy" is darrylgorn, in "darrylgorn rising: the rise of darrylgorn." the prequel to part one-- chapter one. >> stephen: am i invisible? because i can see me. should i be able to see me if i'm invisible? and there's nobody here. oh, here comes the evil! ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) ♪ eers andpplause ) >> sen: thank you to per natural beauty of new zealand and have the adventure of a lifetime! we'll be right back with s