. >> let's welcome now to the canadian ambassador to the united states, his excellent gary duer. >> thank very much, mr. shafer, secretary of navy, the governor o'malley, senator, ambassadors, friends. it's wonderful to be here and speak at this beautiful, beautiful historical site. the site, of course, which inspired the "star-spangled banner," a great national anthem in our world. certainly for canada this is a very, very important event to commemorate. we, of course, had this war that began in 1812. some of the skirmishes began before that. we worked together around the world as countries that believe and fight for democracy wherever it's at risk. we certainly know that in our history books we get a little bit of the war of 1812. we hear about the burning of the factory or burning of toronto. we hear about the burning of the white house, but there is much more to this war, much more to this conflict, and much more to the peace that arose from its completion than what is often appreciated in our collective histories. so this commemoration event i think is a wonderful opportunities to co