blood vessels, if the blood vessels are bad, then that's it, here they are. cholesterol, cholesterol, antosherol, here it is, number one, flaxseed oil, almost 50 daily norms of omega-3 fatty acids in 100 g, that is, 2 g per day is enough, the rate is economical, that is , here 7, here 2 g, imagine, you won't get full, no, i'm just saying that it's so easy, i bought this bottle, it... it's not some crazy spending, you have to, listen, i saw it in stores, but it always went less, that some kind of exotic, by the way, here, do about it, imagine, russia was the first manufacturer in the world for flaxseed oil, we exported it, in general we made fabrics from venus, that is, it was like a plant that was completely processed, oil is a unique product, now it is an exotic product that is sold in such bottles, because such agricultural production has been lost, then we switched to sunflower, because it is sown, it is cheaper and so on, although we were ahead of the rest of the world, antosha, amazingly, my oil, and another product, the most you, tea and coffee, and coffee, is it good or bad, ok, by th