Apr 29, 2024
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judas was also given, this is what they say in the hymns, what judas was deprived of you, you had allles, this is an amazing thing that always leaves me in awe, you know, friends, it’s interesting, i already said there about commercialism and something like this, like this wrong distribution of talents, here we are talking, tradition tells us that judas was a thief , yes, he kept the treasury there, but once one of my interlocutors said such an interesting thought, it seems to me, he said that pragmatism... such, yes, i read, in this case, commercialism, it is always fraught in the extreme betrayal and i at first somehow so, i began to resist, and then i thought that indeed, if you look at it extremely pragmatically, it means that if it’s a question of price, it means that your price will be picked up someday, yes, avoiding betrayal, yes - this is actually identifying yourself with this, maybe this is exactly what we just talked about, yes, yes, it’s deep, which can always turn into betrayal in the extreme, you know, looking at this picture and thinking about this betrayal of judas, i
judas was also given, this is what they say in the hymns, what judas was deprived of you, you had allles, this is an amazing thing that always leaves me in awe, you know, friends, it’s interesting, i already said there about commercialism and something like this, like this wrong distribution of talents, here we are talking, tradition tells us that judas was a thief , yes, he kept the treasury there, but once one of my interlocutors said such an interesting thought, it seems to me, he said...
Jul 31, 2024
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san judas tadeo.ay, dios mÍo. esto es un mega milagro. me dice la doctora seÑora, le digo ve usted que los milagros existen. alejandro: con ese fervor, decenas de feligreses acuden a la catedral metropolitana de la ciudad de mÉxico porque aquÍ se encuentra exhibida la reliquia de san juan de estadio, ——de tadeo, un fragmento de hueso del brazo de uno de los 12 apÓstoles de jesucristo. procedente del vaticano. la reliquia de esta judas escuchar a los milagros de los mexicanos un par de dÍas mÁs en esta catedral metropolitana para dar un recorrido por diversas iglesias de la zona metropolitana y posteriormente tlaxcala y puebla hasta el 29 de agosto. por algunos segundos, la gente puede tomar una foto, pedir un deseo, o contemplar los 1000 aÑos de historia y es que la espera es larga pero segÚn los devotos, vale la pena. y aunque la virgen de guadalupe gana medalla de oro por tener mÁs feligreses, la plata indiscutible es para san judas tadeo, el segundo mÁs venerado entre los mexicanos. mantuvieron asu
san judas tadeo.ay, dios mÍo. esto es un mega milagro. me dice la doctora seÑora, le digo ve usted que los milagros existen. alejandro: con ese fervor, decenas de feligreses acuden a la catedral metropolitana de la ciudad de mÉxico porque aquÍ se encuentra exhibida la reliquia de san juan de estadio, ——de tadeo, un fragmento de hueso del brazo de uno de los 12 apÓstoles de jesucristo. procedente del vaticano. la reliquia de esta judas escuchar a los milagros de los mexicanos un par de...
Aug 8, 2024
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san judas tadeo.ios. y bueno, cabe mencionar que antes de esta visita también estuvo en otros estados, por ejemplo elainey, wisconsin y minnesota, y va a continuar también su recorrido por el estado. bueno, y de pronto se está preguntando quién es este san judas tadeo? no? pues no tiene nada que ver con judas iscariote, sino que de acuerdo con la tradición católica, san judas tadeo fue hermano del apóstol santiago. san judas fue un apóstol también e hijo de alfeo. este alfeo era hermano de josé, el padrastro de jesús, o sea, el padre putativo de jesús y de una hermana de la virgen maría. entonces san judas llegó a ser primo de jesús. es importante repasar la historia también la tradición católica, también entre los feligreses católicos. san judas tadeo es el santo de las causas perdidas. muchas familias también. bueno le oran y tratan de pedirle oración por esas causas difíciles, ya sea enfermedades o situaciones económicas. ya escuchábamos algunos de los feligreses dando testimonio de fe y esperanza.
san judas tadeo.ios. y bueno, cabe mencionar que antes de esta visita también estuvo en otros estados, por ejemplo elainey, wisconsin y minnesota, y va a continuar también su recorrido por el estado. bueno, y de pronto se está preguntando quién es este san judas tadeo? no? pues no tiene nada que ver con judas iscariote, sino que de acuerdo con la tradición católica, san judas tadeo fue hermano del apóstol santiago. san judas fue un apóstol también e hijo de alfeo. este alfeo era...
Aug 13, 2024
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no, llegando me dijo la señora que estaba la reliquia de san judas tadeo.ucho tiempo allá con él adentro. pero su fe dice lo hará esperar hasta cuando pueda ver las reliquias con su hijo. entonces va a esperar a ver si entra ahorita más tarde con su niño. sí, voy a ver si entran o o más tarde. sí tal vez san judas es un apóstol de jesucristo originalmente y el relicario viene del vaticano. y esta reliquia es más de 500 años. la mayoría de los creyentes llevaban un rosario entre sus manos y elevaban oraciones antes de acercarse a la reliquia. y una vez frente a él, tocaban la caja de vidrio y pedían intersección de san judas tadeo. a lo mejor no es algo físico, a lo mejor es algo, es emocional o espiritual. si usted se perdió una de las 2 misas programadas aquí en vallejo, no se preocupe, ya que tendrán otras misas al rededor de california mañana martes la reliquia de san judas tadeo llegará sacramento en la tarde. la información la está viendo en pantalla, mientras que el sábado regresará al área de la bahía sonoma y el domingo en santa rosa. para todos los
no, llegando me dijo la señora que estaba la reliquia de san judas tadeo.ucho tiempo allá con él adentro. pero su fe dice lo hará esperar hasta cuando pueda ver las reliquias con su hijo. entonces va a esperar a ver si entra ahorita más tarde con su niño. sí, voy a ver si entran o o más tarde. sí tal vez san judas es un apóstol de jesucristo originalmente y el relicario viene del vaticano. y esta reliquia es más de 500 años. la mayoría de los creyentes llevaban un rosario entre sus...
Oct 17, 2024
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to be leaving. judas, good to talk to _ was supposed to be leaving. judas, good to talk to you _ wasing. judas, good to talk to you this _ was supposed to be leaving. judas, good to talk to you this morning . was supposed to be leaving. judas, | good to talk to you this morning and thank you for bringing us the latest. king charles and queen camilla are on their way to australia for the biggest overseas trip since the king began cancer treatment in february. it is a visit which has re—opened questions about the future of the monarchy in australia and the debate about whether the country should become a republic. from sydney our correspondent katy watson reports. for australia's young monarchists, there's a lot to celebrate. the fact that king charles is travelling 10,000 miles and across ten different time zones, all the while having cancer treatment is, say these students, a testament to his fondness for this country. i'm really excited. i think he's such a big, a big part of our history and our tradition. it's really wonderful that we get to celebrate it. people aren't going to lin
to be leaving. judas, good to talk to _ was supposed to be leaving. judas, good to talk to you _ wasing. judas, good to talk to you this _ was supposed to be leaving. judas, good to talk to you this morning . was supposed to be leaving. judas, | good to talk to you this morning and thank you for bringing us the latest. king charles and queen camilla are on their way to australia for the biggest overseas trip since the king began cancer treatment in february. it is a visit which has re—opened...
Jul 31, 2024
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lleva dentro un fragmento de hueso de una de las extremidades del mismo san judas tadeo.mpre y cuando estÉn en estado de gracia. una caja de cristal que tiene cinco sellos del vaticano para probar su autenticidad y que nadie lo haya abierto. >> porque lo sentÍ de verdad. >> benita estaba conmovida hasta las lÁgrimas. se sintiÓ. >> hay, pues, una alegrÍa que yo no sÉ quÉ es. yo no sÉ quÉ es grande porque me ha hecho milagros de veras maravillosos devotos que estÁn de fiesta en un paÍs donde la fe en el patrono de las causas difÍciles es mÁs fuerte que nunca. >> las reliquias estarÁn aquÍ en la catedral hasta el dÍa de maÑana. luego, durante un mes, recorrerÁn distintas iglesias en esta capital y tambiÉn en tlaxcala, texcoco y puebla, donde culminarÁ el prÓximo 28 de agosto. lourdes ay, agustÍn, muchÍsimas gracias. >> fÍjese que las autoridades eclesiÁsticas no descartan ampliar la visita y llevar las reliquias a otras partes de mÉxico. eso sÍ, la santa sede lo aprueba. quÉ tal si nos vamos a un elegante restaurante en singapur que sirve exquisiteces con un ingrediente secr
lleva dentro un fragmento de hueso de una de las extremidades del mismo san judas tadeo.mpre y cuando estÉn en estado de gracia. una caja de cristal que tiene cinco sellos del vaticano para probar su autenticidad y que nadie lo haya abierto. >> porque lo sentÍ de verdad. >> benita estaba conmovida hasta las lÁgrimas. se sintiÓ. >> hay, pues, una alegrÍa que yo no sÉ quÉ es. yo no sÉ quÉ es grande porque me ha hecho milagros de veras maravillosos devotos que estÁn de...
Aug 13, 2024
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para las personas que quieran venir a ver las reliquias de san judas. allí con la fe intacta, esos feligreses. bueno, haciendo honor a su religión. muchas gracias flavio. pasa muy importante para la comunidad latina a mexicana que pues el sutter es el número número 1 deporte que tenemos y tras la partida de los atléticos, los oakland roots anuncian que a partir de 2025 jugarán en el histórico coliseo de oakland. además, california busca prohibir celulares en los salones de clase, algo que, según expertos, podría ser clave para la salud mental de estudiantes. y quédese con nosotros luego de la pausa regreso con el pronós sanción de la acusación contra esta persona, quien está enfrentando cargos de haber causado la muerte de 7 personas tras abrir fuego en 2 granjas. esto fue en half moon bay, en enero de 2023. es que este lunes la defensa de chun li shao pidió más tiempo para investigar más a fondo al acusado. el juez indicó que el caso continuará en diciembre. entonces darán la fecha del juicio. xiao permanece detenido sin derecho a fianza. vamos a otra
para las personas que quieran venir a ver las reliquias de san judas. allí con la fe intacta, esos feligreses. bueno, haciendo honor a su religión. muchas gracias flavio. pasa muy importante para la comunidad latina a mexicana que pues el sutter es el número número 1 deporte que tenemos y tras la partida de los atléticos, los oakland roots anuncian que a partir de 2025 jugarán en el histórico coliseo de oakland. además, california busca prohibir celulares en los salones de clase, algo...
Aug 4, 2024
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todo con tal de ver la reliquia de san judas tadeo, el santo de las causas difÍciles.mexicanos quienes desde muy temprano hacen largas filas para ver solo por unos segundos la reliquia dentro del recinto sagrado apenas se pueden contener la emociÓn y las lÁgrimas, porque varios vienen con la esperanza de un milagro de san judas, uno de los 12 apÓstoles de cristo. >> la reliquia son restos del brazo de san judas tadeo, que fue separado de su cuerpo hace siglos y colocado en un relicario de madera tallado en forma de brazo. el objeto considerado sagrado por el vaticano, ha sido venerado por siglos en la basÍlica de san salvatore. y claro, en roma, italia. y desde ahÍ la reliquia viajÓ miles de millas para estar en mÉxico, en diferentes iglesias del paÍs. >> va a estar en 93 diÓcesis en todo mÉxico. va a ser un tour, va a estar ocho meses en nuestro paÍs. la reliquia estarÁ en otros estados como puebla, tlaxcala y norte de mÉxico, con la intenciÓn de que millones de mexicanos puedan ver una reliquia de uno de los santos mÁs adorados en el paÍs. >> en mÉxico, issa osorio n
todo con tal de ver la reliquia de san judas tadeo, el santo de las causas difÍciles.mexicanos quienes desde muy temprano hacen largas filas para ver solo por unos segundos la reliquia dentro del recinto sagrado apenas se pueden contener la emociÓn y las lÁgrimas, porque varios vienen con la esperanza de un milagro de san judas, uno de los 12 apÓstoles de cristo. >> la reliquia son restos del brazo de san judas tadeo, que fue separado de su cuerpo hace siglos y colocado en un...
Aug 7, 2024
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visitan una iglesia en fresno para venerar las reliquias de san judas tadeo, conocido como el santo de los casos imposibles. así comenzamos. hola, qué tal? bienvenidos a su emisión de las 11. vamos a iniciar con una información desde san josé, en donde un menor de edad murió arrollado esta tarde. nathalie vera ha estado siguiendo esta historia. ella se encuentra en vivo desde el lugar donde ocurrieron los hechos. nathalie cuéntanos qué pasó. qué se sabe sobre este hecho? bueno, obviamente sabemos que la policía todavía está realizando su investigación, pero hace poco acabamos de hablar con un familiar quien nos confirmó. la víctima era un menor de edad. las autoridades aún no han dado a conocer la edad de la víctima, pero nuevamente un familiar confirmó que se trataba de un niño. obviamente, sabemos que este es un momento muy difícil para esta familia, dijeron ellos estar muy afectados ante esta tragedia. was just sad. terrible. very sad. vecinos en el área de las avenidas lee y camden en san josé expresaron su tristeza al enterarse de la muerte de un joven este martes en la tarde se m
visitan una iglesia en fresno para venerar las reliquias de san judas tadeo, conocido como el santo de los casos imposibles. así comenzamos. hola, qué tal? bienvenidos a su emisión de las 11. vamos a iniciar con una información desde san josé, en donde un menor de edad murió arrollado esta tarde. nathalie vera ha estado siguiendo esta historia. ella se encuentra en vivo desde el lugar donde ocurrieron los hechos. nathalie cuéntanos qué pasó. qué se sabe sobre este hecho? bueno,...
Jan 29, 2024
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so, answer, do you know a certain judas from kiriath, and what exactly did you tell him if you spokety of kiriath. he invited me to his house in the lower town and treated me, a kind man, very kind and an inquisitive man, he showed the greatest interest in my thoughts, received me very cordially, lit the lamps, yes, he asked me to express my view on state power. he was extremely interested in this question. and what did you say? or will you answer that you forgot what you said? among other things, i said that all power is violence over people, and that the time will come when there will be no power of either the caesars or any... other power, man will move into the kingdom of truth, justice, where there is no no power will be given, further, further there was nothing, then people ran in, they began to tie me up, they took me to prison, there was no power, there is not and there will never be a power greater beautiful for people than the power of emperor tiberius. and it’s not for you, crazy criminal, to talk about her, take the convoy out of the balcony, leave me alone with the crimi
so, answer, do you know a certain judas from kiriath, and what exactly did you tell him if you spokety of kiriath. he invited me to his house in the lower town and treated me, a kind man, very kind and an inquisitive man, he showed the greatest interest in my thoughts, received me very cordially, lit the lamps, yes, he asked me to express my view on state power. he was extremely interested in this question. and what did you say? or will you answer that you forgot what you said? among other...
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that has a judas of stay with us. last section. we're going to talk about the international picture because that's what it says in the us exercise that democratic franchise giving germany policy politicians a waiting to find out the identity of the next us president with trepidation fell in, says it will foster productive relations with the web is elected, but a 2nd, trump presidency, could spell trouble. the kingship between germany and the u. s. is thriving. what may have been jo biden's last 4 in troop as president was in fact to berlin. here he was award in germany's highest honors. the grand cross of the order of merit, where germany, the french say whither united states has been, is now and will always be ex, essentially important. biden's lifelong commitment to the transatlantic relationship and focus on foreign policy helped us determine friendship. blue key in german chancellor shows see eye to eye on support for ukraine and nato. the us is germany biggest trading partner. and berlin stance on china has increasingly aligne
that has a judas of stay with us. last section. we're going to talk about the international picture because that's what it says in the us exercise that democratic franchise giving germany policy politicians a waiting to find out the identity of the next us president with trepidation fell in, says it will foster productive relations with the web is elected, but a 2nd, trump presidency, could spell trouble. the kingship between germany and the u. s. is thriving. what may have been jo biden's last...
Aug 18, 2024
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pues san judas tadeo es el santo de los casos difíciles o imposibles.ntes desde el primer partido de la temporada para los gunners en el emirates donde recibieron al wolverhampton. aquí va a venir este pase de sir chenko para bucay. saca, saca y va a sacar entonces el centro y encontraba la cabeza del alemán kai havertz para mandarla a guardar y poner el 1 por 0 de los gunners. pues se iba a regresar el favor de alguna manera. aquí le ponía el balón a saca que recortaba hacia el centro, sacaba un bombazo y adentro. 2 a 0. lo ganaban los gunners. qué manera de pegarle ahí sorprendiendo a todos. y con este gol los gunners se iban a llevar la victoria. 3 puntos. y así arranca el torneo. en el otro partido importante del día, el conjunto del liverpool visitó al ipswich town. y vean esta jugada tren alexander arnold al espacio. para entonces encontrar a mohamed salah y este toyota para poner las cosas 1 por 0. no hay fuera de lugar en el pase de alexander arnold, que es fantástico. después este que tampoco hay fuera de lugar y que simplemente la tenía que ma
pues san judas tadeo es el santo de los casos difíciles o imposibles.ntes desde el primer partido de la temporada para los gunners en el emirates donde recibieron al wolverhampton. aquí va a venir este pase de sir chenko para bucay. saca, saca y va a sacar entonces el centro y encontraba la cabeza del alemán kai havertz para mandarla a guardar y poner el 1 por 0 de los gunners. pues se iba a regresar el favor de alguna manera. aquí le ponía el balón a saca que recortaba hacia el centro,...
Aug 17, 2024
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y vaya que sí, mucha gente que ha ido a darle una veneración a las reliquias de san judas tadeo.eliquia y quiere hacerlo, aún tiene la oportunidad mañana sábado 17 de agosto estará en la iglesia san francis solano, esto es en la calle tercera en sonoma. estará a partir de las 15:00 de la tarde, mientras que el domingo 18 estará en la catedral de san eugenio, sobre la calle montgomery. pero esto es en santa rosa, con una misa a las 15:30 de la tarde hasta las 21:00 de la noche. después partirá al estado de oregon. en méxico, el kilo de limón se está vendiendo hasta en 40 $, esto debido a complicaciones que enfrentan los productores hoy en el estado de michoacán. y es que continúan siendo presa de la delincuencia organizada. quienes le piden pago de piso y hasta controlan sus cosechas. el constante aumento en el precio del fruto, que es muy popular en la comida mexicana, está afectando a muchas familias y bonta muy caro. se puede encontrar hasta 40 el kilo. los precios actuales del limón han oscilado entre los 26 y 37 $ por kilo, pero en algunas tiendas de autoservicio ha llegado h
y vaya que sí, mucha gente que ha ido a darle una veneración a las reliquias de san judas tadeo.eliquia y quiere hacerlo, aún tiene la oportunidad mañana sábado 17 de agosto estará en la iglesia san francis solano, esto es en la calle tercera en sonoma. estará a partir de las 15:00 de la tarde, mientras que el domingo 18 estará en la catedral de san eugenio, sobre la calle montgomery. pero esto es en santa rosa, con una misa a las 15:30 de la tarde hasta las 21:00 de la noche. después...
Aug 4, 2024
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durante las primeras horas han sido miles de fieles los que han hecho larrel judas tadeo a la capitalsanto de las causas difÍciles >> 20 horas en carretera desde san josÉ, california, para poder ver la mano del santo, para quien, coÍ caminar pero junto con su hija viajaron mÁs de 20 horas en carretera desde san josÉ c california para poder ver la mano del santo para quien como dice no hay imposibles >> estoy enferma de mis riÑone y tengo tans y tengo tan grande fe >> que en algunas cosas y me ayudado gracias a dios el fervor religioso es tonto que son cientos de mexicanoss para ver s segundos la reliquia quienes desde muy temprano a hacer largas filas para ver solo por unos segundos la reliquia >> dentro del recinto sagrado apenas pueden contener la emociÓn y las lÁgrimas varios vienen con la esperanza de un milagro de san judas, uno de los 12 apÓstoles de cristo la reliquiaarado de su cuerpo hace siglos y colocado en un relicario de madera tallado en son restos del brazoe san judas tadeo que fue separado de su cuerpo hace siglos y colocado en un relicario de madera tallada en forma d
durante las primeras horas han sido miles de fieles los que han hecho larrel judas tadeo a la capitalsanto de las causas difÍciles >> 20 horas en carretera desde san josÉ, california, para poder ver la mano del santo, para quien, coÍ caminar pero junto con su hija viajaron mÁs de 20 horas en carretera desde san josÉ c california para poder ver la mano del santo para quien como dice no hay imposibles >> estoy enferma de mis riÑone y tengo tans y tengo tan grande fe >> que...
Jun 17, 2024
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i had such a powerful association, such a kiss, a judas kiss, such a pope , of course, not jesus christs kiss of judas, you need to understand what lies behind it, because the pope is the same desired gain for biden and for the united states of america, which they are trying to get for yourself throughout the last two. years, it all started very, very, i would say, very casually, when biden was preparing to speak in warsaw, it was, in my opinion, in the summer of 2020-22, the pope was supposed to come there, and biden, that’s me i know very well that biden used, and the united states of america, used all their capabilities to put pressure on the pontiff, so that when he spoke in warsaw, he should also come there, so that he would speak there. about the so -called fatima prophecy, well, let’s not go into conspiracy theories, but this is a well-known in the catholic world, well, let’s say a church parable that in 1900 , i don’t remember what year fourteen, fifteen, the holy virgin mary appeared to three shepherdesses, so he told them certain prophecies that these prophecies were revealed
i had such a powerful association, such a kiss, a judas kiss, such a pope , of course, not jesus christs kiss of judas, you need to understand what lies behind it, because the pope is the same desired gain for biden and for the united states of america, which they are trying to get for yourself throughout the last two. years, it all started very, very, i would say, very casually, when biden was preparing to speak in warsaw, it was, in my opinion, in the summer of 2020-22, the pope was supposed...
Jan 6, 2024
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and you, bethlehem, land of juda, are in no way less than the people of garad juda.for the valadar left you, as he would shepherd my people. israel. mad, the sages of the great people have gone to hell. yany, as they joked, the karala are the palaces, and the known safe-guarded dzitsya are the camps. magchyma, the wise men felt themselves disappointed and betrayed, but they found themselves exposed to the mystery they knew. then they fell and prayed to pan for the cover of their treasures. the wise men brought gifts to jesus: gold, kadzidla and peace. these gifts have already been honored, so that we recognize jesus as punishment for the sons of god. gold, cadzilla and the world were standard padarunks for punishment, which were treated by the gods. adnak, the learned yesusa, the sages understood that such gifts are not... dadkova for the getag of the caral, that the adzins are suitable gifts, which are able to work, geta ahvyaravatsa service yama. the wise men understood that the geta karol varty are tago, so they can dig the pit out of their lives. after this fire,
and you, bethlehem, land of juda, are in no way less than the people of garad juda.for the valadar left you, as he would shepherd my people. israel. mad, the sages of the great people have gone to hell. yany, as they joked, the karala are the palaces, and the known safe-guarded dzitsya are the camps. magchyma, the wise men felt themselves disappointed and betrayed, but they found themselves exposed to the mystery they knew. then they fell and prayed to pan for the cover of their treasures. the...
Jan 3, 2024
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chunki uning kuchi ko'p, baquvat, yana qo'rqmas, jasoratli bo'lganligi uchun manga bu... qahramon juda yoqadi, hozir yoshman, kuchga to'lgan vaqtim, hozir o'yinni ichida albatta harakat qilaman, albatta, chunki bir insonni hayotini saqlab qoldim deb o'ylayman, va bundan juda xursandman, katta odam bo'lsam, uydagi a'zolarimga vaqt ajratishim ham kam bo'ladi, uydagilar bilan vaqtni ko'p o'tkazaman, meni eng yaxshi ko'rgan xohishim bu vatanimiz uchun, vatanimni himoya qilish uchun harbiy bo'lmoqchiman, takvando bilan ikki yildan beri shug'ul. anaman, bu o'zim bilan bog'liq, xohishlarim bilan orzularim bilan bog'liq, butun dunyodagi qizlarga ko'rsatmoqchiman qilib, o'zbek qizlari qanday bo'lishini, kompyuter sporti bilan shug'ullanaman, albatta shu kompyuter texnologiyalari, kompyuter o 'yinlari yutuqlariga erishish endi arafasidaman, yaxshi ko'rgan qahramon chelap, chunki u chaqqon, odamlarga yordam beradi, tez harakat qiladi, nomlab shu maqsad. this in your homeland, we are frightened by every new test, we have been preparing for the stage for a long time, but we are ready to overcome th
chunki uning kuchi ko'p, baquvat, yana qo'rqmas, jasoratli bo'lganligi uchun manga bu... qahramon juda yoqadi, hozir yoshman, kuchga to'lgan vaqtim, hozir o'yinni ichida albatta harakat qilaman, albatta, chunki bir insonni hayotini saqlab qoldim deb o'ylayman, va bundan juda xursandman, katta odam bo'lsam, uydagi a'zolarimga vaqt ajratishim ham kam bo'ladi, uydagilar bilan vaqtni ko'p o'tkazaman, meni eng yaxshi ko'rgan xohishim bu vatanimiz uchun, vatanimni himoya qilish uchun harbiy...
Feb 18, 2024
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>> her son should stop calling me judas. there's lots of things we can talk about.p our focus on the american people and why it's so important for us to -- as elected officials to focus on their issues. one of the reasons why president trump is leading so significantly in the polls, one of the reasons why he actually won more women in new hampshire in the poll -- in the results of the election than nikki haley did was because he was focusing on law and order and securing our southern border and safety in our streets, improving our economy. these are the issues we should focus on. the comments can do damage. >> tim scott of south carolina, we appreciate your time. "face the nation" will be back in one minute. stay with us. could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the
>> her son should stop calling me judas. there's lots of things we can talk about.p our focus on the american people and why it's so important for us to -- as elected officials to focus on their issues. one of the reasons why president trump is leading so significantly in the polls, one of the reasons why he actually won more women in new hampshire in the poll -- in the results of the election than nikki haley did was because he was focusing on law and order and securing our southern...
Sep 25, 2024
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in essence, because there it is very accurate, well, and the order of judas was already so big, they already hung it right in front of everyone, that is, i think this will end the same way scoundrel, that is, it’s not even 30 pieces of silver, it’s this characteristic chuckle, characteristic croaking constantly, yes, when he tries to please and somehow speaks to you soulfully, unfortunately i had a lot of experience communicating with him there in a past life dozens of years ago, it was always such a feeling. yes, including mosichik, i know, i think when he is declared a russian spy, because of all the crazy ones, he is often the closest to the correct figures, to the exact ones, to the assessment of what is happening, it is clear that he, for his part, hits the nail on the head bells, understands that it smells fried, and he will not hide his large part of the body, and below the belt, somewhere, he needs to run, so he screams, but what he voices, we understand perfectly well that sooner or later something should happen to him, based on logic. the behavior of the zelensky regime, no
in essence, because there it is very accurate, well, and the order of judas was already so big, they already hung it right in front of everyone, that is, i think this will end the same way scoundrel, that is, it’s not even 30 pieces of silver, it’s this characteristic chuckle, characteristic croaking constantly, yes, when he tries to please and somehow speaks to you soulfully, unfortunately i had a lot of experience communicating with him there in a past life dozens of years ago, it was...
Jun 4, 2024
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"tepasidagi sonni ham olganimda ham bir-ikki marta qaytardim, shu ashu kristalni olmaganimga juda hamllars, this is an impressive figure, but what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of nanbelarus: about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry, among the priority areas are microelectronics, the development of one’s own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy. tickets from belarus ready.
"tepasidagi sonni ham olganimda ham bir-ikki marta qaytardim, shu ashu kristalni olmaganimga juda hamllars, this is an impressive figure, but what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of nanbelarus: about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry, among the priority areas are microelectronics, the development of one’s own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of...
Apr 22, 2024
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i don’t like it, helplessly and absolutely... they have different sources of funding, some of the judasade by our generation for results, the results are obvious, absolute defeat, absolute collapse, but this does not mean at all... that they are inveterate foreign agents are ready to give up their homes to the singers. agent of influence schlosberg generally lists her as an accomplice of the kremlin. naturally. the singer says it passed all the checks and was allegedly integrated into the political system. remember, they say, how in the tenth year i headed a certain russian youth delegation in vancouver. it 's difficult to even comment on this. we see counter attacks against pevchikh from those whom she attacked. yes, pevchikh is trying to stake out his image. the fighters of the russian group of troops-center again improved the tactical situation in the front line in the ovdeevsky section of the special operation repelled nine enemy counterattacks, as a result of which more than 360 fsu militants were destroyed, as well as a lot of equipment, including the german -made marver infantry
i don’t like it, helplessly and absolutely... they have different sources of funding, some of the judasade by our generation for results, the results are obvious, absolute defeat, absolute collapse, but this does not mean at all... that they are inveterate foreign agents are ready to give up their homes to the singers. agent of influence schlosberg generally lists her as an accomplice of the kremlin. naturally. the singer says it passed all the checks and was allegedly integrated into the...
May 23, 2024
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most popular works are in such films as "boroshilov's shooter, turkish march, taiga and the painting judass spring , alexey shevchenkov appeared on the country’s screens in the new domestic film “call sign passenger” about military operations in the donbass. if he is not there in auroli, then there is hope for captivity. and the artillery leaves almost no chance. “meaning there is still hope, there is always hope, where would we be without it, for an actor this is not just a movie, the people of donbass have long become family to him, he himself almost died during one of his trips, and recently alexey said that he is no longer will be filmed with those who do not share the position of our country, this is the life and fate of alexei shevchankov, good morning, dear, hello, we met, very glad, very glad, thank you, but now. such an event brought you to our studio, this is, of course, the premiere of the call sign passenger, i congratulate you on this film, you, all of us, we were so sad, from the very beginning of our special operation, why doesn’t cinema react, why doesn’t such a thing appea
most popular works are in such films as "boroshilov's shooter, turkish march, taiga and the painting judass spring , alexey shevchenkov appeared on the country’s screens in the new domestic film “call sign passenger” about military operations in the donbass. if he is not there in auroli, then there is hope for captivity. and the artillery leaves almost no chance. “meaning there is still hope, there is always hope, where would we be without it, for an actor this is not just a movie,...
Oct 3, 2024
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they would hand him over to the russians, and we really wanted to get him, that's how this order of judas was prepared for him, and that's all, that's how, that's how these scoundrels end up, who their own, their people, their country are betrayed, if zelensky even thinks that he will now agree with someone there, decide something, then he will go to some milans, why did i remember milan, suddenly the other day his wallet chief showed up there, remember him, yes, the one they were trying to attack. somewhere there, it doesn't matter in london, in milan or somewhere else and he will feel safe, let him remember the fate of maze, and this is in the best case for him. advertising, for stalin, june 22 was a shock when you get acquainted with real documents, a completely non-media image of stalin emerges. and when the members of the politburo arrived, they said the opposite, you should... this is what interests me about the khaklonazis, come closer to the tv, closer, closer, can you see well, why can't you tear yourself away from our program, why do you quote it all the time, right? "study the
they would hand him over to the russians, and we really wanted to get him, that's how this order of judas was prepared for him, and that's all, that's how, that's how these scoundrels end up, who their own, their people, their country are betrayed, if zelensky even thinks that he will now agree with someone there, decide something, then he will go to some milans, why did i remember milan, suddenly the other day his wallet chief showed up there, remember him, yes, the one they were trying to...
Jul 31, 2024
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just like judas .e offended by the image of the prophet jesus christ during the opening ceremony of the olympic games, and the chinese were very offended that the author of the reconstruction put an asian girl in the place of judas. the chinese were most offended by the fact that the author of the olympic reconstruction of the last supper stage staged place of judas asian girl. of course, it was necessary to try in order to do so. stupidly just to offend everyone, so that everyone would be unhappy, no, well, some are happy, in fact, it’s also true for the sake of fairness, eh, but of course, but of course, it was necessary to try to make the world tremble, they might say that’s what they wanted, of course, everyone shuddered and began to discuss, remember what macron said, he says, you will remember this olympics for a long time, now i understand what he meant, it’s truly a spectacle memorable, let’s now, i don’t want to go into depth again about the ceremony there . what did it mean and so on, we have
just like judas .e offended by the image of the prophet jesus christ during the opening ceremony of the olympic games, and the chinese were very offended that the author of the reconstruction put an asian girl in the place of judas. the chinese were most offended by the fact that the author of the olympic reconstruction of the last supper stage staged place of judas asian girl. of course, it was necessary to try in order to do so. stupidly just to offend everyone, so that everyone would be...
Apr 4, 2024
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have the independent media, they are independent, only from the homeland and from conscience, corrupt judase dirt will be cleaned up, our streets will shine, that is, the orderlies, they celebrated their day, glory to them is our delight, we live in purity, long live the cleaning department, 100 generations, 1,100 generations for the truth, war, belarus will stand unconquered, a kind of brand, a quality brand, if the sponge is here now for all time, the steel is unbreakable, the cable is unbreakable, if you are serious about the country for a long time can't be found, yes. krok or secret troves, where the gubob would not stand guard, we stand with our backs against nazism, and it is better not to expect mercy for extremists, every traitor, fed from the palm of the outside, knows that it is better not to stand in our way, indestructible steel, the cable is unbroken, if you can’t seriously find roads across the country for a long time, and let’s fly three of them, where there would be no cubes standing guard. maybe someone decided that they were smarter than others, and decided to undermine o
have the independent media, they are independent, only from the homeland and from conscience, corrupt judase dirt will be cleaned up, our streets will shine, that is, the orderlies, they celebrated their day, glory to them is our delight, we live in purity, long live the cleaning department, 100 generations, 1,100 generations for the truth, war, belarus will stand unconquered, a kind of brand, a quality brand, if the sponge is here now for all time, the steel is unbreakable, the cable is...
May 29, 2024
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shu birinchi o'rnini olish, men o'zi yoshligimdan beri futbolga qiziqaman, besh yildan beri. future judadeb ishonaman, men taiklando itf yo'nalishi bilan yetti yildan beri shug'ulda qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman, harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan. holda tezlik, aql bilan ish tutgan holda harakat qilamiz. o'zbekiston terma jamoasini tanlashdan maqsad o'zbekiston terma jamoalari har birinni o'zini xarakterlari, irodaligi, tezligi, chidamliligi va ularni bitta komanda bilan harakat qilishlari, birgalikda harakat qilishlari uchun tanlangan, faqat olg'i. "o'zbekiston ortimizda o'zbekiston turibdi, ota-onamizni oldimizga yoruq yuz bilan borishni nasib qilsin deyiladi, and these are my, my heroes, hello, hello, oops, oops, oops, well done, dangerous confrontation, fierce palsburi and high-voltage discharges. who one of you will remain in the matrix of heroes, will reach the third level of the game and the final battle. now you are at the first level of the game, and in order to defeat it you need to overcome four ele
shu birinchi o'rnini olish, men o'zi yoshligimdan beri futbolga qiziqaman, besh yildan beri. future judadeb ishonaman, men taiklando itf yo'nalishi bilan yetti yildan beri shug'ulda qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman, harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan. holda tezlik, aql bilan ish tutgan holda harakat qilamiz. o'zbekiston terma jamoasini tanlashdan maqsad o'zbekiston terma jamoalari har birinni o'zini xarakterlari,...
May 5, 2024
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communicant today, because i will not tell your secret to your enemies and i will not give you a kiss, like judas, but as a robber i confess you, change me, lord, in your kingdom, let the communion of your saints not be a reproach and not a condemnation for me and... lord, but for the healing of soul and body, amen. words, ilo christoveta. the body of christomer chego is immortal. christ's body. the body of christ, o christ. ilo christ, christ. the body of christ, the body of christ, the body of christ. save, o god, your people, and bless your inheritance, and sleep you, christ is risen, christ is risen, christ. amen. christ is risen. christ is risen. he overcame death, he overcame death with death. and you raved, life, yes, life - let us become pious, having accepted the divine, holy, pure , immortal, heavenly, life-giving, terrible mysteries of christ, we give thanks to the lord. lord, have mercy. accept everything perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, melting ourselves and each other, and our whole life, we will give to christ god, to you, lord, lord, this is our consecration, and to you we giv
communicant today, because i will not tell your secret to your enemies and i will not give you a kiss, like judas, but as a robber i confess you, change me, lord, in your kingdom, let the communion of your saints not be a reproach and not a condemnation for me and... lord, but for the healing of soul and body, amen. words, ilo christoveta. the body of christomer chego is immortal. christ's body. the body of christ, o christ. ilo christ, christ. the body of christ, the body of christ, the body...
Jun 4, 2024
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, chunks, uni: "kuchi ko'p, baquvvat, yana qo'rqmas, jasoratli bo'lganligi uchun manga bu qahramon juda ichida albatta harakat qilaman, albatta, chunki bir insonni hayotini saqlab qoldim deb o'ylayman va bundan juda xursandman, katta odam bo'lsam, uydagi uydagi a'zolarimga vaqt ajratishim ham kam bo'ladi, uydagilar bilan ni ko'p o'tkazaman, meni eng yaxshi ko'rgan xohishim bu..." vatanimiz uchun, vatanimni himoya qilish uchun harbiy bo'lmoqchiman. takvando bilan ikki yildan beri shugʻullanaman. bu o'zim bilan bog'liq xohishlarim bilan orzularim bilan bog'liq. butun dunyodagi qizlarga ko'rsatmoqchiman. o'zbek qizlari qanday bo'lishini. komputer sporti bilan shug'ullanaman. albatta shu kompyuter texnologiyalari, kompyuter o'yinlari yutuqlariga erishish endi arafasidaman. yaxshi ko'rgan qahramon chelav. u chaqqon, odamlarga yordam beradi, tez harakat qiladi, nomlab shu maqsadda pauk bo'lib, bu yerdan pauk bo'lib ketish, bu yerga kelishimdan, shoudan to'ziqilari o'zi. help is not the one who has achieved strong, great results, the one who is ready to provide ishonch hosil qilib, albatta bor
, chunks, uni: "kuchi ko'p, baquvvat, yana qo'rqmas, jasoratli bo'lganligi uchun manga bu qahramon juda ichida albatta harakat qilaman, albatta, chunki bir insonni hayotini saqlab qoldim deb o'ylayman va bundan juda xursandman, katta odam bo'lsam, uydagi uydagi a'zolarimga vaqt ajratishim ham kam bo'ladi, uydagilar bilan ni ko'p o'tkazaman, meni eng yaxshi ko'rgan xohishim bu..." vatanimiz uchun, vatanimni himoya qilish uchun harbiy bo'lmoqchiman. takvando bilan ikki yildan beri...
Jun 16, 2024
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chance say something that... would be different from the position the pope himself, then this kiss of judas how much it was covered in the russian press, there was a face-to -face meeting between the pope and biden, they ... talked with each other for quite a long time, i don’t know what they talked about there , there is no information about this, but the fact that there is no information, for me, is evidence that biden was unable to persuade the pope to take the position of the main seven, and as for switzerland, the swiss this forum, so here in this butting heads together has a very big meaning behind it. which i tried to tell now, and now very briefly, well, scholz left, first of all, this is understandable, this is an absolutely clear signal when the cowardly scholz leaves somewhere, it means that he is trying to avoid some big troubles, so he left, of course , the swiss conference for one simple reason, nothing like that is happening today in berlin, even the german team is not playing today, so in general it is clear that he left, because this is a signal to the fact that it didn’t w
chance say something that... would be different from the position the pope himself, then this kiss of judas how much it was covered in the russian press, there was a face-to -face meeting between the pope and biden, they ... talked with each other for quite a long time, i don’t know what they talked about there , there is no information about this, but the fact that there is no information, for me, is evidence that biden was unable to persuade the pope to take the position of the main seven,...
Jul 31, 2024
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llegan las reliquias de san judas saddam: ponga atenciÓn a esta informaciÓn. los incendios. >> no mencionaban ciudades que van a recibir una ola de calor. >> parece increÍble lo de las mascotas y la mascarillas para protegerlos. saddam: muchos animales quedanl nos dicen cuÁles son las tendencias en los es
llegan las reliquias de san judas saddam: ponga atenciÓn a esta informaciÓn. los incendios. >> no mencionaban ciudades que van a recibir una ola de calor. >> parece increÍble lo de las mascotas y la mascarillas para protegerlos. saddam: muchos animales quedanl nos dicen cuÁles son las tendencias en los es
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Feb 29, 2024
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so you have the ban slel shell and it's closer than stopping juda. this is because prop -- the jfk was an agreement and working with disability advocates and working with the mayor's office to make sure that we're really looping as many interest and concerns and needs as part of making it more accessible. this isn't about being car free but access and this measure reaffirmed the golden gate park access which is conversations about adding more recesses for ada access and lowering the garage prices and creating better wifi and it can help organize the traffic and the busyness of jfk whether there's bikers and walkers. >> thank you. we're at closing statements, so we will start with you, esther. any last thoughts? >> sure. the closure of jfk for use during the height of the pandemic made absolute sense and people with disabilities were among the hardest hit by the pandemic. now, that it's becoming safer to get out and about, the needs of people with disabilities must be considered equally to non-disabled folks and people with disabilities should be incl
so you have the ban slel shell and it's closer than stopping juda. this is because prop -- the jfk was an agreement and working with disability advocates and working with the mayor's office to make sure that we're really looping as many interest and concerns and needs as part of making it more accessible. this isn't about being car free but access and this measure reaffirmed the golden gate park access which is conversations about adding more recesses for ada access and lowering the garage...
Mar 10, 2024
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there was judas iscariot, who later turned out not to be the person he was. it was worth telling all this. i came to the ukrainian language, so as not to drive through the roof. it's like a defense mechanism. i, if i recorded some voices in ukrainian at home, it was just like that with the phone in my face and whispering at home and that's it, i didn't want to leave, and i couldn't stay. you'll have to figure out how to get there, or in some truck, or in a box, or in a coffin that's lying around, if you don't feel safe, please leave. hello everyone, this is realia donbas and i'm olya terebynska. today we will talk about life in the occupation. we managed to find people who grew up on russian-captured donbass, they were able to leave there, and we were able to talk frankly with them. i would like to note that all our interlocutors are still studied at school when russia was occupying their cities, and, despite the overwhelming kremlin propaganda around them, the reluctance of parents to give their children ukrainian passports and, in fact, the threat of life f
there was judas iscariot, who later turned out not to be the person he was. it was worth telling all this. i came to the ukrainian language, so as not to drive through the roof. it's like a defense mechanism. i, if i recorded some voices in ukrainian at home, it was just like that with the phone in my face and whispering at home and that's it, i didn't want to leave, and i couldn't stay. you'll have to figure out how to get there, or in some truck, or in a box, or in a coffin that's lying...
May 26, 2024
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olib kirmoqchiman, geroy o'yindan yutqazib qo'yishdan, bizning komand ani o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchi judaamiz deb ishonaman. "men tayakmando itf yo'nalishi bilan yildan beri shog'ullanaman va yetti yil davomida balendlikdan q'rqaman, ikki qavatdan uzoqroqa uje ortsa v boshlanadi, qo'rqqanimda yuragim xapqirab ketadi, albatta qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam, albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman, harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan holda tezlik, aql bilan ish tutgan holda harakat qilamiz." " o'zbekiston terma jamoasini tanlashdan maqsad o'zbekiston terma jamoalari har birini o'zini xarakterlari, irodaligi, tezligi, chidamliligi va ularni bitta komanda bilan harakat qilishlari, birgalikda harakat qilishlari uchun tanlangan, faqat olg'a o'zbekiston ortimizda ston turibdi, ota-onamizni oldimizga yorug' yuz bilan borishni nasib qilsin deyiladi bo'ldi. and these are my, my heroes, hello, hello, hello, oh, oh, oh, well done, dangerous confrontation, the ferocity of the storm and high-voltage discharges, which of you will remain in... the matrix of heroes will
olib kirmoqchiman, geroy o'yindan yutqazib qo'yishdan, bizning komand ani o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchi judaamiz deb ishonaman. "men tayakmando itf yo'nalishi bilan yildan beri shog'ullanaman va yetti yil davomida balendlikdan q'rqaman, ikki qavatdan uzoqroqa uje ortsa v boshlanadi, qo'rqqanimda yuragim xapqirab ketadi, albatta qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam, albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman, harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan holda tezlik, aql bilan...
Apr 2, 2024
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corrupt judas, dirt, but the dirt will be cleaned, our streets will shine, that is, the orderlies, theyour delight, we live in purity, long live the cleaning department, 1,100 generations, unbroken path, 1,100 generations, refueling the war, will stand unburned. a kind of brand, a brand of quality, if it’s rude here now for all times, don’t ruin the problem, the cable is unbreakable, if you’re serious about the country for a long time, you won’t find roads or secret passages where a cube wouldn’t stand guard against nazism. we will stand back to back, and it’s better not to expect mercy for the extremists, every traitor, fed from the outside, knows that it’s better not to stand in our way, the steel is unbreakable, the cable is not broken, if you are serious about the country for a long time. no roads or secrets to be found a trench where the koops would not stand guard. just believe that we don’t mind any strength to save the country in this battle, to defend it, attention, readiness, we work on command, we’ll come, we’ll work, you won’t find a way, you won’t find a storm that you... d
corrupt judas, dirt, but the dirt will be cleaned, our streets will shine, that is, the orderlies, theyour delight, we live in purity, long live the cleaning department, 1,100 generations, unbroken path, 1,100 generations, refueling the war, will stand unburned. a kind of brand, a brand of quality, if it’s rude here now for all times, don’t ruin the problem, the cable is unbreakable, if you’re serious about the country for a long time, you won’t find roads or secret passages where a...
Feb 25, 2024
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was revealed, then pay what has already been paid, for you the goal is more important than people, judasust the opposite, no need to leave, i ask you , you leave, i ask you, follow me, big premiere, union of salvation, you should not wait for new incidents, where, when from monday, on the first, the first most populous country, the third economy. we continue the precious stories podcast. today we are talking about alexander rings sergeevich pushkin. with you today is ekaterina varkan, the author of books on this topic, and i, the director of the all-russian museum of alexander sergeevich pushkin, sergei nikrasov. we have, to our great joy, unlost rings, two unlost rings, which are again stored in the collections of your museum. and one of them, of absolutely extraordinary beauty with an emerald, this ring, therefore, is captured in the portrait of trapinin in the year twenty-seven, here are two rings on his right hand, on the thumb of his right hand, this is exactly the ring with the emerald that we just we saw the second ring, as contemporaries, so to speak, contemporaries recognized in
was revealed, then pay what has already been paid, for you the goal is more important than people, judasust the opposite, no need to leave, i ask you , you leave, i ask you, follow me, big premiere, union of salvation, you should not wait for new incidents, where, when from monday, on the first, the first most populous country, the third economy. we continue the precious stories podcast. today we are talking about alexander rings sergeevich pushkin. with you today is ekaterina varkan, the...
Aug 12, 2024
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la reliquia de san judas tadeo llega a una comunidad católica ¡flex alert, flex alert!yudan a ahorrar energía y nos ahorran apagones. con flex alerts, tenemos el poder. powerisours.org este mes tendrán la posibilidad de adoptar a una mascota. nuestra campaña anual desalojar los albergues. nos comprometemos a ayudar a que cientos de animalitos se encuentren a esa familia adecuada que les dará cariño y mucho cuidado. esta iniciativa inició el pasado 10 de agosto y culminará el 10 de septiembre, así que no la piense 2 veces y tome esa decisión que le hará cambiar su vida y, por supuesto, la de su familia. adopte una mascota y de esa forma también ayudará a desocupar los albergues. y si usted es creyente de san judas tadeo, le informamos que en vallejo está programada la veneración de las reliquias de este santo. las cuales son parte de un recorrido por california. será en la iglesia saint catherine de siena. las puertas se brindarán a partir de las 14:00 de la tarde y a las 6 y 30 más o menos realizarán una misa especial para que lo tenga en cuenta. gracias por iniciar la
la reliquia de san judas tadeo llega a una comunidad católica ¡flex alert, flex alert!yudan a ahorrar energía y nos ahorran apagones. con flex alerts, tenemos el poder. powerisours.org este mes tendrán la posibilidad de adoptar a una mascota. nuestra campaña anual desalojar los albergues. nos comprometemos a ayudar a que cientos de animalitos se encuentren a esa familia adecuada que les dará cariño y mucho cuidado. esta iniciativa inició el pasado 10 de agosto y culminará el 10 de...
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i asked the, the political correspondent, judas identity, what changed? i don't know whether a much changed, but i think there was a lot of pressure put on on germany to make this decision in a lot of diplomatic talks involved. and finally, the german chancellor, the german government, came to this decision and germany, how it wasn't a difficult position. it had to way up on the one hand, the safe interest in guaranteeing that a convicted murder. someone was convicted to life in prison would stay in prison and, you know, pay his hand up the price of, of the murder he committed. but on the other hand, it also had to look at the people who were unjustly, in jail, in russia and bella roost, including 5 german citizens. and in the end and the german government decided that the freedom and the safety of these people was, was more important and to the lead. that one is also important to note is that without germany's role and without germany in going along with this plan, this prisoner swap would not have happened. so at a certain point the pressure must have g
i asked the, the political correspondent, judas identity, what changed? i don't know whether a much changed, but i think there was a lot of pressure put on on germany to make this decision in a lot of diplomatic talks involved. and finally, the german chancellor, the german government, came to this decision and germany, how it wasn't a difficult position. it had to way up on the one hand, the safe interest in guaranteeing that a convicted murder. someone was convicted to life in prison would...
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the governor's political correspondent, judas identity reporting for us. the quick, if not some other stories making headlines around the world. a peaceful people have been killed and dozens injured off to donate those rips through oklahoma homes were leveled and cause of a ton. the states governor has declared the state of emergency and 12 counties flood warnings remain in place constantly active as henry to has received his new hong kong identity god up to a long battle change agenda. on the official document. he won his appeal against the government's refusal to change it a year ago. in hong kong public sentiment has become increasingly welcoming towards the l. g. b t q plus community about homosexual. and john's gender people's 10 face challenges. indeed, the nice and in the philippines schools have cancelled in person teaching due to the ongoing, each wave with student staying home. it is hope that online learning will bring somebody from profit classrooms, many of which do not have air conditioning. the heat index which combines the effects of temper
the governor's political correspondent, judas identity reporting for us. the quick, if not some other stories making headlines around the world. a peaceful people have been killed and dozens injured off to donate those rips through oklahoma homes were leveled and cause of a ton. the states governor has declared the state of emergency and 12 counties flood warnings remain in place constantly active as henry to has received his new hong kong identity god up to a long battle change agenda. on the...
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, judas, brother, he’s just the opposite. come over, the staff officers are also in the conspiracy, ite of a soldier is to die for his homeland, and there is no higher honor, you will have to die anyway, and i will have to die, be afraid of death , be a coward all my life, a good soldier is the one who loves so much that he is not afraid at all, which means he is free, that’s all . says goodbye. what should we do? so, if i order the headquarters to be cut now, then we will become murderers, we will become like thieves who kill just to avoid getting caught, and hurray, colonel pestal, hurray, hurray, letter from taganrog. let's drink, come on nastenka, daughter, i can't, it's so difficult, angel, daughter, well, i don't want to, but you'll be healthy, drink up, nastenka, it's time to sleep, martvinov came, how is he here, who, no one, no one, look, that's it, dad will drink everything, you've drunk everything, you've drunk everything, run away and run to mommy, and you're healthy . healthy , savior, yes i am healthy, yes, strong as a lion, oh, the first most populous country, the third
, judas, brother, he’s just the opposite. come over, the staff officers are also in the conspiracy, ite of a soldier is to die for his homeland, and there is no higher honor, you will have to die anyway, and i will have to die, be afraid of death , be a coward all my life, a good soldier is the one who loves so much that he is not afraid at all, which means he is free, that’s all . says goodbye. what should we do? so, if i order the headquarters to be cut now, then we will become murderers,...
Feb 25, 2024
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for you the goal is more important than people judas , judas brother you, he is just the opposite, we must leave, i ask you, leave, i ask you, follow me, big premiere, union of salvation, don’t wait for new incidents, where, when look after program time. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his dearest mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of memories , but this is my mother, yulia nachalova died very young, at 38, leaving her parents and ex-husband, beloved daughter, vera. i said that unfortunately, i have very difficult news for you that mom is no longer with us, what? at that moment, that evening he experienced, only he knows, it is a great responsibility to tell your child that his mother passed away. how did yulia’s only daughter survive this loss, what path did she take after her mother’s death? i’m somehow very mega-strong, somehow i pulled myself together, that is, our exclusive 5 years of adult life of a girl who decided, by all means, be
for you the goal is more important than people judas , judas brother you, he is just the opposite, we must leave, i ask you, leave, i ask you, follow me, big premiere, union of salvation, don’t wait for new incidents, where, when look after program time. it doesn’t happen that a person was in your life, so he disappears, even if he dies, in this girl you almost don’t recognize the child who 5 years ago lost his dearest mother, i don’t think that i am without her, i have a pile of...
Nov 19, 2024
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juda says massive waves flooded and flipped his family's crabbing boat. the six boaters jumped into the frigid water in an attempt to survive. juda said he clung on to a cooler. search teams never found his father, his uncle or two cousins. another developing story the future of san francisco. one of the biggest names in the tech world is joining forces with the mayor elect. the ceo of open ai, the company that makes chatgpt. sam altman is now on the transition for team danielle. lori altman will serve as co-chair of luries transition team. that team will help mayor elect lurie build relationships with dozens of city agencies and help mayor elect lurie develop his plans for his first 100 days in office. lurie, who has never held public office, beat london breed, among others, on election night. lurie also added some other notable names to his transition team. take a look. retired san francisco fire chief joanne hayes-white, former sfpd police captain paul yep, and michael tubbs, the former mayor of stockton. lurie says he picked them for their track recor
juda says massive waves flooded and flipped his family's crabbing boat. the six boaters jumped into the frigid water in an attempt to survive. juda said he clung on to a cooler. search teams never found his father, his uncle or two cousins. another developing story the future of san francisco. one of the biggest names in the tech world is joining forces with the mayor elect. the ceo of open ai, the company that makes chatgpt. sam altman is now on the transition for team danielle. lori altman...
Feb 8, 2024
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command of the front was released with a shock, let the world be dissolute, mired in sins, the courts of judasecree for us, whoever is against the homeland is against us, and from yakutia to the southern highways, the enemies are scared, by unity... the guns are thundering, they are not sleeping, write us off, whoever is against the homeland is against us, russia is us she will abandon her in any misfortune, and we will not abandon her in difficult times, and we will tell everyone who asks us to bend, whoever is against the homeland is against us. well, what have you been, started dancing, you will be a bear, you would have gone out of sight, safe in... war is dirt, death and human tragedies, there is no romance, but there are losses and the hope that this will someday stop : it’s easy to start a war with provocations, using the wrong word against your opponent, but it’s hard to end it, our president understands this well. today in belarus everything is being done so that our the country developed, prospered, lived in peace, and people felt themselves here. happy, the security bloc is doing ev
command of the front was released with a shock, let the world be dissolute, mired in sins, the courts of judasecree for us, whoever is against the homeland is against us, and from yakutia to the southern highways, the enemies are scared, by unity... the guns are thundering, they are not sleeping, write us off, whoever is against the homeland is against us, russia is us she will abandon her in any misfortune, and we will not abandon her in difficult times, and we will tell everyone who asks us...