now here's lonnie quinn with our first check of the weather. good morning, lonnie. reporting for duty after lottery winnings. what do you think? >> first of all, 13 postal workers. you know darn well they had to ask some of their coworkers who said, nah, we're never going to win. >> right, of course. >> can you imagine? let's get right to your weather, guys. here are your weather headlines. it is storm up? beurre nine for the northeast. what a winter you've had. the gulf coast states you're going to clear out today and it's snow for the northern plains. let's take a peek at it from high up above. we look down. that's the northern plains situation. i'm talking a little bit of snow. two to five inches. this is a system now pushing into the ohio valley, that can be a pretty good player for the northeast. but look at the swath of real estate, indianapolis, to pittsburgh, to bangor, maine, winter weather alerts are in effect. we're talking ice and freezing rain to start off your day today, it's going to switch over to snow, and in places like bangor, maine, you'll end up