Aug 16, 2013
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en el caso de la muerte del joven israel hernÁndez la policÍa de miami beach dijo que no se puede juzgar sentido igual que todo el mundo en esta comunidad. pero al momento que no saben todos los hechos del caso, nosotros no pudimos decir que Él hizo algo mal. >>> bueno, el agente mercado fue suspendido por 160 horas en el caso que dio positivo por el uso de sustancias controladas, dijo que sufrÍa de sinusitis por equivocaciÓn su madre le dio una pastilla que era de su hermano, el agento firmÓ un acuerdo de Última oportunidad. que le darÍa despido automÁtico en caso de cometer un nuevo acto de mala conducta. ilia y enriquÉ. >>> gracias vilma, buenas noches. >>> una familia de puerto rico de illinois, acusa de neglicencia a una instituciÓn encargada de cuidaoseo de ancianos, la mujer fue trasladada al hospital con fracturas y laceraciones. pide justicia, viviana avila. >>> el centro para el cuidado de ancianos en illinois estÁ en el ojo del huracÁn, familiares de carmen marrero de 87 aÑos, dicen que la anciana sufriÓ abuso fÍsico en la instituciÓn. >>> dijeron que tenÍa un abceso en la boc
en el caso de la muerte del joven israel hernÁndez la policÍa de miami beach dijo que no se puede juzgar sentido igual que todo el mundo en esta comunidad. pero al momento que no saben todos los hechos del caso, nosotros no pudimos decir que Él hizo algo mal. >>> bueno, el agente mercado fue suspendido por 160 horas en el caso que dio positivo por el uso de sustancias controladas, dijo que sufrÍa de sinusitis por equivocaciÓn su madre le dio una pastilla que era de su hermano, el...
Aug 17, 2013
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incidentes donde estuvo involucrado jorge mercado, que disparÓ la pistola electrica que matÓ a israel hernÁndezinternos, fue acusado de golpear a dos veteranos de la guerra de irak, y usar el taser, en su hotel, y tambiÉn le rompiÓ la nariz a un hombre en una pelea fuera de servicio, y en el 2011 dio de positivo en una prueba de drogas, dijo que tomÓ una pastilla para el dolor, fue suspendido por 16 aÑos, y tambiÉn en ese aÑo, estuvo involucrado en un escÁndalo, por trabajo de horas extras que no trabajaron, la policÍa dijo que no pueden comentar, el Último incidente el del adolescente colombiano estÁ bajo investigaciÓn, los hechos se producen en el contexto de un departamento de policÍa que enfrentÓ serias criticas. >>> el departamento de miami beach es reconocido por los abusos de personas que van allÁ, particularmente la comunidad afroamericana. >>> en los Últimos 7 aÑos, el cuerpo policiaco enfrentÓ dos investigaciones federales, la mÁs reciente del departamento de justicia, dijo que el uso exceso de fuerza por parte de los agentes ocasionÓ muertes que pudieron haberse evitado. >>> aparte d
incidentes donde estuvo involucrado jorge mercado, que disparÓ la pistola electrica que matÓ a israel hernÁndezinternos, fue acusado de golpear a dos veteranos de la guerra de irak, y usar el taser, en su hotel, y tambiÉn le rompiÓ la nariz a un hombre en una pelea fuera de servicio, y en el 2011 dio de positivo en una prueba de drogas, dijo que tomÓ una pastilla para el dolor, fue suspendido por 16 aÑos, y tambiÉn en ese aÑo, estuvo involucrado en un escÁndalo, por trabajo de horas...
Aug 11, 2013
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>> buenas tardes bienvenido a noticias fin de semana, iniciamos donde exigen justicia donde israel hernandez tenemos lo último desde miami beach. >> la comunidad esta desconsolada. >> la familia de israel debastada. >> era compañero. >> y el departamento de policía cuestionado. >> justicia, justicia, claridad de hechos. >> la familia del joven de 18 años, donde la policía lo intento arrestar se pudo haber evitado. >> es exageracion, acabar la vida de mi hermano por que de ni un punto el castigo es tan grave. >> cada vez son más las voces que piden castigo por la brutalidad policiaca. >> a mi hijo lo mataron ton tyser. >> lo definen como saludable, recibe reconocimientos por su trabajo y otro por el congreso, vemos como enseña a su novia a posar para fotos. >> el sueño era tener marca de patinenta. >> intento escapar y usaron una pistola de electricidad en el pecho y murió. >> la pintura se borra, pero la vida de una persona es permanente. >> la cancilleria de colombia piden investigación propia. >> oficiales dejaron de estar en calle. >> podian tumbarlo fìsicamente. >> se practican dos autop
>> buenas tardes bienvenido a noticias fin de semana, iniciamos donde exigen justicia donde israel hernandez tenemos lo último desde miami beach. >> la comunidad esta desconsolada. >> la familia de israel debastada. >> era compañero. >> y el departamento de policía cuestionado. >> justicia, justicia, claridad de hechos. >> la familia del joven de 18 años, donde la policía lo intento arrestar se pudo haber evitado. >> es exageracion, acabar la...
Aug 8, 2013
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. >> no enteinden como su hijo israel hernandez muriÓ despuÉs d de ser detenido por la policÍa d de miamia y compa i compartiecompart compartÍan su gustÓ por el arte. >> el querÍa dejar su njombom u aqa aquÍ. >> le pidiÓ que lo cuidaran m n mientras el hacia este graffiti. >> pero antes de terminar la p c policÍa lo encontrÓ. >> segÚn la policÍa el joven y huh huyÓ y fue ahÍ cuando se decidÓo utilizar la pistola el. >> este es el graffiti que ei e ismael pintana , todos aceptan q que rompÍa la le, peoro se pr preguntan como un incidente pudo terminar con la muerte del jo n joven. >> me da pena porque ewtastab t pinpin pintando , no es para que se e muera. >> su familia aexpusexpuso sus a pinturas , habÍa recibido varios reconocimientos. >> su maldad fue ser un pintor y querer darse a conocer en elm elmundo. >> la policÍa de miami beach e v enviÓ comunicado diciendo v(ver informaciÓn en pantalla( . >> el abogado de la flamilia die que quieren iniciar un ainv porquepna i investigaciÓn . >> cuatro bomberos resultaron e heridos en los encendios que n consumieron 11 acres en river side califor
. >> no enteinden como su hijo israel hernandez muriÓ despuÉs d de ser detenido por la policÍa d de miamia y compa i compartiecompart compartÍan su gustÓ por el arte. >> el querÍa dejar su njombom u aqa aquÍ. >> le pidiÓ que lo cuidaran m n mientras el hacia este graffiti. >> pero antes de terminar la p c policÍa lo encontrÓ. >> segÚn la policÍa el joven y huh huyÓ y fue ahÍ cuando se decidÓo utilizar la pistola el. >> este es el graffiti que...
Aug 11, 2013
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la familia de israel hernÁndez devastada, el departamento de policÍa cuestionado. >>> justicia, justiciaia del joven de 29 aÑos mientras varios intentos de asesinarlo. >>> en ningÚn punto el castigo era tan grave. >>> cada vez son mÁs las voces que se unen para exigir para los involucrados. >>> al hijo mÍo se ¿golpearon brutalmente. >>> sey quiÉnes lo conocieron lo reconocen omo un joven saludafie, recibiÓ varios apradecimiento por su trabajo. aquÍ aparece en una en el que le enseÑÓ a posar. >>> ptf y segÚn la policÍa lo sorprendieron organizaron actos de vavandalismo, para detenerlo utilizaron una pistola de electricidad. >>> una pintura te borra, pero la vida de una persona es permanente. el caso indignÓ a tal punto que exigieron una y los agentes intolucrados no patrulan la callas. >>> la ppr que tenÍa era arrimarse y tamburlo. >>> pln pdrme y en esto se lleva a cabo la autopsia, la familia no descarta una demanda contra el departamento de policÍa de miami meach, galo arellano. >>> los investigaderes dichen que el aviÓn que choco ayer volaba invertido, la agencicie dijo que no be fbf
la familia de israel hernÁndez devastada, el departamento de policÍa cuestionado. >>> justicia, justiciaia del joven de 29 aÑos mientras varios intentos de asesinarlo. >>> en ningÚn punto el castigo era tan grave. >>> cada vez son mÁs las voces que se unen para exigir para los involucrados. >>> al hijo mÍo se ¿golpearon brutalmente. >>> sey quiÉnes lo conocieron lo reconocen omo un joven saludafie, recibiÓ varios apradecimiento por su...
Aug 8, 2013
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joven colombiano muriÓ despuÉs que agentes de la policÍa intentaron im moviliza movilizarlo, israel hernÁndez en un restaurante abandonado, israel habrÍa intentado escapar y finalmente fue acorralado por los agentes. >>> mi hijo era un joven artista, no lo digo yo, lo dice el museo de arte de miami que fueron sus obras supuesexpuesta los museos, por todas partes habÍan. >>> representaba una amenaza. >>> el gobierno de estados unidos empezÓ demanda contra el banco de amÉrica por ocultar informaciÓn a los in verse nish inversionistas sobre los tÍtulos de propiedad, la medida que dio origen a la crisis financiera de 2008, el departamento de justicia denuncio que el banco evitÓ realizar revision y anÁlisis de las hipotecas lo que llevÓ a inversionistas a perder mÁs de 100 millones de dÓlares. >>> gobernador de nueva jersey dijo que la agencia para el manejo de emergencias va a dardo ce millon doce millones de dÓlares para comprar a los dueÑos viviendas afectadas por sandy, el programa dirigido a unas mil casas daÑadas en zonas de grandes marejadas y unas 300 propiedades que se inundan con frecuen
joven colombiano muriÓ despuÉs que agentes de la policÍa intentaron im moviliza movilizarlo, israel hernÁndez en un restaurante abandonado, israel habrÍa intentado escapar y finalmente fue acorralado por los agentes. >>> mi hijo era un joven artista, no lo digo yo, lo dice el museo de arte de miami que fueron sus obras supuesexpuesta los museos, por todas partes habÍan. >>> representaba una amenaza. >>> el gobierno de estados unidos empezÓ demanda contra el...
Aug 9, 2013
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israel hernandez family is devastated. they're hoping to leave in a country safer than theirs.ow one of their loved ones is dead and the family is asking for justice. >>: i find the strength and my hope for justice in a country that defense human rights. a country that sets an example. that is my son's case. excessive force. >>: he was an amazing artist carried a very passionate artist for its it is unfair to end his life for something he loved. >>: according to a police report a 18 year-old israel hernandez was chased by officers around 5:00 a.m. tuesday after he was brett after he was seen at spray- painted on a private property. police say he did not stop and agents used eight taser on him. shortly after, the report says the team's physical condition shows signs of stress. he was taken to a local hospital and was later pronounced dead. police say the use of a taser gun should not be fatal. israel sister said her brother was perfectly healthy and the case pool--and their case proves the the argument romper it >>: that went beyond the point. i'm not exactly what happened but i
israel hernandez family is devastated. they're hoping to leave in a country safer than theirs.ow one of their loved ones is dead and the family is asking for justice. >>: i find the strength and my hope for justice in a country that defense human rights. a country that sets an example. that is my son's case. excessive force. >>: he was an amazing artist carried a very passionate artist for its it is unfair to end his life for something he loved. >>: according to a police...
Aug 9, 2013
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miami beach ha solicitado una investigaciÓn, estatal independiente sobre la muerte del joven israel hernÁndez momento, uno de los policÍas que participÓ en el hecho, haÍa sidouspendido mr 3 dÍas. familiares amigos y otras personas se concentraron en el lugar, donde el joven fue derribado por la policÍa. mientras estaba pintando grafitis, iniciaron una vigilia en su memoria. en medio de fuerte prencia policial. en los Ángeles, estan buscando a 2 hombres que balearon a un ciclista hace mÁs de una semana en las imÁgenes facilitadas por la policÍa. se ve a 2 sujetos que pasan en un toyota dorado junto a la bicicleta. detienen el agua, se bajan con sus armas y disparan al ciclista. se cree que es un ajuste de cuentas entre pandilleros. >>> en mÉxico, la familia de 2 jorrs exigen hoy su liberaciÓn ellos aseguran que fueron arrestados injustamente y que no son trafictes de drogas. los dos jÓvenes de 18 y 19 aÑos fueron llevados a la prisiÓn, luego de que el vehÍculo que conducÍan las autoridades, dicen haber encontrado un kilo de cocaÍna. gelio mora tagle con el informe. >>> estudiantes de preparato
miami beach ha solicitado una investigaciÓn, estatal independiente sobre la muerte del joven israel hernÁndez momento, uno de los policÍas que participÓ en el hecho, haÍa sidouspendido mr 3 dÍas. familiares amigos y otras personas se concentraron en el lugar, donde el joven fue derribado por la policÍa. mientras estaba pintando grafitis, iniciaron una vigilia en su memoria. en medio de fuerte prencia policial. en los Ángeles, estan buscando a 2 hombres que balearon a un ciclista hace...
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well, israel hernandez was known as an artist. his family this morning, and as you can imagine, they are very, very shaken up. their home was covered in israel's art, and that is exactly what his family says he was doing when he died. israel hernandez's family is devastated. they left colombia about six years ago, hoping to live in a country that they consider safer than theirs. now one of their loved ones is dead, and the family is asking for justice. >> translator: i find strength in my hope for justice. we are in a country that defends human rights, a country that sets an example and dares to ask other countries that use excessive force, that is my son's case, excessive force. >> he was an amazing artist, a very passionate person, very passionate artist, and that it's unfair to end his life for something he loved. >> reporter: according to a miami-dade police report, 18-year-old israel hernandez was chased by officers around 5:00 a.m. tuesday after he was seen spray-painting graffiti on a private property. police say he disobeye
well, israel hernandez was known as an artist. his family this morning, and as you can imagine, they are very, very shaken up. their home was covered in israel's art, and that is exactly what his family says he was doing when he died. israel hernandez's family is devastated. they left colombia about six years ago, hoping to live in a country that they consider safer than theirs. now one of their loved ones is dead, and the family is asking for justice. >> translator: i find strength in my...
Aug 16, 2013
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. >>> israel hernÁndez, de 18 aÑos muere poco despuÉs en el hospital.rÓ con el taser ha sido suspendido. >>> al joven lo vemos con muchos moretones en la cara y es preocupante. >>> hoy familiares y amigos, exigen un por quÉ. >>> un muchacho, que estaba haciendo grafite, que estÁ pintando, que no estÁ armado si lew r con arms r. el conducto es tratar de detenerlo. >>> miami beach que declinÓ dar entrevistas, que 3 agentes a pie para capturar un sospechoso es algo atÍpico y que las causas de la muerte de hernÁndez no han sido determinadas por el mÉdico forense y que la investigaciÓn continÚa. segÚn la oficina de los abogados que representan a la familia hernÁndez. esta estÁ elaborando una demanda, que pudiera ser presentada aproximamente. en miami, angie sandoval, tele mundo. >>> a pesar de la reciente dpe zigs de un jueves sobre los decomisos de automÓviles de personas sin licencia de conducir en los Ángeles, ahora tanto el concejal de la ciudad, gil zedillo aseguran que los conductores no tienen que temer, resulta que la orden especial 7 invalidada por
. >>> israel hernÁndez, de 18 aÑos muere poco despuÉs en el hospital.rÓ con el taser ha sido suspendido. >>> al joven lo vemos con muchos moretones en la cara y es preocupante. >>> hoy familiares y amigos, exigen un por quÉ. >>> un muchacho, que estaba haciendo grafite, que estÁ pintando, que no estÁ armado si lew r con arms r. el conducto es tratar de detenerlo. >>> miami beach que declinÓ dar entrevistas, que 3 agentes a pie para capturar...
Aug 8, 2013
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it happened when 18-year-old israel hernandez ran from police after he was seen spraying graffiti. police say he ignored officers' commands to stop. >>> and on space.com, sun's magnetic field flip won't doom earth, scientists say. thank goodness. the change which is happening in the coming months occurs every 11 years so chances are you've already experienced a major one in your lifetime. here on earth, the magnetic swath may produce some climate affects and cool auroras. >>> topping our news, beating the 1 in 175 million odds, three people did it with those winning lottery tickets. the third largest powerball jackpot in history. two in new jersey and one in minnesota. so check your tickets. >>> here are those numbers just in case you haven't had a chance to do it -- 5, 25, 30, 58, 59 and the powerball number, 32. >> i had 30. that was it. >> i got 32. at least i get my 4 bucks back. >>> president obama abruptly canceled a planned meeting in moscow with vladimir putin. it's a duplicatic snub amid tensions over self-professed nsa leaker edward snowden. president obama still plans to
it happened when 18-year-old israel hernandez ran from police after he was seen spraying graffiti. police say he ignored officers' commands to stop. >>> and on space.com, sun's magnetic field flip won't doom earth, scientists say. thank goodness. the change which is happening in the coming months occurs every 11 years so chances are you've already experienced a major one in your lifetime. here on earth, the magnetic swath may produce some climate affects and cool auroras. >>>...
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oftentimes these less than lethal tactics that are abused the most which brings me to the case of israel hernandez an eighteen year old honor student an artist who was caught spray painting an old store front when police confronted her and as he did what most teenagers probably would do and he ran so they make the arrest the officers he's tim and his hernandez laid on the ground witnesses say that the officers were actually celebrating the catch apparently not realizing the victim had tragically died as a result check out these bystanders had to say about what they witnessed. i hear the officers on the radio. and then i go to the scene where they had him by the bank and he was just barely clinging motionless and those cops around the clapping like me graduating and they were high five each other. they were just acting like it was nothing. but one of the cops saying oh you should've seen you should've seen you know. he stiffened up when we teased him and stuff like. this past weekend hundreds of people attended a rally in honor of hernandez in his hometown demanding accountability for his unwarrant
oftentimes these less than lethal tactics that are abused the most which brings me to the case of israel hernandez an eighteen year old honor student an artist who was caught spray painting an old store front when police confronted her and as he did what most teenagers probably would do and he ran so they make the arrest the officers he's tim and his hernandez laid on the ground witnesses say that the officers were actually celebrating the catch apparently not realizing the victim had...
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victimized by police so not jump to the end so i'm going to talk about one of them the case of israel hernandez an eighteen year old honor student an artist who was caught spray painting an old store front when police confronted hernandez he did what most teenagers would probably do when he ran so officers proceeded to use a taser gun on him to make the arrest yesterday and as lay on the ground what is to say that officers were celebrating their catch with high fives but hernandez never got up and soon after he was pronounced dead. a report from the medical examiner's office still pending on how the taser actually killed the young teenager but one thing remains clear that is how this young man died and it's far from an isolated incident they so you recently reported that at least five hundred and forty one taser related deaths have occurred since two thousand and one it's a stat that should make us reconsider how overuse these so-called non-lethal weapons really are really though whether it be a taser or gun this is about the need for trigger happy cops to face accountability and no not a democ
victimized by police so not jump to the end so i'm going to talk about one of them the case of israel hernandez an eighteen year old honor student an artist who was caught spray painting an old store front when police confronted hernandez he did what most teenagers would probably do when he ran so officers proceeded to use a taser gun on him to make the arrest yesterday and as lay on the ground what is to say that officers were celebrating their catch with high fives but hernandez never got up...
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Aug 16, 2013
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. >>> en la grabaciÓn de la radÍa policiaca en la noche que muriÓ israel hernÁndez, fue dada a la publicidadestatal de la florida, se dijo que el informe toxicolÓgico del joven derarÍa semanas. >>> vemos quÉ pasa en venezuela, por quÉ representantes del gobierno acusan d homosexuales a los oposites. y los dramÁticos testimonios de la madre del nieto de cantinflas que pide limosnas por la calle laiudade mÉxico. >>> este domingo en al punt king, unÍder que mÁs critic a ingrantes. >>> yo me opongo de manera vehemente a la legalizaciÓn de personas que esÁn aquÍ ilalmente. >>> desde honduras, pueden militar golpista ser presidte. >>> lo que hicimos es copiar una orden, imagÍnese, si hubiera apoyado a otro, aunque estuviera fuerde la ley, serÍa un hombre poderoso en este paÍs en este momento. >>> una familia separada por el sheriff joe arpaio. >>> pienso que esna persona racista, no tiene razÓn d por que arrestar a gente que eÁ trabajando. >>> debe legalizarse la marihuana. >>> nadie muriÓ por una sobredosis de marihuana. >>> un niÑo geo, hispano y ri. >>> quiero saber que con las licaciones que h
. >>> en la grabaciÓn de la radÍa policiaca en la noche que muriÓ israel hernÁndez, fue dada a la publicidadestatal de la florida, se dijo que el informe toxicolÓgico del joven derarÍa semanas. >>> vemos quÉ pasa en venezuela, por quÉ representantes del gobierno acusan d homosexuales a los oposites. y los dramÁticos testimonios de la madre del nieto de cantinflas que pide limosnas por la calle laiudade mÉxico. >>> este domingo en al punt king, unÍder que...
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a statement a day later, with miami beach police offering their condolences to the family of israel hernandez. but for family and friends of hernandez, who held a vigil overnight, it is not enough. >> trayvon martin's all over the world. this kid needs to be all over the world. he was doing nothing but expressing himself. >> reporter: they say the promising young artist didn't have any health conditions that could be blamed for his death. >> my brother's dead, isn't he? of course they went too far. >> reporter: for "good morning america," aditi roy, abc news, new york. >> thank you, aditi. >>> now, to an abc news exclusive. a truly remarkable story. the fbi is, in fact, looking for your help this morning. reopening an almost half-century-old mystery. a case involving kidnapping and mistaken identity. again, a remarkable story coming to light, now thanks to months of work by our barbara walters. and so on many of our colleagues here at abc. barbara, you're here with us this morning. and this all started when a newborn was stolen from a hospital in chicago. >> that's right. and by the way, you
a statement a day later, with miami beach police offering their condolences to the family of israel hernandez. but for family and friends of hernandez, who held a vigil overnight, it is not enough. >> trayvon martin's all over the world. this kid needs to be all over the world. he was doing nothing but expressing himself. >> reporter: they say the promising young artist didn't have any health conditions that could be blamed for his death. >> my brother's dead, isn't he? of...
Aug 29, 2013
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the son died after the tasing. 18-year-old israel hernandez was chased down and stunned by miami beach police after they caught him spray painting a law. they express violation of the teenagers's civil right. >>> the new york police department labeled at least a dozen mosques in the city as terrorist organizations, that means the police can spy on the mosques without evidence of wrongdoing. the groups call it racial profiling. cab turner reports. >> midday prayers at the islamic society of bay ridge. according to the police department this is not merely a place of worship. documents leaked to the associated press say this is one of a dozen mosques that have been secretlily labeled as a terrorist organization since 2003. anyone who attends their prayer meetings can be subject to investigation for voin, also for violence against the nypd. >> and that is the most important thing you liver for, in the united states, when there is nonof these what do you think? >> justifies the terrorist labels and widespread monitoring. >> our kids learning in an after school program, woman learning englis
the son died after the tasing. 18-year-old israel hernandez was chased down and stunned by miami beach police after they caught him spray painting a law. they express violation of the teenagers's civil right. >>> the new york police department labeled at least a dozen mosques in the city as terrorist organizations, that means the police can spy on the mosques without evidence of wrongdoing. the groups call it racial profiling. cab turner reports. >> midday prayers at the islamic...
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Aug 9, 2013
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the teenager, israel hernandez, was an award-winning artist whose work have been exhibited locally. the police officer began chasing hernandez after he saw the artist spray tanning is tagged on a boarded-up mcdonald's storefront. hernandez, who was born in columbia, was reportedly shot after a 10 minute chase. according to witnesses, the police officers involved in the chase celebrated after they trapped and plays third hernandez by slapping each other with high fives as the teenager lay dying in the street. hernandez high school art teacher said -- art teacher, an israel was one of the most unique intelligent students i have ever encountered." the justice department has announced it will review the case of ramarley graham, the unarmed 18-year-old teenager who was shot dead inside his own home by new york city police officer last year. on wednesday, grand jury failed to indict the narcotics officer who fatally shot graham. officer richard haste was initially invited for manslaughter at -- indicted for manslaughter, but a judge electively throughout the indictment in may on procedura
the teenager, israel hernandez, was an award-winning artist whose work have been exhibited locally. the police officer began chasing hernandez after he saw the artist spray tanning is tagged on a boarded-up mcdonald's storefront. hernandez, who was born in columbia, was reportedly shot after a 10 minute chase. according to witnesses, the police officers involved in the chase celebrated after they trapped and plays third hernandez by slapping each other with high fives as the teenager lay dying...
Aug 10, 2013
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police confirm israel hernandez was tasered.. >>> up next, more pain for r & b star usher. shortly after his son nearly drown in a swimming pool, the custody battle threatening to take his son away is after this. we're vampires after all. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. it's amazing what we're getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. slow down, boy. mornings. who knew? kellogg's nutri-grain fruit crunch. love the morning. right now, get a thick, juicy sirloin, crispy fries, and a fresh garden salad for just $9.99. come enjoy our new steak lovers special today. only at chili's. more life happens here. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my ale
police confirm israel hernandez was tasered.. >>> up next, more pain for r & b star usher. shortly after his son nearly drown in a swimming pool, the custody battle threatening to take his son away is after this. we're vampires after all. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. it's amazing what we're getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. slow down, boy. mornings. who...
Aug 29, 2013
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someone that was our generation that looked just like us taken out of, you have the case of israel hernandez'ing an abandoned mcdonald's taken out. young people are starting to observe that hey, possibly the america we have today isn't the one we want tomorrow. >> interesting in 1963, obviously it was a lot of young people that came out that was the 8th anniversary of emmett till's slaying, but i have to play you this. at the end of the '63 march, they listed ten demands of things that they thought were important that they wanted to see happen -- legislation to guarantee the right to vote. a federal programs to train, and place workers in dignified jobs. terpt they looking for $2 an hour, if you can believe that. a lot of the same thing what does that say about the country? >> that sell that america is always in need of ren vision we were there to celebrate a dream, but make that dream a reality as well. yes, we still want those things and we want the right to marry, and the right to a livable wage, we want the right for immigrant families to not be separated and thrown all around the countr
someone that was our generation that looked just like us taken out of, you have the case of israel hernandez'ing an abandoned mcdonald's taken out. young people are starting to observe that hey, possibly the america we have today isn't the one we want tomorrow. >> interesting in 1963, obviously it was a lot of young people that came out that was the 8th anniversary of emmett till's slaying, but i have to play you this. at the end of the '63 march, they listed ten demands of things that...
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the police version is that 18-year-old israel hernandez rap from officers after he was caught spray paintingraffiti and they tasered him after they ordered him to spot. his friends say after officers tasered him, they laughed and high-fived each other as hernandez laid motionless on the ground. that death is under investigation. another shooting getting a close look right now. the death of a reckless driver who police fired more than 100 shots at after he stopped his car. that investigation has been going on for two years. the question is, what's taking so long to determine if police did use excessive force? jason carroll reports. >> reporter: the controversial shooting captured on cell phone video shows the last moments of raymond's life on may 30th, 2011. several shots are heard as hialeah, florida police officers try to stop his reckless driving. the video shows him heading down collins avenue and comes to a spot. he's surrounded by several miami beach police officers. >> oh, my god. they dope killed this man. >> reporter: the street is crowded with onlookers, enjoying urban beach week. a
the police version is that 18-year-old israel hernandez rap from officers after he was caught spray paintingraffiti and they tasered him after they ordered him to spot. his friends say after officers tasered him, they laughed and high-fived each other as hernandez laid motionless on the ground. that death is under investigation. another shooting getting a close look right now. the death of a reckless driver who police fired more than 100 shots at after he stopped his car. that investigation has...
Aug 9, 2013
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the city of miami beach would like to extend their condolences to the family of israel hernandez. >>>tes past the hour. potential breakthrough in a fight against a deadly disease. researchers say an experimental vaccine was effective in an early trial in people when given in high doses. itis not ready for widespread use and more testing needs to be done here. it affects 200 million people a year killing 1 million of them mostly in the developing world. >> 3.3 billion people live in the world affected by malaria. this is serious. it's huge. all right. this is something you just have to see. >> go, go, go, go. yeah. >> that's actually a real live fish. a big fish, folks. how big? 920 pounds. a bluefin tuna pulled in off cape cod last week. nine feet long. it took three hours to reel that sucker in. the friends on the boat, they took 15 to 20 minute shifts. you have to rest if you are fighting against a fish that big. look at that. it looks like something out of discovery channel. they got it on board. a beautiful fish for now. they sold it for $400,000. >> poor fish. >> he fought a good
the city of miami beach would like to extend their condolences to the family of israel hernandez. >>>tes past the hour. potential breakthrough in a fight against a deadly disease. researchers say an experimental vaccine was effective in an early trial in people when given in high doses. itis not ready for widespread use and more testing needs to be done here. it affects 200 million people a year killing 1 million of them mostly in the developing world. >> 3.3 billion people live...
Aug 28, 2013
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israel hernandez's family said police used unnecessary force and had no reason to shock the young manter police say he ran from him after he caught him spray painting a wall. they resist that he was resisting arrest. state officials are now conducting an independent review of that incident. >>> former nba all-star scotty pippen won't be charged in an incident early this month. a man said pippen spit on him after the former chicago bulls player refused to pose for a picture. the u.s. storn says there isn't enough evidence to show pippen committed a crime. >>> another came forward against san diego mayor bob filner who claims filner kissed and groped her at an elementary school. her lawyer has asked the city for $125,000. she's now the 19th women who claims filner harassed her. >>> it was a joyous day after some new mexico couples legally wed. hundreds gathered in albuquerque to witness the nuptials. >> for 20 year, it feels like we've been married. but this makes it feel real. >> after 40 years, we feel really good. just to know that all these people around us are here for the same rea
israel hernandez's family said police used unnecessary force and had no reason to shock the young manter police say he ran from him after he caught him spray painting a wall. they resist that he was resisting arrest. state officials are now conducting an independent review of that incident. >>> former nba all-star scotty pippen won't be charged in an incident early this month. a man said pippen spit on him after the former chicago bulls player refused to pose for a picture. the u.s....
Aug 28, 2013
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florida family is suing local police for tasing their son who died shortly thereafter. 18-year-old israel hernandez chased down and stunned by miami beach police after they caught him spray painting a wall. a lawsuit claims that the police disregarded his civil rights. natasha i'm going to talk to you. he was tased but what do we know about how this young man actually died? >> good evening, tony. well this is what we do know. he was tased one time in the chest, officers say he immediately showed distress and died shortly thereafter but we don't have a formal cause of death and that's because we're still awaiting toxicology results and that could take several weeks. i've covered these cases before, in one case the man a medical examiner cited a man's preexisting heart condition, another a million examiner cited drug use. again it's important for toxicology reports to be determined. >> natasha this isn't the first time miami police have faced such allegations correct? >> true but i do want to mention the miami beach police chief said this man was caught in the act and he alluded arrest and the mime p
florida family is suing local police for tasing their son who died shortly thereafter. 18-year-old israel hernandez chased down and stunned by miami beach police after they caught him spray painting a wall. a lawsuit claims that the police disregarded his civil rights. natasha i'm going to talk to you. he was tased but what do we know about how this young man actually died? >> good evening, tony. well this is what we do know. he was tased one time in the chest, officers say he immediately...
Aug 15, 2013
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police dispatch details the search for 18-year-old israel hernandez who was putting graffiti on a buildingop him. he ran and the search ended with the teen tased and dying. >> 6'6" male. he had dreads. >> right there, right there. >> we done know if he's having a seizure. he is breathing. >> cardiac arrest. 71 street harding avenue. >> he was buried wednesday afternoon. police are investigating what should be a non-lethal weapon. >>> dogs are man's best friend, right? for one texas family, a chihuahua/poodle mix, he is a hero. psycho jumped between their little girl and a venomous rattlesnake. the snake bit the dog in the eye, but, did not bite the girl. >> me and my sister were making mud pies and i hear a hiss and a rattle. i look down and there's a snake. psycho got in front of me and the snake bit him. >> he saved her life. he's my hero. >> let's hear it for psycho, right? >> yeah! >> the dog's injury looks serious. the eye looks tough. psycho will make a full recovery. that dog is an american. >> i can't get over his name. there's got to be something going on inside of him that they n
police dispatch details the search for 18-year-old israel hernandez who was putting graffiti on a buildingop him. he ran and the search ended with the teen tased and dying. >> 6'6" male. he had dreads. >> right there, right there. >> we done know if he's having a seizure. he is breathing. >> cardiac arrest. 71 street harding avenue. >> he was buried wednesday afternoon. police are investigating what should be a non-lethal weapon. >>> dogs are man's...
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excessive force. >> israel hernandez was 18 years old. he was a popular graffiti artist there locally in miami beach. his sister just spoke about the passion that he had for his artwork. >> he was an amazing artist. a very passionate person. very passionate artist. and unfair to end his life for something he loved. it was very unnecessary. and they went beyond the point. i don't know what exactly happened. but if he died, they obviously went off the point. >> as you mentioned, brooke, a lot of people upset locally and nationally. they don't agree with the way the police handled this in miami beach. >> obviously that's one side of the story. i want to ask you about what police are saying in just a second. mike brooks, you're a cop for years and years. you brought in a taser gun. to be clear there's no battery in this. there's no cartridge. we're safe. but why do police use taser guns? >> i'll tell you, it's a great alternative to deadly force because it's less than lethal. just like pepper spray. just like police baton. but under certain c
excessive force. >> israel hernandez was 18 years old. he was a popular graffiti artist there locally in miami beach. his sister just spoke about the passion that he had for his artwork. >> he was an amazing artist. a very passionate person. very passionate artist. and unfair to end his life for something he loved. it was very unnecessary. and they went beyond the point. i don't know what exactly happened. but if he died, they obviously went off the point. >> as you mentioned,...
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officers say they confront israel hernandez as he was spray painting graffiti on -- a fast-food restaurantfter hernandez refused orders to stop. the 18-year-old died at the hospital. >> fbi reopening a bizarre mistaken identity kidnapping case that dates back decade. it started when an infant was kidnapped from a chicago hospital. a year later authorities thought they found that child in new jersey and they reunited him with his parents. but now, genetic tests reveal they're not related. barbara walters spoke to him. >> how do you feel when you see the picture? >> i want to find him, hug him and see that he is okay. >> nothing would make him happy to find the real paul and who he is. see much more of the story, tonight on "20/20." >> police are looking for a northern california woman who vanished five days ago. and they have identified a person of interest. they're questioning a registered sex offender who dated sandra coke 20 years ago. they say he was spotted with coke sunday the day she went missing. he has a long criminal history that include kidnapping and rape. and he was also charge
officers say they confront israel hernandez as he was spray painting graffiti on -- a fast-food restaurantfter hernandez refused orders to stop. the 18-year-old died at the hospital. >> fbi reopening a bizarre mistaken identity kidnapping case that dates back decade. it started when an infant was kidnapped from a chicago hospital. a year later authorities thought they found that child in new jersey and they reunited him with his parents. but now, genetic tests reveal they're not related....
Aug 10, 2013
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. >>> miami beach officials have ordered an independent investigate shun of the israel hernandez case caught tagging an abandoned building and died after police tasered him. >>> sunday, the state department will reopen all but one of the 19 u.s. diplomatic posts that were closed this weekend. the embassy in yemen will remain closed. >>> boos and cheers for alex rodriguez tonight at yankees stadium after striking out in his first at-bat. it's his first home game since he was suspended. >>> and oprah winfrey says she was the victim of racism on a recent trip to switzerland when an assistant refused to show her a handbag because it was too expensive. she has an estimated worth of $2.8 billion. wolf? >> susan, thank you very much. >>> up next, the fascinating story heading to the big screen. the african-american man who worked as a butler in the white house for eight presidents. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little mis
. >>> miami beach officials have ordered an independent investigate shun of the israel hernandez case caught tagging an abandoned building and died after police tasered him. >>> sunday, the state department will reopen all but one of the 19 u.s. diplomatic posts that were closed this weekend. the embassy in yemen will remain closed. >>> boos and cheers for alex rodriguez tonight at yankees stadium after striking out in his first at-bat. it's his first home game since...