know, due the united states uh, the administration changed and donald prom explicitly claims the depaula. so subdivided, administration warrant mistake. the grains, the beginning will view green warranties, buying those full m, as in the ascii school. but mainland, buying those for so the chain shall be administration, create that corporate community for the united states to start the different polls in the hold up. nothing changed. you know, we, we see the same people with the same lease, and of course they cannot afford to recognize the bankruptcy of their previous boss . i, because they wouldn't be, you know, a job that's uh, you know, they would disappear. they, they, they, they, they wouldn't be what's the weight. so they, uh they, they, they, they, uh, they are compelled to continue the same policy. mm hm. it was a human, although it is don't for the friends, mr. it's one thing to call a lot in there, puts an old way in heck it to if a name uh in the book. but it's another thing to do the same thing to donald trump, and we see from, from the reaction to zillow, keys, the poster, an