alia ali:: just imamagine, a younung chilo doesn't knknow what is g goinn feels terribible pain wheneverhe ururinates, whenenever she moves. it imposes s sh limitations on plplaying and running. it's shohoing. >> the fight for equal rights is arduous, and won't be won overnight. bayan ali, for one, is a fighter who won't give up. bayan ali: we want equality and nothing less. men should stop saying i am crazy because i box. it should be considered totally normal, like men playing football. >> the pace of change in sudan right now is swift. confident and independent-minded women will make sure equality and freedom prevail. >> violence against women is a worldwide problem and in many countries, women have few if any ways to defend themselves. according to the united nations, 243 million women and girls experienced sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner over the span of one year. latin america is especially dangerous. the who says that more than a third of all women there have experienced violence at the hands of their partners. the problem is particularly acute in brazil. the mo