u and u. k. calling themselves the coalition of the willing, echoing the iraq war invasion which killed wounded or displaced tens of millions of people in this region where i'm speaking to you from. well yeah, sundays. or was almost like paying homage to bush and blair, under healey. go more, which saw one, making the rockies, and kills and slow sort of destruction of the country. it's sort of tells you where these people are going and we also hear them repeating the nation. yahoo slogan, teach true strength on them. you know, this is, this is the direction that these people are clearly going. i mean, the truth is, they've been on a military bench for a long number of years now. and uh, they seem to be coming down dollars. it's interesting that the figures that they're talking about is about 800000000000 on defense. they can even come as and said that you're a cost to get used to trimming it's welfare project because they obviously haven't got the money for paying for all of this. if we want to become a warfare stage, and of course nobody asked the people of your a bank that quite clearly people would much prefer to see that money spent on things that would actually make them say, like, they're run forward or has no food on the table to deal with the devastating cost of living crisis with these people costs in the 1st place with their ridiculous response to uninstalled students and nasal as incursion on on motion, as far as are on tragic using ukraine in das a. i mean it is disaster. all around and they're actually doing the absolute opposite of what they should be doing and the consequences for your but this keeps going will be devastating. in my opinion. it already has been thoughts rather than seizing on an opportunity for peace on the con to them to view or they seem to be desperately doing everything they can to make sure that there's some sort of a war going or even guessing worse. i mean, sounding, i'll make it out myself. i mean, i knew that these were the most incompetent going of leaders ever at the home, or if you're a, but they're large, the info here and as well because while they're waiting to get back to us at the same time they are quinn for. and donald trump space and say no, no, no, no, we want to work with you, we would do, we will, we will increase our military expand. we're bringing up to 5 percent. we will go there. it's, it's disastrous for your and yet no votes. as you says in the european parliament itself, none in the national government, all limits of europe in union, none in, in britain just, you know, you spent years in the european parliament just pains as a picture of how they come to be. so out of touch. i mean, are these people ignorant of the, why the proxy war in russia started, or are they benefiting from this in some way? why? why would they endanger their populations in this way? your institutions helping completely capture by the military industrial complex. and this is a process going on over many years, spot started. it's an economic union became much more involved in issues like foreign affairs and so on through the lisbon tracy, which was projected in orleans were the only country that actually has a photos of its people. if we want to change your opinion, tracy sat and we voted against dr. easy and were made to go back, unfold for us and with in the us was the embryo again, like of the beginnings of your, your a, as an entity, separate from it's 27 member. say it's getting involved in foreign affairs and getting involved in defense voucher as they go to high representatives, which was joseph burrell, who, when we were in the parliament, torres was pretty dreadful. but he's being replaced by ty, a callous which brings crazy dreadful onto a completely new scale of catastrophic war hawk am and kind of a high account. as to who said, it's not that bad. if i, russia is broken up the entire russian federation by this war through brain of some kind of standing like golding russia on its borders on then blaming real short for any potential response. i mean it's, it's crazy stuff. whereas amazing into your being parliament, a square jeffrey sachs, said this is not even baby geo politics. he said, this is not thinking of all. and i think he's right. they are not painting at all. they've been completed. about 10 years ago, europe decided to look at its decides how would they make themselves safer? and to come up with the answer they invited what they called bizarrely, a group of personalities. and they weren't movie star as they were actually in the majority. they were representative, so if you are peons defense industry and they came up with a solution which was do you know how to make yourselves safe? now the best way to do that is by spending a lot more money on militarize ation. on from da surprised surprise, that's what they gauge. and the very same companies who advise them, who says we're, we're not, we're your partners, we're, we're not industry where your partner's, they were the beneficiaries of those contracts. and that's where you saw the 1st european defense fund, and this is all before the warm ukraine, or for the 1st time that we're giving a big in your office in a direct your being defense phones. they had to misnamed your being. he's facilitate specifically allowing expenditure on arms and of course wants to warn your credit and starts with baseless turbocharged. so an original purchase off the books of a bad 6000000000. suddenly became 17 barian wits, 2 thirds of the going on military expenditure in ukraine to fuel the war and keep it going on. it's been prom from after program. i know we have figured, suppose 800000000000 been spoken about. but the interest in paying about bosses and stuff, and mackenzie's reports on european defense last year pen palling to the thought was the direction that europe was going to go on anyway. so there's somebody behind the scenes or organizations behind the scenes pulling the strings on since the announcements. we've seen, chairs in b and b and r i o in. tell us all the things you are being defense companies, sky, your office, i mean and sadly, also uh, chairs um on the shelf exchange bar l. but systems because one of the biggest beneficiaries of your team defense of course is the genocide of stage of it. so i'm, yeah, you're a claims that is doing this because they're worried about, it's all, russia hasn't aged a software in country we've done for democracy, but they've enables the destruction of guys to the invasion of lebanon. they don't care about syria, so you know, they don't care about these things and they certainly don't care the people of you credit and, but it literally came from the top sure of europe by the military industrial co. okay. i want to return. i want to return to the genocide in a moment. but then are you saying it's banality? that storm of macro sholtes so much kaya kyle is these people will get jobs as consultants for the military companies? or is it that they can complete the confident they they live in a volvo, new york in union is an absolute although there's some around it by a compliant media who tells them that they're doing the right thing. and it's not an effect them in the financial times, but in order to go with saying that to, you know, for which democratic society, so like your to achieve reforms that you want to achieve. and only ease is notion of you have to create fear on may. the now is the right moment, and that's actually what they're doing and people across europe are very afraid. i mean, i've had groups in belgian sort of parent groups off of school children sort of sending around messages and there are lots of groups saying, you know, guys, i think we need to stock up on survive or supplies here. the finish government are telling people to get solar powered radios and to get vent of of, of, or breaking out. where is the effort to stop the war for diplomacy? that's what the united nations and international relations were supposed to be. the peaceful resolution of conflict instead and the warm ukraine there to absolute everything to keep it going and hard. trump may have been very ignorant and his behavior too. so landscape in the white house, the actual comp time to 40 the same was correct at this could have been over in 2 weeks. now. what's the last he should have said to him was, well, that actually would it be over in 4 weeks. but the us and britain came in and told us to keep fighting. have for peter to say that on the bus, the terms of up and now they want the war to keep going regardless of the devastating consequences. but i take many citizens around your c das, but it's almost like they're powerless to do anything of basic because the organizations and the priorities of the last or whatever, who used to speak ups on these issues, hoping causal in the road. take us ching away some that could end up being incredibly dangerous for your up and of course us is too long since it's hobbled to potential rival and yeah, and it's, it's not stuff. so i don't even, i think their brain tags. i think they are completely in a bubble at their media, tells them what they've onto here on their industrial obvious are leading them on, particularly in the defense sector. whether it's the people of your who are going to lose sight of those are about the daily i'll stop use a little from the irish politician, important member of the european parliament. after this break, the, the russian states never saw one of the most sense community best. most all sense of the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say, even closer to the welcome back to going underground? i'm still here with the irish politician. i was a, there's a member to europe and parliament that daily play. you mentioned at the end of 51 that the trump might have been behaving ignorantly in the oval office. i think i'll gladly was told the truth by to see gilbert lieutenant colonel, his new director of national intelligence. i mean, uh, do you think uh, do you think now your opinions understand that uh, the, the usa will leave nature are, i mean, not to say for, i don't know what they understand. i think they understand nothing. it's all most or they're kind of dodging for a war with russia. it's beyond the lead from religion besides a nuclear power on the same continent. it's just also really bizarre. i honestly, i've been witness them over the past 5 years. incorporating an integration european defense more and more as being synonymous with nasal, they're kind of broader, less now which one but the helm, they don't really know what to do. and you could almost see a situation where the us, china and russia are sort of getting along. ok, well maybe not joined on the us board. you know, you are being told to be excluded and rolling down the wrong mode, looking for a solution. and there are also a bang go bankrupt, and we saw that as, of course, you know, in, in other issues and garza and older mattress as well as even on their own home turf . it's the same. you join attention to the use of shannon airport in island before for us foreign policy. i don't know whether it made you feel happy or, or the what you felt that the there. now the united states is telling britain, britain, which hosts thousands of us troops, all those us bases, all those weapons, just setting them do not share any intelligence with zalinski and ukraine. it's, it's so public, as it was, that britain just has to obey what the united states does, but these are all, so they really are occupying groups and you are a totally, i mean, a it, this is the info here and something your opinion, leadership on the one hand their pricing talk and they're talking about minutes rising more and they're going to stand by ukraine and all this. but at the same time, they are almost waiting for him out the face of trump also. and it supports tactic . what they should do is go and talk to russia themselves, develop an independence, european foreign policy, the benefits the people of europe in said they've been subservient to us interests for so long now. it's almost that they can't break games versus even one of the us is in their face, making it obvious that they are subservient. it's it. i think these are astounding times and they are so i was of torch is it is terrifying that these idiots are, was, constitutes the leadership of europe. and in the european parliament, you'd have met lots of european members of the european parliament from very different electorates as they prepare to massively cut social welfare programs in britain and island pads, pensions welfare, housing, all these different programs for this war on russia. just to give us a, give us a picture of the scale of inequality in the european union. i mean 195000000 is the figure from the european commission of 95000000 people tonight are frightened of not being able to read. yeah, there is a housing crisis right across europe. now, here in ireland, very people in relatively god's employments can't afford to either rent or buy a house. there is a public services crisis really everywhere in europe, not to mention the climate catastrophe and our responsibilities in that regard. and instead, what we've seen is billions being taken as a purchase, which were designed to deal with the crime records has been used on defense. so it's a total for me, not only are we taking money away from work that could be done to deal with the environmental problems, they're going to defense, their carbon footprint of which is never a task calculated anywhere. so there's huge chrysler must have cost of living prices all across europe and for ordinary citizens to hear that they can find a 100000000000 on weapons of destruction, to kill people, and to have their own children be killed in the process. it's off the richter scale, and yet the media in your bleeds and repeat stop. i see if there is no and alternative. is that why the media is so important? the propaganda campaign? i mean, so if you know the news channel of choice of donald trump, fox news is banned from broad cost effective in, say, britain, o t is obviously banned across europe. see dtn ben from broadcast across the say, britain, is that why the propaganda is so important? because there's 800000000 figure you mentioned to us live on the land in the context of this kind of level of poverty. you'd expect social unrest and civil disobedience, but there isn't any a. yeah, i think the easier i think mode to max one saturday said, you know, the media is the most powerful organization in the world that can make you believe that the innocent or guilty of the guilty innocence. and that's really what it is. it's a cost and diet, so brush of phobia of war mongering of making people feel insecure and on stay on safe. it doesn't have any basis thing. rationality when you're exposed to the morning noon, a nice, it has some effect and there's a radar and the here that they claim to be the democracies, the rich democracies. but there was an increasing authoritarian as of now across europe in terms of silence and dissenting views. that was very much to the for in the war and ukraine where we know the truth is all of us, the 1st casualty of war. but at least in the war and you interact, we know they lied on the weapons of mass destruction and all of that. but at least you cause already went on to more positions and half dr. basics in the warranty, ukraine. you could not argue an anti war position. you were immediately labeled as a booth and publish a kremlin stooge of useful ages, or whatever and off was how to a certain effect. because i mean, how are we in a situation where donald trump's proposal for peace and ukraine has provoked this mass of roger thing up of militarize ation. it doesn't make any sense. i mean, the things, you know, they said that excellent, everybody knew that you plan was never going to join day. so that was never going to happen. he said when everybody knew, i know, suspect ukraine comes when the war it's smoke, but they haven't falls a road to the yard or they're useless or anything like that. just look at a map. ukraine is a fraction the size of brochure, which is a joint. you know, nuclear power on their boards are in the psalms, it just doesn't make sense. and i think stop the war in britain is actually for the war or russia, such as being the circle left in european countries. and we have moved much, but on the sense of shipping propaganda, i understand its getting pretty bad in your as regards the continuing genocide in gaza all be at the trump stopped. we, aerial bombardment of gaza. trump is talking to hum us, we understand. and uh, how bad is it as regards uh, what's happening in palestine because of the europe in union. that is being sending the arms. you mentioned l bit systems to carry out the genocide of our times. the union has been slowly complacence in the genocides since the day of the star or so the underlying green lodge of the is rarely activities gave them a dime check. and the cool minutes of your a and many of them have provided the state couldn't call for a series far they couldn't break the u. x ray a sophie ation agreements. uh, absolutely. unbelievable. when we take back the patch here in the reagan soft arms to israel in earlier days with far less, i mean terrible doors on living and on all of the nothing on the scale of fault we've seen in guy so. so yeah, it's, it's, i find it very hard to, to deal with because these people talk about human rights everywhere. but they didn't charge that the devastation in dallas a continues. they couldn't care less things anybody over there and they take no credibility whatsoever. and now we see the on credible solidarity all across your in support of palestine and gosh, i've been suppressed by many your team members say to seem to mention the softer war coalition in britain, how being hauled in over initiative. so they organize. we've seen people in germany, meetings been broken off to police, attending meetings in germany, the wearing of a california and stuff like that could launch it in very big trouble in the states . so freedom