but man, things splintered so much with napster.e so many different genres and subgenres. this really had to be a beast for you to get your arms around. >> well. >> it was a lot to it's an. >> amazing. >> incredible kind of period. >> for music. >> the last 25 years. there's been so many changes, so many. >> genres, so many. >> different kind of. artists who've, you know, come to the fore. but i mean, one of the interesting things about music is, is kind of what you just alluded to, which is that when we went in 2000, people were still buying cds. they were paying $18 for cds. they were still listening to the radio to learn about music or watching, you know, a video channel that's that's completely gone. and for a while at the beginning of the century, in the early hours, it seemed like people were talking about the death of the album, that downloading was going to be a single track kind of thing. you're going to get songs on itunes or another illegal service or something, and that changed a lot with streaming, and the album really