union area at 219 oshg fairel. a restaurant that has location in thes city and seek this forlet night foodservice for union square location does not include entertainment. the business is seek ability to serve food and nonchicagoic drinks conducted out reach letting neighbors know they applied and no opposition. you will see in the staff recommendation central station recommending that i have security guard on site with a guard card during the late night from 2-4 a.m. the business is look to security options and considering hiring outside security company or their own employees serve as the security person work the door 2-4 a.m. here to speak are restaurant managers mike and sue. >> hello. good evening. >> commissioners. thank you for having us. i'm mike and just --. sorry. >> i'm mike and this isue. our general manager. we are applying for the hours to serve food. and nonalcoholic beverages. until 4 a.m. on -- it will be friday mornings, saturday morning and sunday morning. it is thursday night, going to friday. f