Mar 2, 2025
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una mujer que le dispaÓ mortalmente a su esposo, un enfermo terminal en un hospital en daytona beach,Ía hecho un pacto de“asesinato- suicidi” con su esposo de 77 aÑos, pero la jueza consideÓ que el tiroteo tuvo impacto en enfermeras del hospital, donde "gilland" se atrinchero durante horas tras dispararle a su esposo. grave accidente vial en bolivia deja muertos y heridos... pequeÑo pueblo en colombia esÁ en crisis ecoÓmica por falta de migrantes de tÁnsito hacia estados unidos... ♪ todo empieza aquí. uniendo al mundo con pasión, compromiso y amor. hacemos que lo imposible sea posible. celebrando cada triunfo, como el fin de una quimioterapia. salvando la vida de un niño. gracias a ti, st. jude children's research hospital hace que lo imposible sea posible para niños en todo el mundo. tú lo haces posible con st. jude. conviértete en un ángel de esperanza. entre dos autobuses de pasajeros deÓ al menos 37 muertos y una treintena de heridos, en medio de un largo feriado de carnavales qu eacaba de comenzar... uno de los conductores invadÓ el carril contrario y colisioÓ de frente con otro
una mujer que le dispaÓ mortalmente a su esposo, un enfermo terminal en un hospital en daytona beach,Ía hecho un pacto de“asesinato- suicidi” con su esposo de 77 aÑos, pero la jueza consideÓ que el tiroteo tuvo impacto en enfermeras del hospital, donde "gilland" se atrinchero durante horas tras dispararle a su esposo. grave accidente vial en bolivia deja muertos y heridos... pequeÑo pueblo en colombia esÁ en crisis ecoÓmica por falta de migrantes de tÁnsito hacia estados...
Mar 1, 2025
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un papa latinoamericano, un papa que se que se presenta como un fanático del fútbol.líderes políticos. una iglesia en salida dijo y ha dicho siempre. exactamente. seguiremos pendientes de esta situación. y bueno, avanzamos, pues las temperaturas cálidas han provocado que el reciente aumento de nieve en la sierra se derrita césar y rápidamente. y por eso los científicos realizaron su tercera encuesta de de nieve del año, midiendo la profundidad y también el contenido de agua de la capa de nieve en la sierra. crucial, dicen, es para el suministro del vital líquido, pues hoy la medición registró 34 pulgadas de nieve y 13.5 pulgadas de contenido de agua. así es. y aunque california tiene más de 1200 embalses. la nieve de la sierra es clave para reabastecer los ríos y embalses durante la primavera y el verano. qué tal? así que. pues si es que estos últimos días hizo demasiado calor, entonces rápidamente esa nieve se derritió y fue a los embalses, a los ríos, y de pronto esa nieve, esa agua que corre, se pierde. sí, o sea, el calentamiento global, los cambios. estamos viend
un papa latinoamericano, un papa que se que se presenta como un fanático del fútbol.líderes políticos. una iglesia en salida dijo y ha dicho siempre. exactamente. seguiremos pendientes de esta situación. y bueno, avanzamos, pues las temperaturas cálidas han provocado que el reciente aumento de nieve en la sierra se derrita césar y rápidamente. y por eso los científicos realizaron su tercera encuesta de de nieve del año, midiendo la profundidad y también el contenido de agua de la...
Mar 2, 2025
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es un delito grave.los que estÁn en el paÍs con sus papeles en proceso, deben estar pendiente de todo lo que se les pide. lo mismo aplica para aquellos que tengan procesos como la green card. >> aquellas personas que tengan un parole o un ajuste de estatus, tenga en su cartera o en su carro documentos que le acrediten que estÁn en estos procesos. reportero: los expertos recomiendan estar al tanto de las leyes y los procedimientos para cada caso, y sobre todo, consultar con un abogado de migraciÓn. fÉlix: gracias. el gobernador de iowa elimina una ley todas las protecciones relativas a la identidad de gÉnero. de acuerdo a los que se oponen con esta ley, dejarÍa a las personas trans vulnerables. la policÍa de nueva york sufre una crisis de reclutamiento. veamos lo que hacen las autoridades para aliviar esta situaciÓn. reportera: mÁs reclutas como estos esta buscando la policÍa de nueva york tras un Éxodo de agentes. hay una crisis de contrataciÓn. reducirÁn el nÚmero de crÉditos universitarios para entrar
es un delito grave.los que estÁn en el paÍs con sus papeles en proceso, deben estar pendiente de todo lo que se les pide. lo mismo aplica para aquellos que tengan procesos como la green card. >> aquellas personas que tengan un parole o un ajuste de estatus, tenga en su cartera o en su carro documentos que le acrediten que estÁn en estos procesos. reportero: los expertos recomiendan estar al tanto de las leyes y los procedimientos para cada caso, y sobre todo, consultar con un abogado...
Mar 2, 2025
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un bebe sobrevive un incendi
un bebe sobrevive un incendi
Mar 1, 2025
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un policÍa dispara a una mujer con un hacha y un hombre amenaza con un machete a compradores en un centro combate el olor con un solo lavado. garantizado*. (mom) ¡ya llegué! fui a verizon y cambié nuestros downy rinse & refresh, combate el olor con un solo lavado. teléfonos viejos por 4 nuevos! así que ahora, se acabaron las excusas. se acabaron tus... "¡perdón amor, me quedé sin batería” cada vez que te pido algo. (dad) ¿gracias? (mom) no más “¿me llamaste? es que el sonido de mi teléfono ya no funciona.” basta de, “tengo la pantalla rota por eso no vi tu mensaje.” (vo) llévate hasta 4 teléfonos nuevos, gratis, ahora en cualquier plan. (mom) mi amor, después te llamo. estoy super ocupada. ¿por qué les encanta honey bunches of oats? me gustan mucho por las frutas y las almendras. los bonches de avena son nutritivos. porque nos da sabor y enera para todo el día. son crocantes, crujientes y con miel... ¡deliciosos! ¡honey bunches of oats es para todos! ♪♪ venta de chocolates. ♪♪ las cosas son más fáciles con la chase mobile app. ♪♪ deposita cheques fácilmente y envía dinero rápidamente. ♪♪
un policÍa dispara a una mujer con un hacha y un hombre amenaza con un machete a compradores en un centro combate el olor con un solo lavado. garantizado*. (mom) ¡ya llegué! fui a verizon y cambié nuestros downy rinse & refresh, combate el olor con un solo lavado. teléfonos viejos por 4 nuevos! así que ahora, se acabaron las excusas. se acabaron tus... "¡perdón amor, me quedé sin batería” cada vez que te pido algo. (dad) ¿gracias? (mom) no más “¿me llamaste? es que el...
Mar 1, 2025
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tener un pronÓstico de los mÉdicos.de gene hackman. los investigadores continÚan atentos a las causas de su muerte. venimos. >> a mÁs de un mes de ser electo. el presidente donald trump darÁ un discurso ante el congreso. quÉ tendrÁ que decir sobre la economÍa y los altos precios, la inmigraciÓn y el gran nÚmero de deportaciones? la polÍtica internacional. una cobertura especial de noticias telemundo en vivo junto a julio vaqueiro y todo el anÁlisis. mensaje a la naciÓn este martes ocho 50 cinco 50 ♪ are you having any fun? ♪ ♪ what you getting out of living? ♪ ♪ who cares for what you've got ♪ ♪ if you're not having any fun? ♪ ♪ are you having any laughs? ♪ ♪ are you getting any loving? ♪ ♪ if other people do, why can't you? ♪ ♪ have a little fun ♪ ♪ and have ♪ ♪ have a little fun ♪ ¡subway tiene cualquier footlong por solo $6.99 hasta el 13 de marzo! rebanadas de tu carne favorita, vegetales frescos, pan recién horneado. ordena cualquier footlong ahora por solo $6.99 usando el código 6-9-9-f-l en el app de subway. tu g
tener un pronÓstico de los mÉdicos.de gene hackman. los investigadores continÚan atentos a las causas de su muerte. venimos. >> a mÁs de un mes de ser electo. el presidente donald trump darÁ un discurso ante el congreso. quÉ tendrÁ que decir sobre la economÍa y los altos precios, la inmigraciÓn y el gran nÚmero de deportaciones? la polÍtica internacional. una cobertura especial de noticias telemundo en vivo junto a julio vaqueiro y todo el anÁlisis. mensaje a la naciÓn este...
Mar 1, 2025
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y la rueda por un dÍa, asÍ catalogan a un conductor de un autobÚs escolar que resonÓ autobÚs escolarqué bueno! porque casi nada está garantizado. como que tus suegros se queden solo “unos días”. que te digan... prometo que no me voy a enojar... ¡...mi amor! ¡uy...! a como las citas sin que se te pegue el hermanito... ¡no está garantizado! ¿sabes lo que at&t garantiza? conectividad con la que puedes contar. las ofertas que quieres y el servicio que mereces a o haremos lo correcto. a esa es la garantía at&t. ♪ pero elian: nos despedimos con estas imanes de un autobÚs escolarque se incendio en una calle de cleveland en ohio, 15 niÑos en su interior y van a bordo, por fortuna el chofer rescato a los estudiantes ilesos. por su valentÍa, la comunidad lo confiera el ero del dÍa. —— el hÉroe del dÍa. gracias por acompaÑarnos. que tengan un buen fin de semana. ♪ ♪ >> ¿cÓmo estÁn? buenas noches. vÍctima de la delincuencia nico fonseca. afortunadamente no pasÓ a mayores. mafer:
y la rueda por un dÍa, asÍ catalogan a un conductor de un autobÚs escolar que resonÓ autobÚs escolarqué bueno! porque casi nada está garantizado. como que tus suegros se queden solo “unos días”. que te digan... prometo que no me voy a enojar... ¡...mi amor! ¡uy...! a como las citas sin que se te pegue el hermanito... ¡no está garantizado! ¿sabes lo que at&t garantiza? conectividad con la que puedes contar. las ofertas que quieres y el servicio que mereces a o haremos lo...
Mar 1, 2025
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un ex maestro de primaria de dos escuelas fue encontrado culpable de abusar un ex maestro de primariade dos escuelas fue encontrado culpable de abusar sexualmente del —4 niÑas hispanas cuando estaba en primer y segundo grado. hablÉ con el abogado quien se refiriÓ estos casos y me dijo que estÁ preocupado porque temen que haya mÁs vÍctimas a quien calificÓ como un globo con que el maestro. >> fue encontrado culpable de abuso sexual en contra de niÑas latinas y estaban en primer y segundo grado de primaria. >> jeremy como maestro en el distrito escolar allen y el cristal fue encontrado culpable de abusar sexualmente de cuatro niÑas, enfrenta 17 cargos de abuso relacionados dice que es posible que haya mÁs vÍctimas hispanas. yo creo que como muchas de las unidades de ese distrito escolar tienen miembros indocumentados, miedos de meterse un problema y hacer una denuncia. los abusos comenzaron desde el aÑo 2017 y continuaron durante varios aÑos mÁs. >> el seÑor era considerado y le daba premios a los estudiantes, le prestaba atenciÓn especial y tener juego a que ponÍa a las estudiantes en
un ex maestro de primaria de dos escuelas fue encontrado culpable de abusar un ex maestro de primariade dos escuelas fue encontrado culpable de abusar sexualmente del —4 niÑas hispanas cuando estaba en primer y segundo grado. hablÉ con el abogado quien se refiriÓ estos casos y me dijo que estÁ preocupado porque temen que haya mÁs vÍctimas a quien calificÓ como un globo con que el maestro. >> fue encontrado culpable de abuso sexual en contra de niÑas latinas y estaban en primer y...
Mar 2, 2025
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es un animal bastante grande, bastante alto, un al menos un metro y medio de altura.e sus palabras esta tarde. qué es lo justo? está bien que la hayan arrestado, porque esa esa era la finalidad. no pudo causar la muerte de una persona. por, por. por sentirse bien, por reírse o por. no sé, no sé. no entiendo por qué pudo haber hecho eso. no entiendo que le pasó en su mente para hacer eso. no entiendo. ahora la policía también le dijo que ya salió bajo fianza. nosotros en el noticiero de las 11 le vamos a estar ampliando más detalles sobre esta historia, incluidos los comentarios de los administradores del rancho sobre esta situación. desde san francisco. yo soy pilar niño. regreso con ustedes al estudio. oye, pilar. sí. y también saber cómo se encuentra el niño, porque es un niño pequeño. y esa caída de un caballo. cualquier persona puede salir con un golpe de consideración. pilar, muchas gracias. nos vemos hoy a las 11. y nosotros hacemos nuestra primera pausa, pero en breve las autoridades en sacramento confiscan mercancía de un vendedor ambulante. la comunidad hispa
es un animal bastante grande, bastante alto, un al menos un metro y medio de altura.e sus palabras esta tarde. qué es lo justo? está bien que la hayan arrestado, porque esa esa era la finalidad. no pudo causar la muerte de una persona. por, por. por sentirse bien, por reírse o por. no sé, no sé. no entiendo por qué pudo haber hecho eso. no entiendo que le pasó en su mente para hacer eso. no entiendo. ahora la policía también le dijo que ya salió bajo fianza. nosotros en el noticiero...
Mar 2, 2025
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solo 63 centavos al día pueden cambiar la vida de un niño para siempre. un niño como dominic.mor al rescate hoy? cuando llames, y dólares $19 al mes, solamente 63 centavos al día, te enviaremos esta cobija como un recuerdo de la ayuda que brindas a los niños todos los días. no solamente estarás brindándoles la atención necesaria a niños, sino también les estarás dando esperanza, alegría, fuerza, independencia. tu donación, sin importar qué tan pequeña sea, puede ayudar a un niño como yo, como jaretzy como a aileen. gracias. gracias, gracias. gracias por donar. por favor, llama o visítanos en línea ahora. si los operadores están ocupados, por favor llame de nuevo o visita amorshriners.org hoy. tu llamada es importante. [mÚsica de suspenso] monchito, necesito saber cuántas cajas hay. [mÚsica de terror] ah. Ándale, ja. monchito, monchito, no, no, no no, no, angélica, no, ahorita no. no cantes ahorita. espérate, espérate, espérate. ¡moncho! ¡no! ¿qué pasó? ¿qué pasó? ¿qué pasó? ¡vamos, ay, ay! muy bonito, ¿verdad? con que durmiendo en lugar de trabajar, ¿para eso le pago? no, patr
solo 63 centavos al día pueden cambiar la vida de un niño para siempre. un niño como dominic.mor al rescate hoy? cuando llames, y dólares $19 al mes, solamente 63 centavos al día, te enviaremos esta cobija como un recuerdo de la ayuda que brindas a los niños todos los días. no solamente estarás brindándoles la atención necesaria a niños, sino también les estarás dando esperanza, alegría, fuerza, independencia. tu donación, sin importar qué tan pequeña sea, puede ayudar a un...
Mar 1, 2025
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y la rueda por un dÍa, asÍ catalogan a un conductor de un autobÚs escolar que resonÓ rÁpidamente cuandos. dona ahora mismo. ♪ pero elian: nos despedimos con estas imanes de un autobÚs escolarque se incendio en una calle de cleveland en ohio, 15 niÑos en su interior y van a bordo, por fortuna el chofer rescato a los estudiantes ilesos. por su valentÍa, la comunidad lo confiera el ero del dÍa. —— el estás pasando por momentos difíciles.
y la rueda por un dÍa, asÍ catalogan a un conductor de un autobÚs escolar que resonÓ rÁpidamente cuandos. dona ahora mismo. ♪ pero elian: nos despedimos con estas imanes de un autobÚs escolarque se incendio en una calle de cleveland en ohio, 15 niÑos en su interior y van a bordo, por fortuna el chofer rescato a los estudiantes ilesos. por su valentÍa, la comunidad lo confiera el ero del dÍa. —— el estás pasando por momentos difíciles.
Mar 1, 2025
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causaría un retraso en un sistema ya saturado de cuanto se espera.
causaría un retraso en un sistema ya saturado de cuanto se espera.
Mar 1, 2025
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es un acto de resistencia. que regulará la venta ambulante en el condado sacramento. la ordenanza introduce pautas operativas y también permisos específicos. los vendedores, además, deberán cumplir con las regulaciones federales ada. los códigos de salud locales y una licencia de venta ambulante de un año que va a costar 61 $. el objetivo será mejorar la salud pública y la seguridad y el cumplimiento, han dicho las autoridades. y como kevin orellana fue identificado, el joven que murió mientras conducía un coche marca tesla al norte de la ruta estatal 33 en mendota, cuando por razones desconocidas su vehículo habría girado parcialmente hacia la izquierda, impactándose de frente contra un camión de carga que iba rumbo al sur. la familia dice que el accidente sucedió el 23 de febrero, antes de las 14:00 de la tarde. vamos contigo julio vaqueiro. qué tal? qué gusto saludarles, pues hoy en noticias telemundo estamos en la corte de nueva york, en donde compareció por primera vez rafael caro quintero. el narco mexica
es un acto de resistencia. que regulará la venta ambulante en el condado sacramento. la ordenanza introduce pautas operativas y también permisos específicos. los vendedores, además, deberán cumplir con las regulaciones federales ada. los códigos de salud locales y una licencia de venta ambulante de un año que va a costar 61 $. el objetivo será mejorar la salud pública y la seguridad y el cumplimiento, han dicho las autoridades. y como kevin orellana fue identificado, el joven que...
Mar 1, 2025
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tiene un impacto simbÓlico.eÑala que aunque el impacto financiero de estas empresas podrÍa ser limitado, lo simbÓlico es crucial y es importante civilizar a no ser comunidad que representa una quinta parte de la poblaciÓn del paÍs y genera miles de millones de dÓlares en ingresos. >> cuanto menos que nos escuchen. no creo que nos vayan a escuchar tanto. pero nosotros la intenciÓn la vamos a hacer. >> bien dicen que la intenciÓn es lo que cuenta, tambiÉn dicen que la uniÓn hace la fuerza, este boicot es de 24 horas mala intenciÓn es hacerle llegar el mensaje a las grandes empresas que nuestra comunidad importa y con el dinero que generamos. ♪ >> gracias. es momento de cambiar para pasar con mi compaÑera para hablar del desfile de planetas y lo que se puede esperar de este gran evento astronÓmico. >> buenas tardes . a ti a todos. hoy 28 de febrero. finalizamos este mes con el desfile planetario. los siete planetas que se van a alinear esta noche y podrÁ ver apenas caiga el sol. para lo que es el sector este podrÍa
tiene un impacto simbÓlico.eÑala que aunque el impacto financiero de estas empresas podrÍa ser limitado, lo simbÓlico es crucial y es importante civilizar a no ser comunidad que representa una quinta parte de la poblaciÓn del paÍs y genera miles de millones de dÓlares en ingresos. >> cuanto menos que nos escuchen. no creo que nos vayan a escuchar tanto. pero nosotros la intenciÓn la vamos a hacer. >> bien dicen que la intenciÓn es lo que cuenta, tambiÉn dicen que la uniÓn...
Mar 1, 2025
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causaría un retraso en un sistema ya saturado de cuanto se espera.e decimos. al parecer la información gubernamental se realizará solo en inglés. le explicamos sobre esta acción que contempla el presidente trump y en el condado san joaquín analizan las regulaciones para tiendas de tabaco. le contamos sobre esto y más. así comenzamos. este es tu noticiero? telemundo california, a las 5 30. hola, qué tal? buenas tardes les saluda césar bayona y yo soy miryam villarreal. gracias por continuar en sintonía de noticiero telemundo california. nosotros seguimos con más informaciones porque el primer de la administración trump ha estado marcado por miles de arrestos por parte de ice, mientras los agentes federales rápidamente se están movilizando para cumplir su promesa de deportaciones masivas. y precisamente aquellos que tienen casos de inmigración pendientes desde hace años se preguntan qué les va a deparar en el futuro. nuestra reportera de investigación, hilda gutiérrez, nos tiene sus historias. de miedo, confusión y esperanza. este es el sentir de los i
causaría un retraso en un sistema ya saturado de cuanto se espera.e decimos. al parecer la información gubernamental se realizará solo en inglés. le explicamos sobre esta acción que contempla el presidente trump y en el condado san joaquín analizan las regulaciones para tiendas de tabaco. le contamos sobre esto y más. así comenzamos. este es tu noticiero? telemundo california, a las 5 30. hola, qué tal? buenas tardes les saluda césar bayona y yo soy miryam villarreal. gracias por...
Mar 2, 2025
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un bebe sobrevive un incendio en un apartamento de georgia gracias a la valentia de un oficial, aunquee impedia el acceso, se guio por el sonido de los gritos del pequeno para encontrarlo. cuanto dinero ahorrado se necesita para renunciar al trabajo y viajar el mundo ? un nuevo estudio revela la cifra magica. >> noticias telemundo en la noche con johanna suarez. >> que tal ? muy buenas noches les saluda con mucho gusto. nicole suarez hoy por johanna. en una semana se vera la presencia de mas militares en la frontera entre estados unidos y mexico. la linea divisoria entre ambos paises es amplia, con casi 2000 millas de largo y ya hay unos 9200 soldados en la frontera, incluidos 4200 desplegados por washington y unos 5000 por los gobernadores. ahora se van a incorporar otros 3000 soldados. la mayoria son de una brigada de combate stryker y de la division de infanteria. unos 500 son de la aviacion de combate. sulema salazar tiene detalles de este nuevo des despliegue militar. .>> mediante un comunicado, el pentagono dijo.>> que se desplegaran. >> elementos de un equipo de combate de la br
un bebe sobrevive un incendio en un apartamento de georgia gracias a la valentia de un oficial, aunquee impedia el acceso, se guio por el sonido de los gritos del pequeno para encontrarlo. cuanto dinero ahorrado se necesita para renunciar al trabajo y viajar el mundo ? un nuevo estudio revela la cifra magica. >> noticias telemundo en la noche con johanna suarez. >> que tal ? muy buenas noches les saluda con mucho gusto. nicole suarez hoy por johanna. en una semana se vera la...
Mar 1, 2025
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noticias univisiÓn estÁ en panamÁ donde hay un tapÓn de noticias univisiÓn estÁ en panamÁ donde hay un le pongo una hoja de bounce al tipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ at&t tiene una nueva garantía, porque no todo en la vida está garantizado. ahh! ahh! suéltalo todo. y obtén nuestras mejores ofertas en smartphones. como el iphone 16 pro, por cuenta nuestra. con tu elección de nuestros mejores planes. esa es la garantía at&t. y ahora mismo, intercambia tu iphone, cualquier año, cualquier condición y obtén hasta mil dólares para tu nuevo iphone. trapear es trabajoso. luego probé el swiffer powermop. tiene una solución integrada que deshace la mugre al contacto. con su cabezal giratorio de 360 grados limpia los rodapiés y hasta detrás del excusado. dile adiós a la cubeta... con el swiffer powermop. para dar sin trabajo estarÁ a partir del prÓximo lunes una empleada hispana de la agencia de protecciÓn financiera que ha dedicado toda su vida a proteger a las latinas en texas. harÍan otros 200 compaÑeros. >>
noticias univisiÓn estÁ en panamÁ donde hay un tapÓn de noticias univisiÓn estÁ en panamÁ donde hay un le pongo una hoja de bounce al tipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ at&t tiene una nueva garantía, porque no todo en la vida está garantizado. ahh! ahh! suéltalo todo. y obtén nuestras mejores ofertas en smartphones. como el iphone 16 pro, por cuenta nuestra. con tu elección de nuestros...
Mar 2, 2025
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seguro social, pero con una matrícula o un itin, podemos abrir una cuenta; si tienen un seguro socialciados con mastercard, pero el banco de bridge bank es un banco del fdic, por eso todas las cuentas están aseguradas, hasta $250,000, por eso el dinero está muy seguro. damián trujillo: me contabas qué tan frustrante es para uno cuando, como western union, que vas a mandar dinero a otro país, a tus familiares, y tienes que pagar una cantidad, ya sea $25 por cada $200 que mandes, pues, ahí va todo tu dinero. salvador chávez: sí, exactamente, o también para cambiar el cheque, uno no tiene que pagar esos servicios; ah, y como te digo, es más fácil y es más seguro tener esa cuenta, especialmente en estos tiempos. damián trujillo: estamos viendo ahí en pantalla algunas de las fotos que nos mandaron ustedes, los caballeros ahí, con sus tarjetas, que ya las tienen ahí disponibles; y la cuenta también se puede abrir, bajar la aplicación en el teléfono, ¿verdad?, para poder tomar cuenta en qué he gastado el dinero. salvador chávez: sí, primeramente, pueden ir a nuestra página de internet que es
seguro social, pero con una matrícula o un itin, podemos abrir una cuenta; si tienen un seguro socialciados con mastercard, pero el banco de bridge bank es un banco del fdic, por eso todas las cuentas están aseguradas, hasta $250,000, por eso el dinero está muy seguro. damián trujillo: me contabas qué tan frustrante es para uno cuando, como western union, que vas a mandar dinero a otro país, a tus familiares, y tienes que pagar una cantidad, ya sea $25 por cada $200 que mandes, pues, ahí...
Mar 2, 2025
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un estudio responde a esta pregunta.a york, un centro de lectura en el bronx fomenta la cultura en los ninos. el arraigo a sus raices. le mostramos la mujer detras de este gran proyecto. >> noticias telemundo fin de semana con johanna suarez. >> que tal ? feliz sabado y gracias por estar con nosotros hoy. comenzamos hablando de la frontera entre estados unidos y mexico, que en pocos dias estara mas militarizada por miles de soldados en servicio activo. algunos forman parte de una brigada equipada con vehiculos de combate blindados. el pentagono dice que el bjetivo es reforzar la seguridad en una frontera de casi 2000 millas en total, ya unos 9200 soldados estadounidenses estan alli en la frontera sur y sulema salazar tiene detalles del proximo d despliegue militar. >> mediante un comunicado, el pentagono dijo que se d desplegaran elementos de un equipo de combate de la brigada stryker y un batallon de av aviacion de apoyo general para la mision. por su parte, el comando norte indico que seran cerca de 3000 soldados adici
un estudio responde a esta pregunta.a york, un centro de lectura en el bronx fomenta la cultura en los ninos. el arraigo a sus raices. le mostramos la mujer detras de este gran proyecto. >> noticias telemundo fin de semana con johanna suarez. >> que tal ? feliz sabado y gracias por estar con nosotros hoy. comenzamos hablando de la frontera entre estados unidos y mexico, que en pocos dias estara mas militarizada por miles de soldados en servicio activo. algunos forman parte de una...
Mar 2, 2025
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you coordinate only 8 assets of the un around the world . you've set the world is on fire, explained to me how bad it is for the most vulnerable people on the planet. it's very bad. it's very bad. it's getting worse. so over 300000000 people right now are in dire need. and is this perfect storm between the climate crisis between growing poverty and equality? and then these conflicts which are going on for longer, want to move versus more intense, that a driving those numbers up to some of the figures. i mean, this type of thing thing is improving children of this was on your website for 100000000 living. all fling from complex items right now. it's extraordinary because we thought was it turning off was as the world we used to be better at doing that. the piece building that would actually end these was and allow us to get the humanitarian support in. and as a result, we, you know, where the ambulance that goes towards these crises to find support those 400000000 kids. but we're also increasingly being asked to put out the fire as well, but
you coordinate only 8 assets of the un around the world . you've set the world is on fire, explained to me how bad it is for the most vulnerable people on the planet. it's very bad. it's very bad. it's getting worse. so over 300000000 people right now are in dire need. and is this perfect storm between the climate crisis between growing poverty and equality? and then these conflicts which are going on for longer, want to move versus more intense, that a driving those numbers up to some of the...
Mar 1, 2025
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i'll just there is gabriel, as owns or is at un headquarters in new york. the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has been reluctant to make any public comments about decisions being made by the trump administration. that is now changing after various un agencies started receiving letters from the us government announcing cuts in for an aide. now going soon with these cups, we will make the world less healthy, less safe, and less prosperous. the reduction of americas you may tell you, enroll and influence. we will run counter to american interests, global discrepancy impacts a wide range of critical programs from life saving you many that you need to support to vulnerable communities recovering from war or natural disasters, the global humanitarian organization at mercy court, that is a partner to the un in many parts of the world, put out a press release saying that as many as $41.00 of their programs could be cut due to a lack of us funding. would you classify this now as a crisis that the union is facing because of this? i would say it's, you know, yes
i'll just there is gabriel, as owns or is at un headquarters in new york. the secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has been reluctant to make any public comments about decisions being made by the trump administration. that is now changing after various un agencies started receiving letters from the us government announcing cuts in for an aide. now going soon with these cups, we will make the world less healthy, less safe, and less prosperous. the reduction of americas you may tell you, enroll...
Mar 1, 2025
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the global humanitarian organization at mercy court, that is a partner to the un in many parts of the world. put out a press release, saying that as many as 41 of their programs could be cut due to a lack of us funding. would you classify this now as a crisis that the u. n. is facing because of this? i would say it's, you know, yes, the, you weren't is facing a crisis. but let's be honest, the crisis being felt by people in haiti, by people in sudan by people who are not re receiving a h, i v, a treatment, the p, the crisis is being felt by those who can least afford to feel this crisis. the secretary general says he hopes that the us will reverse its decision on its cuts to for an aide, but that seems increasingly unlikely. gabriel's onto out is here at united nations in new york. kurdish media is the whole thing that the code as don work is potty o. p k. k says it will hate a cool bites jail leda to declare a cease fire with the turkish government and laid down its alms on thursday. i've dakota and they'd be appealing to a letter that was read out by pro kurdish politicians. he also
the global humanitarian organization at mercy court, that is a partner to the un in many parts of the world. put out a press release, saying that as many as 41 of their programs could be cut due to a lack of us funding. would you classify this now as a crisis that the u. n. is facing because of this? i would say it's, you know, yes, the, you weren't is facing a crisis. but let's be honest, the crisis being felt by people in haiti, by people in sudan by people who are not re receiving a h, i v,...
Mar 1, 2025
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right. >> what went through your mind when you watched the un security council vote? has there ever been such a vote where the united states votes alongside russia, north korea, belarus and other west african hunters, including also, by the way, israel was always also part of it against a un general assembly resolution condemning the aggression. >> we are in a new era. how long the era lasts, i think is up for grabs. you know, fundamentally, donald trump won the election with 30% of the vote, of the total vote he got about, i think, 49% of the electorate. that turned out, you know, donald trump, like all of us are here today, gone tomorrow. politicians, right. you know, whoever occupies the white house doesn't indefinitely represent the united states. we all come and go. same for number ten, same for the elysee palace. >> and you're a former military person yourself. and we will hope to have you back as this progresses. ben wallace, thank you so much. indeed. former uk defense secretary. up next, as gaza's future hangs in the balance, the painful price of this war for
right. >> what went through your mind when you watched the un security council vote? has there ever been such a vote where the united states votes alongside russia, north korea, belarus and other west african hunters, including also, by the way, israel was always also part of it against a un general assembly resolution condemning the aggression. >> we are in a new era. how long the era lasts, i think is up for grabs. you know, fundamentally, donald trump won the election with 30% of...
Mar 1, 2025
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this is beautiful, you get to un-package everything and in the jar un-package slime and slime boosterewsprint and then pick it up? >> smell your hands. it feels great and smells great. there's cloud, there's butter, there's gloss, and there's clear. different slimes. rachel: smells good. >> this is the butter coconut. charlie: and takes your fingerprints so don't use this while committing a crime or you're in deep trouble. peter: there's underpants. >> couldn't get anybody to put these on. system of articulation charlie: you put them on, laurie. peter: rachel is getting in the pants. rachel: i have to try them out. >> read the card and find things. find something round and long and each card is different. it is a really fun game for everyone to play. peter: soccer bot. >> we're going to play with this and everyone comes over and everyone is pros and sorry. okay. this is why technology meets athletic skill. this counts down and what you're going to do is kick to each other. come on, everyone, get in the game. because the bot will try and get it. i don't ♪ know what just got it. charlie
this is beautiful, you get to un-package everything and in the jar un-package slime and slime boosterewsprint and then pick it up? >> smell your hands. it feels great and smells great. there's cloud, there's butter, there's gloss, and there's clear. different slimes. rachel: smells good. >> this is the butter coconut. charlie: and takes your fingerprints so don't use this while committing a crime or you're in deep trouble. peter: there's underpants. >> couldn't get anybody to...
Mar 1, 2025
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it felt un-american. it felt traitorous. i've never seen a reaction from veterans of all backgrounds, like i have in the last couple of hours, to that disgusting, demoralizing display. so i don't even want to focus too much on what was worn. i want to focus on what was, what was said and what happened. and that was a real low point for american leadership. and right now, it also importantly to to focus on makes america less safe. our allies are less supportive. we have more people around the world who hate us. and america, in my view, hasn't been this isolated since i and many others invaded iraq. and i think that's what we have to focus on, is that america is less safe today because of that. >> yeah, i don't think people care about the clothes. this is something that people have talked about with zelenskyy since the start of the war. he's typically worn the military fatigues, and people have talked about that. washington, d.c. >> just to be clear, i don't wanna interrupt you, but please continue. but the reporting is that t
it felt un-american. it felt traitorous. i've never seen a reaction from veterans of all backgrounds, like i have in the last couple of hours, to that disgusting, demoralizing display. so i don't even want to focus too much on what was worn. i want to focus on what was, what was said and what happened. and that was a real low point for american leadership. and right now, it also importantly to to focus on makes america less safe. our allies are less supportive. we have more people around the...
Mar 1, 2025
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, and he doesn't see a role for international organisations in that, be it the nato alliance or the unat matter. there's so much pouring out of the white house. can he possibly keep up that same speed for months at a time, do you think? it will inevitably peter out a little in the coming weeks, as he has done things and ticked them off the list, and as many of the policies — domestically, anyway — get caught up in the courts and face legal actions. we will see this summit between president putin and president trump, and then beyond that, it's how eu leaders react to that, how european leaders react to that — the uk, the eu members — and what happens to the alliance beyond that. we're getting, of course, as you always do in london, a sense that keir starmer has a role to play somehow, balancing the european, western european countries and the us. is there any sense of that? no, i mean, the uk does have a role to play. it's in — you know, many would consider — a weaker position since it left the european union. for president trump, though, he's never been a fan of the european union, so
, and he doesn't see a role for international organisations in that, be it the nato alliance or the unat matter. there's so much pouring out of the white house. can he possibly keep up that same speed for months at a time, do you think? it will inevitably peter out a little in the coming weeks, as he has done things and ticked them off the list, and as many of the policies — domestically, anyway — get caught up in the courts and face legal actions. we will see this summit between president...
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registered in mama coast visa photos of one of the lines that arrived in liberia circumventing the un arms and bogo. it started full of weapons boxes. the plane was owned by the and in the 1st the ends by men in, in modest 1999. was a cargo of $68.00 of military equipment including $3000.00. okay, i'm a so 1000000 rounds, munitions? 25 at the jews. sevens. under the latest ordinance. estella fee and method systems and a few related besides the ons was way towards from the opinion. arms marketing company you can fits export meanings on these business partners names and the involvement in goes fed exports homes deliveries. so if is doing investigations into um the link in the middle east payments that will the shipment show, the global nature of the arms, the advantage by meant in italian persecution or so this is where directed reportedly by men and himself to and guardian bank account owned by a company allegedly related to minutes, the payments from the same amounts were made to various companies, including us export airfoil task by con service. for next us in on uh for general techn
registered in mama coast visa photos of one of the lines that arrived in liberia circumventing the un arms and bogo. it started full of weapons boxes. the plane was owned by the and in the 1st the ends by men in, in modest 1999. was a cargo of $68.00 of military equipment including $3000.00. okay, i'm a so 1000000 rounds, munitions? 25 at the jews. sevens. under the latest ordinance. estella fee and method systems and a few related besides the ons was way towards from the opinion. arms...
Mar 2, 2025
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and i'll talk to the canadian ambassador to the un in just a few moments. and the british prime minister, keir starmer, greets ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky with a literal hug as fallout continues from trump's siding with russia on friday. and as europe faces how to proceed in the region without the united states as a reliable ally. i'll talk to the former president of estonia about the new alliance that's taking shape in europe as we speak. but we begin this morning with donald trump's economy and republican's plans as they laid out, as they've been laid out in a newly passed budget to slash the health care program that serves 1 in 5 americans. they're doing that in order to pay for tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the rich. the bill now heads to the senate, where republicans want to put up a smoke screen to obscure the enormous cost from the american people by using a budget gimmick which would reconstruct the way congress creates budgets and balances debt to help see through that smoke screen. let's look at the numbers. these new tax cut
and i'll talk to the canadian ambassador to the un in just a few moments. and the british prime minister, keir starmer, greets ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky with a literal hug as fallout continues from trump's siding with russia on friday. and as europe faces how to proceed in the region without the united states as a reliable ally. i'll talk to the former president of estonia about the new alliance that's taking shape in europe as we speak. but we begin this morning with donald...
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behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue of the un security council, special meeting of the status of the support interest, the shrub of voice in various receiving or do i give it to be? i do not, they do much invitation with most or with the bills to shop like and some of them is not good. i'm going to still want me to go to the products noticed we're struggling, you will because the boost novel doing it. he's giving you the chance of lay sports and you could just continue squarespace to those talk if you put them in any ability to feel like, excuse me, he will not be really interesting again to book the use of just it was a continuous go for a muslim tequila is in store to use research, confidence in the us and its allies belong the final resolution. citizens of other countries probably haven't heard of the russians attempt to publish the facts. independent journalist and the results of the investigations instantly deleted on major internet platforms. the viola marjorie's topic was effectively banned by those able to control the inf
behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue of the un security council, special meeting of the status of the support interest, the shrub of voice in various receiving or do i give it to be? i do not, they do much invitation with most or with the bills to shop like and some of them is not good. i'm going to still want me to go to the products noticed we're struggling, you will because the boost novel doing it. he's giving you the chance of lay...
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instead of guar has cooled for the withdrawal of foreign forces from the region on the bronze all the un take, the leading role in oversee and possible. since the see officials blamed them as a group for recent a violent so as a valley in kava, during which innocent civilians were killed as m. 53 is the, is southward in the congo. it didn't say so, that deal c of 4 of these were responsible for the bonds at the demonstration. this may wildly un refugee a 0 full size over 35000 companies nationals of sold refugees and neighboring brandy. and response aid organizations are actively provide the assistance to evacuation in a temporary shelter as a stadium. we heard from those at the secretary about the hardship, very face due to the ongoing conflict pro comes up. why don't we started registering those who came after us? there are at least 36000 people here and at least 400 unaccompanied children. there are also women who have given birth here, but who have received no assistance to date. sick children without assistance. women who have been raped are also left without assistance and children
instead of guar has cooled for the withdrawal of foreign forces from the region on the bronze all the un take, the leading role in oversee and possible. since the see officials blamed them as a group for recent a violent so as a valley in kava, during which innocent civilians were killed as m. 53 is the, is southward in the congo. it didn't say so, that deal c of 4 of these were responsible for the bonds at the demonstration. this may wildly un refugee a 0 full size over 35000 companies...
Mar 1, 2025
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achievements and is going to end up looking isolated from the us normal allies and stuck as he was at the unlondon tomorrow. in london tomorrow, isn't there? seeing that the eu's foreign policy chief, the chief diplomat for the eu, saying the free world needs a new leader and it's up to europe to take this challenge. what do you see coming out of this meeting on sunday, explained to us that the pope had had a coughing fit, a spasm of his lungs, and he had been struggling for breath because he was sick. his lungs had to be aspirated, so they had to be cleared of obstruction. and then the pope had been given oxygen, a face mask, essentially to help him to breathe. but we were told that the pope was alert throughout. he didn't lose consciousness and even that he was in good spirits yesterday evening. this was a breathing crisis which happened around about 2:00 in the afternoon. but i think, you know, it has concerned people. the pope is back on the front pages of all of the italian newspapers again. you know, obviously the stories from america, from the white house, the oval office are dominant
achievements and is going to end up looking isolated from the us normal allies and stuck as he was at the unlondon tomorrow. in london tomorrow, isn't there? seeing that the eu's foreign policy chief, the chief diplomat for the eu, saying the free world needs a new leader and it's up to europe to take this challenge. what do you see coming out of this meeting on sunday, explained to us that the pope had had a coughing fit, a spasm of his lungs, and he had been struggling for breath because he...
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because i evans ever read your, the usa in rush, i voted to the un against puppets countries like brickley, france, and germany. much of the well, the pay is united against any economic li, suicidal, european rump. if you raise right now prompted to slash social spending and pull money into wolf or the country of hamlet, denmark suggested peace was more dangerous than war and britons.
because i evans ever read your, the usa in rush, i voted to the un against puppets countries like brickley, france, and germany. much of the well, the pay is united against any economic li, suicidal, european rump. if you raise right now prompted to slash social spending and pull money into wolf or the country of hamlet, denmark suggested peace was more dangerous than war and britons.
Mar 1, 2025
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got to submit your your pledge of what you're going to do to the un after that the un climate body, just like everybody else. and finally, wen jiabao. yes. and she hit roof. i mean, he just completely so it was a crazy meeting. and after she had what had gone on, you know, just stipulating he's red in the face. he's yelling at his own prime minister, yelling at obama. and obama again, always cool when he's done looks very calmly at and when you bounces what's he saying about says not. so at this point thank you for that at this point you still have to buy the book. well, we want you do. yes. you still buy the book because i'll tell you so. president obama and the first volume of his memoirs also talks about i'm sure you've read it. he also talks about that meeting. he does it in? i think it's like a page and a half. he wants to you give him, you know, like 20 pages to sort of incredible detail which you have to read. so still by the book we want to open it up now to questions from all of you for todd stern and i just ask that you you tell us your name and if you're us with some instituti
got to submit your your pledge of what you're going to do to the un after that the un climate body, just like everybody else. and finally, wen jiabao. yes. and she hit roof. i mean, he just completely so it was a crazy meeting. and after she had what had gone on, you know, just stipulating he's red in the face. he's yelling at his own prime minister, yelling at obama. and obama again, always cool when he's done looks very calmly at and when you bounces what's he saying about says not. so at...
Mar 1, 2025
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un resolution number two.ahead and say demand. >> preposterous things like zelenskyy owes an apology for being attacked. i'm going to go ahead and say something outrageous. actually. >> the price of you say that ukraine wants peace. jd vance should resign. how about that? >> we're just going to go. >> through crazy stuff. >> you say ukraine wants peace? yeah. if zelenskyy wanted peace, then he would have kept his mouth shut. >> he did. >> until there were lies. what? until it was j.d. >> vance didn't lie about anything. they were talking about. >> a dictator. that wasn't. >> that's not what. >> he was bessent. that's not what he was. no one said that he was. no one said he was responding to j.d. vance. >> talking about diplomacy in the mold of donald trump. >> talk at the same time. so let's just try to have one person talking. >> at a time. you can't give trump. >> a day. >> can you? just a second. because look, the question now is, why is it that the only thing that matters in this high stakes game of life a
un resolution number two.ahead and say demand. >> preposterous things like zelenskyy owes an apology for being attacked. i'm going to go ahead and say something outrageous. actually. >> the price of you say that ukraine wants peace. jd vance should resign. how about that? >> we're just going to go. >> through crazy stuff. >> you say ukraine wants peace? yeah. if zelenskyy wanted peace, then he would have kept his mouth shut. >> he did. >> until there...
Mar 1, 2025
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achievements and is going to end up looking isolated from the us normal allies and stuck as he was at the unisn't there? seeing that the eu's foreign policy chief, the chief diplomat for the eu, saying the free world needs a new leader and it's up to europe to take this challenge. what do you see coming out of this meeting on sunday, explained to us that the pope had had a coughing fit, a spasm of his lungs, and he had been struggling for breath because he was sick. his lungs had to be aspirated, so they had to be cleared of obstruction. and then the pope had been given oxygen, a face mask, essentially to help him to breathe. but we were told that the pope was alert throughout. he didn't lose consciousness and even that he was in good spirits yesterday evening. this was a breathing crisis which happened around about 2:00 in the afternoon. but i think, you know, it has concerned people. the pope is back on the front pages of all of the italian newspapers again. you know, obviously the stories from america, from the white house, the oval office are dominant, are dominating the front pages. but
achievements and is going to end up looking isolated from the us normal allies and stuck as he was at the unisn't there? seeing that the eu's foreign policy chief, the chief diplomat for the eu, saying the free world needs a new leader and it's up to europe to take this challenge. what do you see coming out of this meeting on sunday, explained to us that the pope had had a coughing fit, a spasm of his lungs, and he had been struggling for breath because he was sick. his lungs had to be...
Mar 1, 2025
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one day he is in love with kim jong un, the next day he is threatening fire and fury.ll probably see him repair the relationship with zelenskyy. >> john: charles kupchan from the council on foreign relations. thank you so much, charles. iowa is now the first state to remove civil rights protections for transgender people. republican governor kim reynolds signed the controversial bill into law this afternoon despite days of protest against the measure. cbs's lana zak reports on the civil rights reversal. >> reporter: the unprecedented act sparked outrage as lawmakers as lawmakers debated, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the rotunda of the iowa state capitol to protest the law which eliminates civil rights protections based on gender identity. >> i feel it is mean and hateful. >> reporter: representative aime wichtendahl, the state legislature's first openly transgender member argued this is just the start. >> vote this bill down today, because this is not the end. those think tanks will ask you again and again and again to remove rights and freedoms from your fell
one day he is in love with kim jong un, the next day he is threatening fire and fury.ll probably see him repair the relationship with zelenskyy. >> john: charles kupchan from the council on foreign relations. thank you so much, charles. iowa is now the first state to remove civil rights protections for transgender people. republican governor kim reynolds signed the controversial bill into law this afternoon despite days of protest against the measure. cbs's lana zak reports on the civil...
Mar 2, 2025
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. >> now, the former israeli negotiator, daniel levy also testified at the un this week.eek. he joins me after i'm thinking of updating my kitchen... —yeah? —yes! ...this year, we are finally updating our kitchen... ...doing subway tile in an ivory, or eggshell... —cream?... —maybe bone?... don't get me started on quartz. a big big island... you ever heard of a waterfall counter?... for everyone who talks about doing that thing, and, over there. but never does that thing... a sweet little breakfast nook. chase has financial guidance. let's see how you can start saving to make this happen. —really? —really? really. at home or in-person. you could also check out a chase money skills workshop. that's guidance from chase. make more of what's yours. and. customer satisfaction. >> hi. my friend linda has you guys and gets way better coverage. >> than i do. >> sounds like linda. >> has you. >> beat only in coverage. >> and plans start at $20. >> okay. price to call or visit consumer cellular to switch today. >> the online pet store that was breached has my. >> payment info and m
. >> now, the former israeli negotiator, daniel levy also testified at the un this week.eek. he joins me after i'm thinking of updating my kitchen... —yeah? —yes! ...this year, we are finally updating our kitchen... ...doing subway tile in an ivory, or eggshell... —cream?... —maybe bone?... don't get me started on quartz. a big big island... you ever heard of a waterfall counter?... for everyone who talks about doing that thing, and, over there. but never does that thing... a...
Mar 1, 2025
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. >> with that un vote, when. >> all of. america's allies. >> or perhaps we. >> have to. >> put quotation. marks around. >> allies now. >> voted with ukraine on. >> the. >> resolution that designated russia as the aggressor and asked it to vacate lands that it illegally enforced brutally and forcibly seized. america had its own resolution. the trump administration had its own. resolution that. >> made no mention. >> of russia's blame in this. we then have macron from france. >> and keir starmer. >> from britain, bringing what i call bringing fruits to the volcano. essentially. essentially trying to pacify this sort of irrational force of nature. and they get they get a little bit, you know, when you when you abase yourself to trump for quite rational reasons. >> i'm not. >> criticizing macron or. >> starmer for. >> trying that. >> method first. but when you. >> base yourself to trump, you get a little bit of a reprieve. >> this was. >> an extremely short reprieve because the day after starmer left, we see, i think, the most
. >> with that un vote, when. >> all of. america's allies. >> or perhaps we. >> have to. >> put quotation. marks around. >> allies now. >> voted with ukraine on. >> the. >> resolution that designated russia as the aggressor and asked it to vacate lands that it illegally enforced brutally and forcibly seized. america had its own resolution. the trump administration had its own. resolution that. >> made no mention. >> of russia's...
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i voted to the un against public countries like britain, france, and germany. much of the world is united against any economic lead, suicide, or european rump of your race right now. prompted to slash social spending and pulling money into wolf or the country of hamlet. denmark suggested peace was more dangerous than war, and britons against thomas signal sending most of the british army to the fact to fight russia. all this while west asia tried to cope with a video posted by trump depicting human netanyahu composing over the bones of the vitamin genocide in gaza. and moscow again is the form of the attendant kindled in this obvious and rushing non forces. talk to the imagery, training these on russians born and defense policy council. this is an economy so good to have a russian on the show off to so many people from the american side. you know, we had the trump, the deputy assistant on the other day. the rest didn't go. ok, so um, i mean, trump is being saying off and on. it's possible. there is some presence of west and european nato troops allowed in ukraine. and the 2nd level, the f
i voted to the un against public countries like britain, france, and germany. much of the world is united against any economic lead, suicide, or european rump of your race right now. prompted to slash social spending and pulling money into wolf or the country of hamlet. denmark suggested peace was more dangerous than war, and britons against thomas signal sending most of the british army to the fact to fight russia. all this while west asia tried to cope with a video posted by trump depicting...
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chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing cars for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are you living on that you have very close propaganda? you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the uh, the last one is fit. is that
chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the...
Mar 1, 2025
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i kid you not private letter in boston i had a like sense of un cleanliness.well what happened to coolidge after the presidency. coolidge knew and correspond ended with william howard taft. william howard taft went on the supreme court after the presidency of the scotus would have been a logical upgrade for coolidge from simple retirement. he had the interest he, had the skill, yet no nominee. and came. and as you know, progressives did take and the white house coolidge passed away just as roosevelt crafting plans for the tennessee authority he was there in the thirties to comment on policy in the depression. in that period, progressives did downgrade coolidge, including blaming him for the depression. if you ask me, did coolidge caused depression? you can say the answer in one word. no, that's so. he remains downgraded in books to this day. there were a few at the time who understood this evaluation of coolidge might be wrong. one was the wall street journal, which commented in its 33 obituary of calvin coolidge that in due the good fortune of the united stat
i kid you not private letter in boston i had a like sense of un cleanliness.well what happened to coolidge after the presidency. coolidge knew and correspond ended with william howard taft. william howard taft went on the supreme court after the presidency of the scotus would have been a logical upgrade for coolidge from simple retirement. he had the interest he, had the skill, yet no nominee. and came. and as you know, progressives did take and the white house coolidge passed away just as...
Mar 1, 2025
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reached a critical low point prompting the international community to address this thought, this quote un mid the age of negotiations and from 1006. and the plan for supervising defendants by special level up to sorry, in 2007, paved the way for coastal general, actual declaration of independence in february of 2008, it's happened. caution saw to the prime minister and full. okay. lately, the announced the declaration, well that's it. we store the democratically elected leaders of our people and they put them in, so they couldn't nearby declared customer will serve as an independent state. and this is doris moment. i was privileged to declare the defendants in english, columbia 0 view is the way to go there so, so long. and it's nice to be fresh air and to read freely, everybody celebrate them. uh, you know, all the people who want it to be freezing for a long, long time. now free essential processes for the united kingdom. recognition of customer as an independent states under international supervision have not been as recognition as for the best of my life for them. and i'll be to celeb
reached a critical low point prompting the international community to address this thought, this quote un mid the age of negotiations and from 1006. and the plan for supervising defendants by special level up to sorry, in 2007, paved the way for coastal general, actual declaration of independence in february of 2008, it's happened. caution saw to the prime minister and full. okay. lately, the announced the declaration, well that's it. we store the democratically elected leaders of our people...
Mar 1, 2025
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. >> un caballo grande. >> it was a very. >> very lo hizo. >> i can tell you, after speaking with the mother, that this has been a very traumatizing event for both her and her son. we reached out to the daly city police department, which is aware of this case, but they cannot comment at this time. if you recognize the woman in the video, please reach out to pd in daly city. tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> the chp cited driving under the influence an unsafe speed as the causes of a crash that killed three young people in piedmont in november. the chp report says the tesla cybertruck crashed into a tree on hampton road at a high rate of speed and burst into flames. the 319 year olds who died were all piedmont high graduates and college sophomores. an autopsy showed the driver, 19 year old sean dickson, had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit. the family of a single mom killed in 2001, in san francisco, hopes an increased reward and new leads will bring them answers and justice. police investigators say there is renewed hope that this cold case will be solved. ktvu
. >> un caballo grande. >> it was a very. >> very lo hizo. >> i can tell you, after speaking with the mother, that this has been a very traumatizing event for both her and her son. we reached out to the daly city police department, which is aware of this case, but they cannot comment at this time. if you recognize the woman in the video, please reach out to pd in daly city. tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> the chp cited driving under the influence an unsafe...
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behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue of the un security council, special meeting of the states that is up to the level of support interest. the shrub of voice in various receive mode would give it to be ideal if they do much invitation with most for women. and we don't bill us to shop a bunch of them. so i'm just not gonna, i'm gonna dispute the product. notice we're starting and you will because of the global waste. nobody's doing it. he's giving you the chance at least points and you guys can just needs squarespace to those stuckey people. i mean, any billing stores, they're like, excuse me. he will number really interesting again to book the use of just it was a continuous go for a muslim tequila isn't shorter to use solutions. those companies in the us and its allies belong the final resolution. citizens of other countries probably haven't heard of the russians attempt to publish the facts. independent journalist and the results of the investigations instantly detailed on major internet platforms. the viola marjorie's topic wa
behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue of the un security council, special meeting of the states that is up to the level of support interest. the shrub of voice in various receive mode would give it to be ideal if they do much invitation with most for women. and we don't bill us to shop a bunch of them. so i'm just not gonna, i'm gonna dispute the product. notice we're starting and you will because of the global waste. nobody's doing it....