. >> here to respond, rick unger, >> here to respond, rick unger, fox news legal analyst, peter n johnsonand david limbaugh. good to see you. everybody is entitled to a defense. we'll start there. but i had him take a polygraph test, which he passed and destroyed my faith in polygraphs. she goes on to say she got him off for time served, which was two months, for raping a 12-year-old girl. if a republican did that, david limbaugh, would that not be a war on women, a vicious attack, a media onslaught? i think it would be. >> that's the point. there would be a double standard. as a lawyer, i find it difficult to attack hillary for representing someone she was appointed to represent and not -- >> she said she did it as a favor. >> that's what i was going to get to. one article said she agreed to be the court appointed attorney. now, i never had that choice. when i was appointed to represent a murderer, i didn't want to do it but i had to do it. she said -- the article suggested she had a choice. if she had a choice -- >> i heard the recording. she said the prosecutor called me a few years ag