my name is mike and i'm one of the managers in the safety division and this is my colleague robin courtney. for the past three years, we've been we've been pass with the public transportation safety. this is a project that's been longstanding going back years and it's the largest and major change in safety regulations over the past 25 years. it falls under federal regulation title 49 go to fed regulations part 673. it documents our safety management system. or s.m.s. this replaces the document we've been using since 1996, which is our systems safety program plan and in this case, it adopted -- it was adopted only for rail but this new document applies to all our remotes, both our rail systems, our trolley bus systems and our diesel bus systems. unlike the previous system safety program plan, it must be approved by you, the board of directors and it will be signed by the director of transportation. and when we have the package done, it will be effective next july 20th for a system safety plan and the former regulation having said that, let me turn this over to robin and give you an update.