influence, just like terrorists, yes, if you look at the genesis of this phenomenon, terrorism is still walterbinit the beginning of xx century, he very correctly observed that terrorist attacks at that time increased in number at the moment when the printed press spread, why does this happen because a terrorist is not someone who he wants to kill a large number of people, he wants to know about this murder, about this aggression, or about his ability to carry out this aggression . as many people as possible, for what reason ? in aspires to what many people were afraid of. that's how the crime-monger later also defined the phenomenon of the nature of terrorism in general. a terrorist is always someone who aspires to smoke, master the imagination, yes, our fears , yes. these series of terrorist attacks in the 15th year, i remember 16, well, in any, in principle, in different decades, there were terrorist attacks in this one, we remember how huge the media attention is to this and how much people are afraid of terrorist attacks. although if you look objectively, the chances to die in a banal road ac