sir iain duncan smith, a former leader of the tory "by autocratic, abusive laws coming from china." decidegn in 2024, you said, "in the hope that the presence of overseas common lawjudges .."and the complacence of the local judiciary." you got it all wrong, didn't you? in the end, you made a serious misjudgment. no, i don't believe that's right. i decided... that the judiciary was capable of maintaining reasonable were capable of standing up to china. in which the 47 democracy activists, of whom 14 by the constitution of hong kong, and then you, when you saw all this happening, let's just end with a thought about international law. in the international criminal court, the international court to respect the rule of law, universal human rights, do you think, as you look at the world today, that that hope is dead in the water as well? no, i don't. of the international criminal court or the international court ofjustice. i do have a problem about the human rights convention, with the domestic law of signatory states. sorry, do you mean the european convention on human rights? which is a very p