prelogar: so let me respond thome practical concerns about trying to transplant ada case law to thisike to take a shot at describing why i think tt would be legally flawed here. just on the practical point, it's not possleo pick up and uproot the ada case law and transplant it in full to this new context, and the reason for that is because there are signals in the ada itself that congressadn mind very different potential types of accommatns, things like vi to modify your existing facilities and undergo costl novations to make them accessible to those with disabilities or hire an entire ditional employee to function as a sign language interet. and i don't think it would be reasonable, given th differences in the statutory structure, to say, well, that's not available in title vii, but we're sti gng to say that the ada case law carries its full meaning. instead, what you'd have to do is start over, and you could use significt fficulty and expense, but at that point, you recogne at there's daylight between the statutes and it's a content-less standard. you're still going to haveo engage