woman: hgot a stk and ordered it--get this-- bluei didn't even know you could do that. did i mention that he was a gentleman? like, when the check came, he got the bill because he said, i don't make as muchoney him. woman: then after dinner, we went back to his place and watched "clockwork orange." not really my taste, but i think he w just trng to broen my horizons. you feel woman:nd he's ways talkinabout s mom. such a ma's boy. man: so at do u think? woman:hh. you' right. orange iyucky. a isn'tt so weird that he's never been in a long-term relationship befe? woman: and i don't know what it is about him, but i've never met anyone who makes an unmarked white van lo so good [cell phone chimes] eee! it's jeff. he says not to bring my phone. aw. he just wants to spend time with me secludednd alone, without distractns. how sweet. oh. and he wants me to bring a blanket, a trash bag, and duct tape. ooh, maybe we're going on a picnic. ok. so keys? cck. wallet? check. phone. won't need that. gorge, as always? double check. all ght. s you lat, or maybe n if you know what mean? b