they actually wrote a full page op add in their sunday edition, explaining what it happened to richard bowen and how he had been muscle. and it was a boy not only as the fcc, but also at the financial crisis inquiry commission. i would like to thank our guests, richard bohn for joining us and thank you to our viewers for tuning in. there are very few people or companies who are publicly opposed to us. so blowing after all was the blowing is always in the public interest. but support for whistle blowers is usually the exception. rather than the rule. the economist magazine said many years ago, whistle blowing is good for society, but bad for careers. it should be good for both. that's where we come in. evidence of waste, fraud, abuse or illegality should be shouted from the rooftops, just like richard. but what did or we're right there wrong. let's keep it up. i'm john carrie outgoing. you've been watching the whistle blowers until next time. 2 2 the, the top headlines right now and i'll to international as a rushes, defense of ministry size, the check engine, military unit, a cold, ok, lots