. >> plus schoces get guidon how to reopen in the fall and will students and parents feel safe? >> i'm prea david clemons welcome. in the midst of a health care we as a nation are reckoning with the choices of our past and the racist systems of our present. we condition the presence of racism and not as individual on acts of discriminabut as social force. one that has brought us to this particular point in history. joining me now by skype is stanford establishment professor of psychology steve roberts professor berts thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> profeor inroberts myself uded would say we are not racist but you say the common use of the term racism oois narrow. how do you and other academics define racism. sm we define ras a system of advantage based on race. weommonly think of racism as mistreating or disliking others because of the color of their skin but we define racism as a system and hierarchy and pandemic that we are embedded . >> you authored a paper with a white colleague that you ntribute to racism. that we won't get into them but can you list them for us