Apr 9, 2016
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dieron detalles del acuerdo salarial que permitio qu eno hubiera huelga en los campus.atal de california presta servicops a miles de estudiantes. se aprovo la ley que permite vender anticonceptivos sin receta. se acerca Ña fecha limite para declarar impuestos. la liglesia cambio su opinion acercad e los divorciados. lo invitamos a unirse auna buena causa donando a san jude. --autoridades de Élgica arrestaron a mohamed abrini, sospechoso de los ataques en paÍs en noviembre pasado. --seÚn el gobierno belga, existen fuertes indicios de que abrini sea el misterioso "hombre del sombrero" que habÍa participado tambËn en los atentados de bruselas el 22 de marzo.--abrini, de 31 aÑos de edad, era el hombre Á s buscado de europa... su captura se efectÓ este viernes.. >> mil: las expectativas miles de catÓlicos en todo elmundo esperaban el anuncio del papa francisco sobre los cambios. >> unos de los cambios de la nueva carta del papa es queno esta escrita para la ley ecleciastica si no para que la lean todos. la iglesia tiene que ser mÁs receptiva y juzgar menos. alunos jovenes fe
dieron detalles del acuerdo salarial que permitio qu eno hubiera huelga en los campus.atal de california presta servicops a miles de estudiantes. se aprovo la ley que permite vender anticonceptivos sin receta. se acerca Ña fecha limite para declarar impuestos. la liglesia cambio su opinion acercad e los divorciados. lo invitamos a unirse auna buena causa donando a san jude. --autoridades de Élgica arrestaron a mohamed abrini, sospechoso de los ataques en paÍs en noviembre pasado. --seÚn el...
Apr 8, 2016
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---esto despues e el siicato qurepresenta los maestrode los campus uversitarios ylos da nueva rueda de --las reuniones se realizaran en un periodo de 48 horas. --se espera que alcancen un acuerdo antes del fin de semana. vo cesar --luego que en mississippi se promulg una ley contra los homosexuales, la ciudad de san francisco prohibi que sus trabajadores realicen viajes de negocios o trabajo a ese destino. --el alcalde ed lee afirm que los contribuyentes de esa ciudad no tienen porque pagar con sus impuestos la legalizacion de una ley que discrimina a un grupo de personas. --san francisco se une asi a decenas de ciudades que prohibieron los viajes de sus funcionarios a los estados de mississippi y carolina del norte. take vo / cesar --- autoridades detienen a un asistente deal en rea de la baha bajo sospha de drogar sus tomarles fotos desnudos, la historia en minutos --- take vo /blanca ---si vive en el este de la baha y le gusta tomar bebidas azucaradas, una nueva medida aprobada hoy le puede afectar su bolsillo, detalles en breve. take vo live weather cam segment ends live weather ca
---esto despues e el siicato qurepresenta los maestrode los campus uversitarios ylos da nueva rueda de --las reuniones se realizaran en un periodo de 48 horas. --se espera que alcancen un acuerdo antes del fin de semana. vo cesar --luego que en mississippi se promulg una ley contra los homosexuales, la ciudad de san francisco prohibi que sus trabajadores realicen viajes de negocios o trabajo a ese destino. --el alcalde ed lee afirm que los contribuyentes de esa ciudad no tienen porque pagar con...
Apr 6, 2016
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lorena/ms --ante el inminente paro de labores en los 23 campus desiste universidades estatales...estudialifornia se estn preparando para el impacto de la huelga... take vo --el paro comenzar desde prximo mircoles 13 hasta el martes 19... --un mediador decret que todos los maestros y otro personal educativo merecen tener un aumento salarial del cinco por ciento.. --la administracin del sistema universitario ofrece el dos por ciento.. juanfra-take vo --- senadores demcratas y activistas piden al congreso en washington apruebe la propuesta "acta de salarios justos" para corregir las desigualdades salariales entre hombres y mujeres... --- segn datos oficiales las mujeres conforman la mitad de la fuerza laboral en el pas...pero ganan 79 centavos por cada dlar que los hombres ganan en el mismo empleo... --- el problema golpea con ms dureza a las mujeres latinas que ganan slo 55 centavos por cada dlar que los hombres reciben en la misma plaza laboral. juanfra/ms --otra medida que tiene a mucha gente contenta fue la que aprob anoche el concejo de la ciudad de oakland para aliviar el problema del
lorena/ms --ante el inminente paro de labores en los 23 campus desiste universidades estatales...estudialifornia se estn preparando para el impacto de la huelga... take vo --el paro comenzar desde prximo mircoles 13 hasta el martes 19... --un mediador decret que todos los maestros y otro personal educativo merecen tener un aumento salarial del cinco por ciento.. --la administracin del sistema universitario ofrece el dos por ciento.. juanfra-take vo --- senadores demcratas y activistas piden al...
Apr 7, 2016
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. --- pero las autoridades educativas y el sindicato que representa a los 23 campus universitarios, iniciaroncoles un periodo de negociacin de 48 horas a puertas cerradas... --- ambas partes esperan llegar a un acuerdo que podra ser anunciado en las prximas horas. lorena-ms --- ladrones de cervezas son buscados por la polica en san jos... take vo --- uno de ellos presuntamente amenaz con un cuchillo a la cajera de la tienda seven eleven cuando la mujer los confront... --- la polica dice que los sujetos ingresaron al local y se llevaron sin pagar varias cajas de la bebida alcohlica... --- esto ocurri hace seis meses en la calle sexta... si usted reconoce a estos hombres, le piden llamar a las autoridades... lorena/side map --las autoridades en "brentwood" buscan hoy a posibles vctimas de un depredador sexual arrestado el pasado fin de semana por asaltar a un niÑo de diez aÑos en el baÑo de una iglesia... --la polica arrest a "ladell smith" de 19 aÑos luego del ataque.. --smith, es residente de "oakley" pero al parecer tiene contacto tambin con las ciudades de richmond y san francisco.. lorena-
. --- pero las autoridades educativas y el sindicato que representa a los 23 campus universitarios, iniciaroncoles un periodo de negociacin de 48 horas a puertas cerradas... --- ambas partes esperan llegar a un acuerdo que podra ser anunciado en las prximas horas. lorena-ms --- ladrones de cervezas son buscados por la polica en san jos... take vo --- uno de ellos presuntamente amenaz con un cuchillo a la cajera de la tienda seven eleven cuando la mujer los confront... --- la polica dice que los...
Apr 12, 2016
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"kingsburg", en el cdado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza a por lo menos cinco trabajadores a llevar pistolas en el campusionarios escolares piensan que con este paso se podrn prevenir masacres como las ocurridas en otras escuelas del pas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. juanfra --en ms informacin de california... el estado dorado sigue poniendo el ejemplo en cuanto a beneficios para los trabajadores.. el gobernador medidabrown convirti en ley una que eleva el porcentaje de salario que recibirn quienes piden un permiso para el cuidado de su familia. --luis treto nos explica de cunto es el aumento y quines sern los ms beneficiados. take pkg 0;01 0;11 short bite english 0;27 1;20 el gobernador jerry brown firmo este lunes una nueva ley que le permitira a los trabajadores de california estar hasta seis semanas con un recien nacido, o un familiar enfermo. "women, men, gay or straight". mujeres, hombres, homosexuales y heterosexuales todos se veran beneficiados, decia el asambleista jimmy gomez, autor de la ley. cristina lobo aseg
"kingsburg", en el cdado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza a por lo menos cinco trabajadores a llevar pistolas en el campusionarios escolares piensan que con este paso se podrn prevenir masacres como las ocurridas en otras escuelas del pas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. juanfra --en ms informacin de california... el estado dorado sigue poniendo el ejemplo en cuanto a beneficios para los...
Apr 12, 2016
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"kingsburg", en el ndado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza a por lo menos cinco trabajadores a llevar pistolas en el campusuncionarios escolares piensanue conste paso se podrn prevenir masacres como las ocurridas en otras escuelas del pas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. lorena/vbox --el gobierno de los estados unidos investiga acusaciones en contra del estado de california por el manejo indebido de fondos federales, que supuestamente se fin izaran en un proyecto cuyo era acarrear agua desde el norte hacia el sur. --se trata de 60 millones de dlares que debieron gastarse en los trabajos preliminares para la construccin de un tnel que llevara agua desde el ro sacramento. --los encargados de la agencia que maneja los recursos hidrulicos de california, dijeron que cooperarn con la investigacin. take juanfra --california sigue poniendo el ejemp en cuanto beneficios --ayer el gobernador jerry brown convirti en ley una medida que eleva el porcentaje de salario que recibirn quienes piden un permiso para el cuidado de su familia. --ac
"kingsburg", en el ndado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza a por lo menos cinco trabajadores a llevar pistolas en el campusuncionarios escolares piensanue conste paso se podrn prevenir masacres como las ocurridas en otras escuelas del pas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. lorena/vbox --el gobierno de los estados unidos investiga acusaciones en contra del estado de california por el manejo indebido de...
Apr 27, 2016
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--el paro laboral afectar los nueve campus d colegio afiliados con la federacin resultado del atro..ye las negociaiones por un nuevcontrat trabajo.. juanfra ---el sacerdote de una iglesia catlica en goodyear, arizona est causando revuelo por su particular mtodo de bautizar a los niÑos. lorena --- y es que el religioso sumerge bajo e ua a los bs durante la ceremonia --- --- "diego santiago" nos tne la historia --- take pkg ;01 01;15 01;22 este el video de un bautizreali laglesia catolicaaint johnviann goodyear. un metodo que algunas personas de nuestro valle del sol encuentran perturbadoras "eso ya eabuso no?nosotros deci padre tom eckert, el clerigo encargado de la ceremonia. y esto nos respondio video. le preguntamos sobre el "cada familia tiene esa opcion de hacerlo bre la cabe o bajo el agua. y ayer tuvimos el privilegio de hacer 12 bautizos y solo 1 o 2 pidieron agua soe la cabeza... pero los demas pidieron inmersion" segun el padre eckert, fue la familia del bebee solo mes de nacido quien tomo la decision de sumergir la criatura, l solo les concedio su peticion. "mas culpa de los
--el paro laboral afectar los nueve campus d colegio afiliados con la federacin resultado del atro..ye las negociaiones por un nuevcontrat trabajo.. juanfra ---el sacerdote de una iglesia catlica en goodyear, arizona est causando revuelo por su particular mtodo de bautizar a los niÑos. lorena --- y es que el religioso sumerge bajo e ua a los bs durante la ceremonia --- --- "diego santiago" nos tne la historia --- take pkg ;01 01;15 01;22 este el video de un bautizreali laglesia...
Apr 26, 2016
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police in los angeles had an unusual high speed chase tonight from a bear. this bear was spotted roaming around the campus of los angeles mission college when officers approached it, it made a break for it, climbing over fences and running down busy streets, and even confronting a dog. animal control was eventually able to tranquilize it. they'll give the bear a medical exam before returning it to its natural habitat. >>> when most people take their dog for a walk they walk with the dog, but tonight a woman's approach on social media -- approach has social media an fire. >> that's okay, i'll report you. she's dogging the dog -- dragging the dog down the road. >> reporter: it's a possible case of animal cruelty. >> disgusting. >> reporter: amanda got on the driver's tail and shot this video and confrontation. >> hi, is there a reason why you're dragging your dog by a rope? >> reporter: a woman driving with a dog tethered to the outside of car. >> you have a dog and you don't feel like getting out to walk it then you shouldn't have a dog. >> reporter: the video posted online immediately got the attention of
police in los angeles had an unusual high speed chase tonight from a bear. this bear was spotted roaming around the campus of los angeles mission college when officers approached it, it made a break for it, climbing over fences and running down busy streets, and even confronting a dog. animal control was eventually able to tranquilize it. they'll give the bear a medical exam before returning it to its natural habitat. >>> when most people take their dog for a walk they walk with the...
Apr 13, 2016
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enl cdado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza al menos 5 trabajadores a llevar pistolasen el campus; loscres dentro de las escuelas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. cesar/take vo ---en modesto la polica arrest a dos adolescentes por supuestamente divulgar imgenes perturbadoras... --- el video muestra a un estudiante blanco con una soga alrededor de su cuello y diciendo a un estudiante afroamericano que debe morir... ---tambien se ve a alguien disparando un arma... --- la escuela en donde asiste el joven inform que el alumno f suspendido... --- no se han revelado los nombres de los presuntos responsables, sin embargo enfrentan cargos penales. vo blanca --un sujeto que intentaba ingresar a los estados unidos por la frontera con mexico fue que stado por las autoridades luego descubrieron que el hombre cumpli condena criminal el 2011 por violacion en santa rosa y fue deportado. --ahora el sujeto, que solo fue identificado como un ciudadano mexicano de 28 aÑos, enfrentar cargos federales por intentar ingresar a e
enl cdado de fresno, aprob la medida que autoriza al menos 5 trabajadores a llevar pistolasen el campus; loscres dentro de las escuelas. --los empleados elegidos debern completar un entrenamiento especial y tener un historial de buen comportamiento. cesar/take vo ---en modesto la polica arrest a dos adolescentes por supuestamente divulgar imgenes perturbadoras... --- el video muestra a un estudiante blanco con una soga alrededor de su cuello y diciendo a un estudiante afroamericano que debe...
Apr 26, 2016
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the animal was spotted roaming near the college campus in los angeles. the video shows that bear sprinting to get away from the captors, fish and wildlife eventually caught him as you can see him right. there treated by medics before they let him back into the wild away from some of the just keep him. >> on cbs2 news tonight beginning at 5:00. how fresh is your food? the new technology that is coming to your smart phone that's revealing secrets about to do. >> then coming up at 6:00, cameras pointed in the family's backyard. the neighborhood dispute last week, now lawmakers are getting involved. those stories tonight on cbs2 news at 5:00. >>> that is is it for us at noon and for john and the entire cbs2 news team i'm mary calvi. >> i'm chris wragge. we'll see you tomorrow morning at 4:30. until then, have a great afternoon. when your type 2 diabetes numbers aren't moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana . with over 7 million prescriptions and counting, it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhib
the animal was spotted roaming near the college campus in los angeles. the video shows that bear sprinting to get away from the captors, fish and wildlife eventually caught him as you can see him right. there treated by medics before they let him back into the wild away from some of the just keep him. >> on cbs2 news tonight beginning at 5:00. how fresh is your food? the new technology that is coming to your smart phone that's revealing secrets about to do. >> then coming up at...
Apr 1, 2016
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los sospechosos. la policÍa investiga tambiÉn dos atracos ocurridos el martes en el campus de la universidad e californias vÍctimas. nadie quedÓ herido. decenas de residentes de un complejo de casas rodantes en san josÉ se unieron para manifestar el total rechazo a un proyecto de el consejo de la ciudad para apoyar a los desamparados. los concejales quieren utilizar un terreno que estÁ detrás de un terreno de casas mÓviles para darle terrenos a los indigentes. ramÓn: dÉjame decirte que estoy en pie en este terreno que vamos a mostrarle nuevamente de seis acres aproximadamente, donde la ciudad de san josÉ tiene planes de construir viviendas para las personas indigentes, algo que ha desatado una fuerte discusiÓn. >> mi preocupaciÓn seria la seguridad de las casas, de las familias. ramÓn: este terreno baldÍo se ha convertido en la manzana de la discordia. luego de que el gobierno del estado dijo que harÍa un terreno para recibir los indigentes. >> no queremos que haya peligro, no queremos que la gente robe casas o carros. aquÍ hay familias. ramÓn: una medida que ayer le fue dada a conocer en una reuniÓn de
los sospechosos. la policÍa investiga tambiÉn dos atracos ocurridos el martes en el campus de la universidad e californias vÍctimas. nadie quedÓ herido. decenas de residentes de un complejo de casas rodantes en san josÉ se unieron para manifestar el total rechazo a un proyecto de el consejo de la ciudad para apoyar a los desamparados. los concejales quieren utilizar un terreno que estÁ detrás de un terreno de casas mÓviles para darle terrenos a los indigentes. ramÓn: dÉjame decirte...
Apr 4, 2016
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los angeles on behalf of his wife addressing the crowd of union workers. he said california has been uncommonly good to his family. the event was held on the campus of the los angeles trade technical college. >>> earlier in the day bill clinton and daughter chelsea were here in the bay area hosting a global initiative conference at uc berkeley. afterward they led a day of community service with students in oakland. they planted, painted and got their hands dirty. clinton said the day was a reminder that real change happens at the grassroots level. >>> still ahead a new look at california's bullet train project, the real work happening right now. officers chase why one lawmaker is crying foul on the big budget plan. >> it was enough to stop traffic, officers chased down a run-away chihuahua on the bay bridge. so it's high tailing it to san francisco. >> have you heard about what's happening on wednesday? it's pretty amazing and we'll have the details when we cover the forecast after a break. ,,,,,,,,,, california's high speed rai tomorrow senator bob huff will urge a committee to re >>> busted budgets and broken promises is how one state senator d
los angeles on behalf of his wife addressing the crowd of union workers. he said california has been uncommonly good to his family. the event was held on the campus of the los angeles trade technical college. >>> earlier in the day bill clinton and daughter chelsea were here in the bay area hosting a global initiative conference at uc berkeley. afterward they led a day of community service with students in oakland. they planted, painted and got their hands dirty. clinton said the day...
Apr 9, 2016
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vida de la joven que habÍa desaparecido el domingo, fue encontrado en este canal en el campus universitario cuando losde bomberos aquÍ en austin, reconocieron al sospechoso que el lunes habÍa empezado un juego en una canasta de basura >>> el sospechoso es mijael un joven de 17 aÑos de edad que fue captado en este video de seguridad el lunes con la bicicleta la chica y una maleta con los efectos personales de la joven, Él vivÍa en un lugar de desamparados y estaba desaparecido hace dÍas. esta semana cientos de estudiantes se reunieron para honrar la memoria de la joven bailarina, muchos de ellos con temor. >>> sÍ lo estÁ pasando a alguien a mÍ tambiÉn. >>> este es el primer homicidio que ocurriÓ en el kacampus desd 1966 cuando un estudiante dis a disparando desde un edificio le quitÓ la vida a 14 personas. todo esto ocurre mientras la universidad estÁ en un debate sobre la seguridad de los estudiantes, justo cuando una ley que permite el porte de armas en las universidades, deberÍa entrar en vigor este aÑo. hasta el momento se desconocen los motivos de este crimen la familia de la joven estaban agradec
vida de la joven que habÍa desaparecido el domingo, fue encontrado en este canal en el campus universitario cuando losde bomberos aquÍ en austin, reconocieron al sospechoso que el lunes habÍa empezado un juego en una canasta de basura >>> el sospechoso es mijael un joven de 17 aÑos de edad que fue captado en este video de seguridad el lunes con la bicicleta la chica y una maleta con los efectos personales de la joven, Él vivÍa en un lugar de desamparados y estaba desaparecido...
Apr 19, 2016
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---una de los cambios exige notificarle directamente al rector del campus involucrado si se registra uno de estos incidentes. ---tambin se deben mantener indefinidamente los registros de los empleados que han sido formalmente disciplinados o sancionados. cesar ---clientes del restaurante "cafe pandora" en san josesalien despavoridos durante el fin de semana... blanca ---esto despues de que un hbre se atrincher en local, haciendo que la policia recurriera a perros, pistola electricy hasta bombas aturdidoras. ---pilar niÑo nos tiene los detalles de lo ocurrido. ;10 ;45 quick ;55 bombas aturdidoras tuvo que usar la policia de san jose el pasado sabado, para forzar la salida de este hombre que se atrinchero en un restaurante en la anida capitoempuÑando unas tijeras. despues de tres horas parapetado, el sujeto, alue pol daniel, salio completamente desnudo, y profiriendo groserias... la policia le disparo municiones no letales, luego le soltaron un perro al que el sujeto agarro a golpes finalmente con pistola electrica lograron doblegarlo noe ruano/transita en la zona 4:37 si claro una pers
---una de los cambios exige notificarle directamente al rector del campus involucrado si se registra uno de estos incidentes. ---tambin se deben mantener indefinidamente los registros de los empleados que han sido formalmente disciplinados o sancionados. cesar ---clientes del restaurante "cafe pandora" en san josesalien despavoridos durante el fin de semana... blanca ---esto despues de que un hbre se atrincher en local, haciendo que la policia recurriera a perros, pistola electricy...
Apr 26, 2016
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. >>> people saw a large bear roaming around the campus of los angeles mission college in sylmar lastlimbed trees and fences and ran down the street. eventually, officials tranquilized the bear and gave it a quick checkup and returned it to the wild. >>> 6:52, and a big decision could come today on a plan to boost affordable housing in the south bay. >> and san francisco supervisor david campos wants to re-write old fire safety laws. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. >>> five things to know. voters will had the to the polls today. >>> and democrat hillary clinton is expected to win big today putting her closer to clinching the nomination over sand -- bernie sanders. >>> a manhunt continues in ohio for suspects connected to the killings of eight family members. the victims were executed at four locations last week. police say that marijuana grow operations were discovered at 3 of the crime scenes. >>> police in south san francisco are looking for the gun gunman with a deadly shooting at orange pa
. >>> people saw a large bear roaming around the campus of los angeles mission college in sylmar lastlimbed trees and fences and ran down the street. eventually, officials tranquilized the bear and gave it a quick checkup and returned it to the wild. >>> 6:52, and a big decision could come today on a plan to boost affordable housing in the south bay. >> and san francisco supervisor david campos wants to re-write old fire safety laws. so now i'm not being perky, telling...
Apr 26, 2016
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a bear was spotted roaming near a college campus in los angeles. the busy bear sprinting, hopping fences and you will see him climbing trees, try to get away from law enforcement. the department of fish and wildlife caught up with him, he was tranquilized and treated before they returned him to his habitat. >>> two days in a row of good bear stories. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. we are your coast to coast bear source. you need an umbrella. the wind is going to be a factor. temperatures are all over the place today. 52 the temperature in the city now. worst of the storms, south shore to the hamptons and north shore. the line holds together but clearing the jersey shore. there is more rain filling in, to parts of -- 55 to 80. for your temperatures this afternoon. it's going to be one of those busy days, make sure you are geared up for it. let's get you on time early. we got to watch out for the rain mixing with oil on the roads. be careful. pleasantville, the sawmill river parkway closed in both directions, exits 29-27 for a construction
a bear was spotted roaming near a college campus in los angeles. the busy bear sprinting, hopping fences and you will see him climbing trees, try to get away from law enforcement. the department of fish and wildlife caught up with him, he was tranquilized and treated before they returned him to his habitat. >>> two days in a row of good bear stories. time for traffic and weather on the 2's. we are your coast to coast bear source. you need an umbrella. the wind is going to be a factor....
Apr 27, 2016
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the chase unfolded on the mission college campus near los angeles.ound black bear sprinted from authorities even climbed a fence, tried to get away. they eventual tranquilized and captured him. wildlife officials check out the bear to make sure he was okay before returning him to the wi wild. >>> in your money tonight the next time you're enjoying a shorty at your wawa or maybe even azizly take advantage of free wi-fi thanks to partnership between wawa and comcast. free wi-fi available at all wawas in pennsylvania, delaware and new jersey. among other states you don't have to be comcast customer to enjoy free wi-fi. it started today. >>> making sure you smell fresh could just be an app away. >> mobile phone nearby your armpit and start smelling. the uniquely designed cover contains the hardware that gives your smart phone the sense of smell. >> sounds like a joke. it's the creation of the skin care company nivea and calling it the nose. it includes a phone case as you that was uses technology to tell you how you smell. it let's you know through the a
the chase unfolded on the mission college campus near los angeles.ound black bear sprinted from authorities even climbed a fence, tried to get away. they eventual tranquilized and captured him. wildlife officials check out the bear to make sure he was okay before returning him to the wi wild. >>> in your money tonight the next time you're enjoying a shorty at your wawa or maybe even azizly take advantage of free wi-fi thanks to partnership between wawa and comcast. free wi-fi available...
Apr 3, 2016
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legacy of india's partition and next saturday and sunday live in the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books the campus of the university of southern california all they coverage will include author panels in your calls. that is a look at some of the author programs book tv will be covering this week. many are open to the public. look for them to air in the near future. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> thank you for coming. my name is doug sands. --dash my great-grandmother. the historian i've known for almost 20 years. become a very good request. a professor at the university of richmond also a good friend and are going to talk tonight about his new book. without further ado welcome and thank you. >> thank you. [applause] >> i want to thank doug and always wonderful people. i'm also excited about being in conversations with jim down who i met. all these social apps weren't there. so it was an intellectual interaction. it was in case any of you are thinking about it. very committed to participation. and they had an opportunity to talk. and part of that history has been accrued. an
legacy of india's partition and next saturday and sunday live in the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books the campus of the university of southern california all they coverage will include author panels in your calls. that is a look at some of the author programs book tv will be covering this week. many are open to the public. look for them to air in the near future. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> thank you for coming. my name is doug sands. --dash my...
Apr 4, 2016
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they took part in a day of action at the haines court campus in oak los angeles police department that is home to five schools. volunteers painted murals and organized the library. >> you're here not only helping them to have a better environment to live and work and learn in, but also to support their journey through life. >> retired seattle seahawks running back marshawn lynch who is an oakland native took part in today's day of service as well. the event was part of the clinton global initiative conference that has been going on at uc berkeley on friday. >>> another tragedy on amtrak, this time near philadelphia where a train with hundreds of passengers on board crashed into a piece of construction equipment. two amtrak workers killed. more than 30 passengers injured. the train was traveling from new york to savannah, georgia when it slammed into a backhoe and partially derailed. passengers say it was loud and it was dusty. >> the train was like rumbling. and we got off the track, i guess. and then it was just a bunch of dust. it was just dust everywhere. >> two workers killed were
they took part in a day of action at the haines court campus in oak los angeles police department that is home to five schools. volunteers painted murals and organized the library. >> you're here not only helping them to have a better environment to live and work and learn in, but also to support their journey through life. >> retired seattle seahawks running back marshawn lynch who is an oakland native took part in today's day of service as well. the event was part of the clinton...
Apr 18, 2016
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en 2011 cuando la polica del campus rocion s pimienta a los estudiantes que se manifestaban... --- ela asociacin de estudiantes de la universidad de california vot a favor de pedir la renuncia destitucin de la rectora "linda katehi", quien presuntatemente pag a consultores unos 175-mil dlares para borrar este video y los comentarios negativos del internet... lorena/vbox --la polica de san francisco compr este fin de seman10pistol rifles de asalto y hast una ballesta!! --y todo fue parte de un plan para retirar armas las calles. cual las autoridades pagan hasta cien dolares en efectivo por cada pistola...sin hacer preguntas... --el evento fue patrocinado por y oficinael alcae "ed lee" la agencia sin fines de lucro "gun-by-gun"... lorena/take vo --un estudiante de la univsidad de cafornia en acusando a la aerolnea "southwest" de discriminacin..po r supuestamente haber sido forzado a abandonar un avin por hablar por telfono en arabe con un familiar..... --"khairul-deen makh-zoomi"..de 27 aÑos un refugiadiraqui..ibaa de los angeles a oakland cuando le ordenaron dejar la aeronave.. y ser i
en 2011 cuando la polica del campus rocion s pimienta a los estudiantes que se manifestaban... --- ela asociacin de estudiantes de la universidad de california vot a favor de pedir la renuncia destitucin de la rectora "linda katehi", quien presuntatemente pag a consultores unos 175-mil dlares para borrar este video y los comentarios negativos del internet... lorena/vbox --la polica de san francisco compr este fin de seman10pistol rifles de asalto y hast una ballesta!! --y todo fue...
Apr 10, 2016
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day two of "the los angeles times" festival of books and book tv inside. we are on the campus of the university of southern california with a full day of author panels and colin programs. you'll have the chance to talk with several authors including area in a huffington radio talkshow host dennis prager. for a complete schedule, follow us on twitter@otb on facebook, facebook.com/booktv. we are kicking off today's coverage with another panel discussing world history. this is book tv on c-span2 last from "the los angeles times" festival of books. ..
day two of "the los angeles times" festival of books and book tv inside. we are on the campus of the university of southern california with a full day of author panels and colin programs. you'll have the chance to talk with several authors including area in a huffington radio talkshow host dennis prager. for a complete schedule, follow us on twitter@otb on facebook, facebook.com/booktv. we are kicking off today's coverage with another panel discussing world history. this is book tv on...
Apr 11, 2016
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this is live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books. it's held on the campus of the university of southern california. for the last four or five years. prior to that it was held at ucla. we've got one more hour of life coverage before we wrap up this year's festival. and joining us here on our set is radio talk show host and author of seven books, dennis prager. his most recent book is called "the ten commandments: still the best moral code." dennis prager, what's on your mind? >> guest: oh, that's a very good opening question. and i'll answer you completely honestly. what's on my mind -- and it's not totally germane, but quite germane to the ten commandments, is what i believe is the undoing of the american revolution. and the decline of my beloved country, the greatest experiment in liberty and decency in human history. and i do believe that a big part of the reason is the radical secularization of our society. >> host: where did that come from? how did it come about? >> guest: it came about, its origins really emanate from europe. after world war i and even
this is live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books. it's held on the campus of the university of southern california. for the last four or five years. prior to that it was held at ucla. we've got one more hour of life coverage before we wrap up this year's festival. and joining us here on our set is radio talk show host and author of seven books, dennis prager. his most recent book is called "the ten commandments: still the best moral code." dennis prager,...
Apr 28, 2016
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nat que en el campus de apple ubicado en el infini lo, hubo un 1056, una empleada sangraba de su cabeza.. eso es lo que se escucha en la grabacin... comenzaba la jornada laboral en la sede que alberga a ms de 10 mil empleados. autoridades acudieron inmediatamente... luego de realizar las labores investigativas, oficiales ofrecieron informacin diferente a la del reporte inicial... sgto. andrea urena/ofic de alguacil la oficina del alguacil dijo que los uniformados encontraron a un hombre muerto... no hubo otras personas involucradas en este incidente y creen que es un caso aislado... las autoridades no dijeron si esto seranomicidio o unsuicidio tampoco informaron la manera en que el hombre muri, ni si tena un arma de fuego en su posesin no ofrecieron mayores detaes. l ser descarta ya quea zona nofue acordonada a lo largo de la maÑana y las actividades continuaron con normalidad en la sede. hablamos con un trabajador que pi mannerse en el anonimato. nos dijo que no ha habido- por los momentos- un comunicado oficial por parte de la empresa, pero lo que comentan puertas adentro es... sot qu
nat que en el campus de apple ubicado en el infini lo, hubo un 1056, una empleada sangraba de su cabeza.. eso es lo que se escucha en la grabacin... comenzaba la jornada laboral en la sede que alberga a ms de 10 mil empleados. autoridades acudieron inmediatamente... luego de realizar las labores investigativas, oficiales ofrecieron informacin diferente a la del reporte inicial... sgto. andrea urena/ofic de alguacil la oficina del alguacil dijo que los uniformados encontraron a un hombre...
Apr 26, 2016
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los angeles neighborhood. the bear was spotted near a college campus sprinting through the streets climbing trees, even hoppingences. it eluded wildlife officers for about two hours as students were warned to stay inside. the bear eventually was safely tranquilized. it will be released back into the wild after it gets a medical checkup. >>> well, still ahead, a new warning about those brightly covered -- colored, i should say, laundry pods. >>> and sifting through the wreckage, a plane crashes into a home and dramatic new video showing the moments right after the crash. >>> plus, dangling on the edge. a slow landslide getting worse. do you see that? putting homes in danger of falling. connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. >>> a brush fire in southern california is threatening homes. heavy rain did little to curb it and officials say it's likely
los angeles neighborhood. the bear was spotted near a college campus sprinting through the streets climbing trees, even hoppingences. it eluded wildlife officers for about two hours as students were warned to stay inside. the bear eventually was safely tranquilized. it will be released back into the wild after it gets a medical checkup. >>> well, still ahead, a new warning about those brightly covered -- colored, i should say, laundry pods. >>> and sifting through the...
Apr 3, 2016
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legacy of india's partition and next saturday and sunday live in the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books the campusof the university of southern california all they coverage will include author panels in your calls. that is a look at some of the author programs book tv will be covering this week.
legacy of india's partition and next saturday and sunday live in the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books the campusof the university of southern california all they coverage will include author panels in your calls. that is a look at some of the author programs book tv will be covering this week.
Apr 26, 2016
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. >>> a wayward bear caused a big scare in a los angeles neighborhood last night. it was spotted fear a college campuspringing through the area and alluded officers for two hours and students were warned to stay inside. the bear eventually was safely tranquilized and will be released back into the wild after it gets a medical checkup. >>> still ahead, a new warning about those brightly covered laundry pods. >> sifting through the wreckage, a plane crashes into a home and dramatic new video showing the moments right after the crash. >>> plus, dangling on the edge. a slow landslide getting worse. see that? putting homes in danger of falling. >>> a brush fire in southern california is threatening homes. heavy rain did little to curb it and officials say it's likely fire will grow. right now it covers about six acres in riverside county. >>> and this morning, there's a new warning about the spread of the zika virus. the world health organization says there's the potential for a marked increase in the number of zika infections in the coming months and to expect them in more countries. zika is spread by mos
. >>> a wayward bear caused a big scare in a los angeles neighborhood last night. it was spotted fear a college campuspringing through the area and alluded officers for two hours and students were warned to stay inside. the bear eventually was safely tranquilized and will be released back into the wild after it gets a medical checkup. >>> still ahead, a new warning about those brightly covered laundry pods. >> sifting through the wreckage, a plane crashes into a home and...
Apr 29, 2016
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los angeles rams. christi smith is on the call campus this evening. what a special night for the goff family and the university there. >> reporter: absolutely. i have to tell you, this room just absolutely exploded in cheers when jared goff's name was announced. in the room, teammates and friends, some say they knew him his entire time here at cal. they were packed into the dining hall here at memorial stadium, really cheering every time that goff was shown on screen. they tacalled him a great guy. the rams wanted a quarterback badly. they traded up to get the top pick and goff is their man. >> goff, to watch him grow and see it all pay off right there, unbelievable. >>the rams are getting the best quarterback in the draft, project one of the best they're going to see for what while. >> we're told goff is the first cal player to take the top overall spot since steve bartkowski went to the atlanta falcons back in 1975. friends here say they can't wait to congratulate him, they've been trying to reach out to him ever since they got the news. >> i'm coli
los angeles rams. christi smith is on the call campus this evening. what a special night for the goff family and the university there. >> reporter: absolutely. i have to tell you, this room just absolutely exploded in cheers when jared goff's name was announced. in the room, teammates and friends, some say they knew him his entire time here at cal. they were packed into the dining hall here at memorial stadium, really cheering every time that goff was shown on screen. they tacalled him a...
Apr 9, 2016
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this is booktv's live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books here on the campus the university of southern california. and the next author panel is just due to begin, and this is a panel on science and technology. live coverage from los angeles. >> good afternoon. before starting, would you please silence all cell phones during the session. a reminder that personal recording of sessions is not allowed. there will be a book signing following the session, and this panel will be meeting in signing area number one which you will find noted on your festival map. and you can also ask one of the volunteers in the room to direct you. welcome. i'm lynn fieldman, a freelance science writer and editor of science writers' magazine published by the national association of science writers. and i will serve as moderator of this session on science, technology and the human condition. it is my honor to introduce our panelists. at your far right beth shapiro, an associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the university of california-santa cruz. her research is cent
this is booktv's live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books here on the campus the university of southern california. and the next author panel is just due to begin, and this is a panel on science and technology. live coverage from los angeles. >> good afternoon. before starting, would you please silence all cell phones during the session. a reminder that personal recording of sessions is not allowed. there will be a book signing following the session, and this...
Apr 16, 2016
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los angeles. where a mountain lion caused some chaos on a high school campus. grenada hills, prompting a school wide lockdown. police chased him off campus. animal control hit him with a dart. he was given a quick check up and safely released back into the wild. hopefully does not come back to that high school anymore. >>> a fraternity at tulane causing a -- reading make america great again and trump's name on it. they apparently did it to mock him but, so many were shocked and ticked off they decided to tear the wall down. your thoughts on keep america great wall up. >> i'm offended by the name trump. by the name trump 2016. i can't believe parents pay $60,000, you're getting ready to pay for your son so your kid can go to school because the name trump is now a microgression. the students say the people doing it are fascist, but the ones trying the shut down the free speech, which i think we have in the u.s. today, they're the fascist, aren't they? >> on a wait list at tulane university. >> yeah, look, it all goes back to reagan, right? tear down this wall. ev
los angeles. where a mountain lion caused some chaos on a high school campus. grenada hills, prompting a school wide lockdown. police chased him off campus. animal control hit him with a dart. he was given a quick check up and safely released back into the wild. hopefully does not come back to that high school anymore. >>> a fraternity at tulane causing a -- reading make america great again and trump's name on it. they apparently did it to mock him but, so many were shocked and ticked...
Apr 24, 2016
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we're here at the los angeles times festival of books on the campus of the university of southern california. our guest is dennis prager. first of all, where did prager university get its start, and are you, are you a jewish scholar? >> guest: well, it's a little pompous for me to say i'm a scholar, but i did teach jewish history and religion at brooklyn college in the beginning of my career. i have written two books on judaism and about 200 articles. i got an award from the american jewish press association for my columns on jewish matters. i know the torah, the first five books of the bible, in the hebrew better than i know it in english, and i've taught it much of my life. so i don't -- i certainly use the work of scholars to explain to people of every background, that's what i -- this is very important. i believe that the whole book, those five books, is for everyone in the world. it's the greatest book ever written. and certainly the ten commandments, it's for humanity. of course, it was given to the jews as it were, but it's for humanity. if everybody lived by it, as i said, that's all
we're here at the los angeles times festival of books on the campus of the university of southern california. our guest is dennis prager. first of all, where did prager university get its start, and are you, are you a jewish scholar? >> guest: well, it's a little pompous for me to say i'm a scholar, but i did teach jewish history and religion at brooklyn college in the beginning of my career. i have written two books on judaism and about 200 articles. i got an award from the american...
Apr 29, 2016
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los angeles rams. a lot of people in marin county and on the cal campus very happy tonight. >> heart warming to see his teammates so excited for him. exhilarated. just tense moments. then all of a sudden saw them cheering. >> the bay area new multimillionaire as well. check in with jared goff in the 6:00 newscast. snow you've what is happening in chicago as well. >> from university to high school. prom season. for thousand of soon yeeniors, dresses, tuxes, the whole thing. >> at one bay area school they're worried they could afford to have a prom until a teacher stepped up to help. garvin thomas has tonight's "bay area proud." >> reporter: if compassion were kur in see, east oakland's they would be running a surplus thanks to the english teacher. sadly, it's not. and castlemount's resources are, well, nothing like what elle enjoyed growing up in kuppe cuppertino. what money it does get is funneled toward the basics look new technology that made its way into the classroom. ext extras, though like senior prom, not so much. >> it is not the highest priority in a district like this when you have so many ot
los angeles rams. a lot of people in marin county and on the cal campus very happy tonight. >> heart warming to see his teammates so excited for him. exhilarated. just tense moments. then all of a sudden saw them cheering. >> the bay area new multimillionaire as well. check in with jared goff in the 6:00 newscast. snow you've what is happening in chicago as well. >> from university to high school. prom season. for thousand of soon yeeniors, dresses, tuxes, the whole thing....
Apr 20, 2016
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campus. no cars were driving by. this word on the cause. >> students in los angeles high school are defending gender neutral bathroomsay afternoon. a group of adults protested the newly installed restrooms. after school was over students confronted the protesters and it started to get thrown. a full-out fight. >> target is taking a stand on the transgender restroom issue saying employees and customers can use the restroom or fitting room that corresponds with their identity. >> rebound landed in saudi arabia where he will meet with saudi leaders over signs of diplomatic strain. the president stepped off the air force 1. sauer our is -- saudi arabia is not pleased overlifting restrictions with iran or allowing american citizens to sue the kingdom for 9/11. >> president obama is expected to push for greater cooperation in the fight against isis. >> in havana a former cuban president castro made a rear speech at the party congress 89 years say he will soon die and urged them to continue fighting for the communist ideals. it is 55 years since he installed a centrally planned economy. cubans make an average of $25 a in an
campus. no cars were driving by. this word on the cause. >> students in los angeles high school are defending gender neutral bathroomsay afternoon. a group of adults protested the newly installed restrooms. after school was over students confronted the protesters and it started to get thrown. a full-out fight. >> target is taking a stand on the transgender restroom issue saying employees and customers can use the restroom or fitting room that corresponds with their identity....
Apr 11, 2016
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day two of "the los angeles times" festival of books and book tv inside. we are on the campus of the university of southern california with a full day of author panels and colin programs. you'll have the chance to talk with several authors including area in a huffington radio talkshow host dennis prager. for a complete schedule, follow us on twitter@otb on facebook, >> i >> booktv john c-span2 live that the festival of books. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> thank you for coming. nice crowd. first of all, i have to deal with the title of this panel, which really, through history, laws of nature, laws of man. the title is a little difficult for me as a political reporter, i write about the laws of man and i never think about the laws of nature unless i'm covering a natural disaster, like our 1994 earthquake. our panelists have two tasks, most important for them is to talk about their books in such a compelling manner that you will all brush out afterward, by copies and have the authors assign them. the book signing is in signing area number one. this is no
day two of "the los angeles times" festival of books and book tv inside. we are on the campus of the university of southern california with a full day of author panels and colin programs. you'll have the chance to talk with several authors including area in a huffington radio talkshow host dennis prager. for a complete schedule, follow us on twitter@otb on facebook, >> i >> booktv john c-span2 live that the festival of books. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible...
Apr 20, 2016
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. >> students if los angeles high school defending gender neutral bathrooms on their campus.roup of adults protested the newly installed restrooms and after school was over, the students confronted the protesters and threw things. you can see a fight break out. >> michigan's attorney general is expected to announce the first criminal chaps including felonies connects to the wart crisis in flint. two state officials and a water treatment plant supervisors will be charged. 90 switched two years ago to a new water supply and it corroded water lines and caused lead to leach into the water supply. many residents are sick. >> volkswagen were telling a judge there is no need for a trillion offer the company's cheating on. motions test. thousands who own the rigged vehicles are suing vex wagon for repairs and compensation. the carmaker will submit a proposed solution tomorrow and volkswagen were is confident it will satisfy all parties. they admit they manipulated engines so emission control only switched on during mutation tests. >> coke is changing the look of the beverages and cus
. >> students if los angeles high school defending gender neutral bathrooms on their campus.roup of adults protested the newly installed restrooms and after school was over, the students confronted the protesters and threw things. you can see a fight break out. >> michigan's attorney general is expected to announce the first criminal chaps including felonies connects to the wart crisis in flint. two state officials and a water treatment plant supervisors will be charged. 90 switched...
Apr 1, 2016
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--y cuando digo grande..me refiero a que todo lo proyectaron en la fachada de catorce pisos del edificio principal del campusces "l-e-d" colocadas en las 392 ventanas del edificio... --y aunque muchos pensaron que esta hazaÑa incrementara el consumo de electricidad.. solo costo 13 dlares. --y como dato curioso..se requirieron ms de 5,000 horas para completar este proyecto para el cual se recaudaron 34 mil dlares de patrocinadores. comenzando un nuevo dÍa que es mejor. >>> tornados sacuden el sur del paÍs, el mal tiempo provoca inundaciones, deja a miles de personas sin electricidad. >>> las muchachas de la selecciÓn de fÚtbol de los estados unidos, levantan una demanda exigiendo igualdad econÓmica ¿ tiene razÓn? >>> claro >>> en exclusiva emo hermal her don ramÓn el mismo
--y cuando digo grande..me refiero a que todo lo proyectaron en la fachada de catorce pisos del edificio principal del campusces "l-e-d" colocadas en las 392 ventanas del edificio... --y aunque muchos pensaron que esta hazaÑa incrementara el consumo de electricidad.. solo costo 13 dlares. --y como dato curioso..se requirieron ms de 5,000 horas para completar este proyecto para el cual se recaudaron 34 mil dlares de patrocinadores. comenzando un nuevo dÍa que es mejor. >>>...
Apr 28, 2016
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campus pero asistieron a manifestarse. las autoridades dijeron que le gustarÍa otorgar el 18% de aumento que piden los trabajadores pero nocientos de menores centroamericanos que vinieron son los estados unidos huyendo de la violencia sus paÍses. ahora enfrentan una dura batalla legal y el alcalde prometiÓ apoyar los brindÁndoles asesorÍa legal gratuita. luz: gracias asÍ es, buenas tardes, el alcalde de san francisco anunciÓ que invertirÁn 1.8 millones de dÓlares en fondos adicionales para proveer asistencia legal a menores no acompaÑados que residan en san francisco. a los 13 aÑos ronald use de las pandillas de salvador a san francisco para conocer a su padre. >> gracias a dios yo pude pasar y la felicidad porque tenÍa el sueÑo de conocer a mi padre ya estados unidos luz: relata lo difÍcil que fue encontrar ayuda legal >> cuando mi hijo llegÓ yo le dije todo va estar bien yo mientras voy a investigar quÉ puedo hacer cuando fui a la primera corte y sÓlo con temor porque no tenÍa abogados luz: varias familias en 2014 con la junta de supervisores acordaron mÁs de 2 millones de dÓlares para ofrecer ayuda legal a los refugiad
campus pero asistieron a manifestarse. las autoridades dijeron que le gustarÍa otorgar el 18% de aumento que piden los trabajadores pero nocientos de menores centroamericanos que vinieron son los estados unidos huyendo de la violencia sus paÍses. ahora enfrentan una dura batalla legal y el alcalde prometiÓ apoyar los brindÁndoles asesorÍa legal gratuita. luz: gracias asÍ es, buenas tardes, el alcalde de san francisco anunciÓ que invertirÁn 1.8 millones de dÓlares en fondos adicionales...
Apr 16, 2016
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you in the mountain and out here in the pacific, time zone we're here at the los angeles time festival of book only o the campus of the university of southern california.f our guest is dennis craiger. first of all where did craiger university get start and are you a jewish scholar? >> well, it's a little pompus for me to say that but i did teachon jewish knowledge and 200 articles on judaism i got an award for clums on jewish matters.s i know the torah first five books of the bible in the hebrew better than i don't knowe it in english and taught it much of mi life. so i don't -- i certainly uset the work ofy scholars to explain to people of every background that's what i -- thisar is very important. e i believe that the whole book, the whoat five books the bible is for everyone in the world. it's the greatest book ever written, and certainly the ten commandments it's for humanity. of course it was given to the jews as it were. but it's for humanity. if everybody lived by it as i said, all you would need. the rest commentary this is it we started because we're very worried about what is happening at the universi
you in the mountain and out here in the pacific, time zone we're here at the los angeles time festival of book only o the campus of the university of southern california.f our guest is dennis craiger. first of all where did craiger university get start and are you a jewish scholar? >> well, it's a little pompus for me to say that but i did teachon jewish knowledge and 200 articles on judaism i got an award for clums on jewish matters.s i know the torah first five books of the bible in the...
Apr 16, 2016
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. >>> a high school in los angeles locked down today because of, wait for it a mountain lion. no mountain lions on campus. wanted on the school grounds sending teachers and kids rushing into the classroom. the lion moved on to a nearby neighborhood where it fell asleep. tranquilizer darts tend to have that effect. the lion will be returned back to its natural habitats of los angeles. >> good ones, right. >>> rob is up next with sports, no sound effects. >>> we honor the legacy of jackie robinson. straight ahead we'll check in with cole as they both needed to win. only one got one. highlights coming up. their opening >>> third night in a row. leaving the playoff because it is playoff time. game one was not perfect, but it was a win as they would take that to move on to game development tonight -- move on to game two. they did what they had to do in the opener trying to do the same in this one. second period, they are already ahead. that is goal number two. 41 saves for the panthers. he gets to him late making it a one-goal game, but the panthers would score the empty -- would score an empty nether and tha
. >>> a high school in los angeles locked down today because of, wait for it a mountain lion. no mountain lions on campus. wanted on the school grounds sending teachers and kids rushing into the classroom. the lion moved on to a nearby neighborhood where it fell asleep. tranquilizer darts tend to have that effect. the lion will be returned back to its natural habitats of los angeles. >> good ones, right. >>> rob is up next with sports, no sound effects. >>> we...
Apr 16, 2016
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. >>> a high school in los angeles locked down today because of, wait for it a mountain lion. no mountain lions on campus. wanted on the school grounds sending teachers and kids rushing into the classroom. the lion moved on to a nearby neighborhood where it fell asleep. tranquilizer darts tend to have that effect. the lion will be returned back to its natural habitats of los angeles. >> good ones, right. >>> rob is up next with sports, no sound effects. >>> we honor the legacy of jackie robinson. straight ahead we'll check in with cole as they both needed to win. only one got one. plus the islanders continue in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - >>> third night in a row. leaving the playoff because it is playoff time. >> the best time here. game one was
. >>> a high school in los angeles locked down today because of, wait for it a mountain lion. no mountain lions on campus. wanted on the school grounds sending teachers and kids rushing into the classroom. the lion moved on to a nearby neighborhood where it fell asleep. tranquilizer darts tend to have that effect. the lion will be returned back to its natural habitats of los angeles. >> good ones, right. >>> rob is up next with sports, no sound effects. >>> we...
Apr 16, 2016
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mountain lion strolled onto a high school campus =vo= the big cat that walked across the quad at john f. kennedy high school...just after noon. >>> tense moments in los angeles after a large mountain lion strolled on to a camp hatch is coke. they went to shell a should moment. f. >> have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- robert de niro, jesse tyler ferguson,
mountain lion strolled onto a high school campus =vo= the big cat that walked across the quad at john f. kennedy high school...just after noon. >>> tense moments in los angeles after a large mountain lion strolled on to a camp hatch is coke. they went to shell a should moment. f. >> have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight,...
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. >> lady gaga will will gin vice president biden in los angeles to bring awareness to the problem of sexual assault on check campus. this is part of the administration's "it's on us," with lady gaga a sexual assault victim herself. she wants to encourage others to step out of the shadows. and open day at at&t park, first push is 68 degrees. a mix of sun and clouds. we have the a's talk on the white sox. by 4:00, the temperatures are around 69 degrees. you will notice today, much cooler than year, highs in the upper 60s to mid-70s and 69 in san francisco, same if oakland, 72 in concord and the tree pollen is high and u.v. index is high. wear the hat. if you are headed to the game. not a bad drive across the san mateo bridge if you go from hayward to foster city it is 15 minutes and beyond the toll plaza and the flat section and high ride and to foster city, the right hand lanes are the cash-pay lanes so fast track is doing its thing, and piper delay at cash-paying. hillcrest avenue is closed between country hill and laurel and police activity there so take deer valley to get through. we have debris here 80 eastboun
. >> lady gaga will will gin vice president biden in los angeles to bring awareness to the problem of sexual assault on check campus. this is part of the administration's "it's on us," with lady gaga a sexual assault victim herself. she wants to encourage others to step out of the shadows. and open day at at&t park, first push is 68 degrees. a mix of sun and clouds. we have the a's talk on the white sox. by 4:00, the temperatures are around 69 degrees. you will notice today,...
Apr 9, 2016
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inaudible conversations] >> welcome to booktv live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books held on campus of the university of southern california and we will be here all weekend. you will hear from authors discussing national security, women in politics and much more. plus there will be several other call in opportunities as well. for complete schedule, booktv.org, or follow us on twitter at booktv or facebook, facebook.com/booktv. we will be posting festival updates and behind-the-scenes photos on social media sites. we kick off our coverage with a panel on publishing live from the los angeles times festival of books all weekend on booktv. >> hi. i wanted to welcome you to this morning's panel on publishing, the big picture. thank you for coming. i have a few words from the festival organizers. please silence all cell phones during the session. personal recording of sessions is not allowed. my name is betsy amster. i'm going to be a model list -- panelist today, your moderator. i am a publishing life are which is to say i have only wanted to be in publishing my whole life and i have bee
inaudible conversations] >> welcome to booktv live coverage of the 21st annual los angeles times festival of books held on campus of the university of southern california and we will be here all weekend. you will hear from authors discussing national security, women in politics and much more. plus there will be several other call in opportunities as well. for complete schedule, booktv.org, or follow us on twitter at booktv or facebook, facebook.com/booktv. we will be posting festival...
Apr 15, 2016
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los medanos college in pittsburgh. the suspect approached a student and demanded his backpack. the canine unit searched the campus the suspect got away. the victim is described as latino, medium build, his face covered with a black bandana and wearing a gray hat. >>> a man in hayward said someone is going through his neighborhood stealing packages delivered to homes. the man sent us these photos taken by his closed circuit tv showing a man picking up a box and walking away thursday afternoon. the man may have also taken another package from a nearby home. >>> bart is going to punish riders to take up more than one seat. the fine starts at $100 and goes up to $500 for a third offense. the ordinance taking affect in six months. a live report on this issue at 6:00. abort officials facing half a billion dollars budget gap. weekday ridership is growing bup they are low on weekends. they are thinking weekend incentives and a possible fare increase. >>> so no ma rail transit developing a schedule for trains this year. the transit agency says a train will run every 30 minutes and there's one midday train. the paper says
los medanos college in pittsburgh. the suspect approached a student and demanded his backpack. the canine unit searched the campus the suspect got away. the victim is described as latino, medium build, his face covered with a black bandana and wearing a gray hat. >>> a man in hayward said someone is going through his neighborhood stealing packages delivered to homes. the man sent us these photos taken by his closed circuit tv showing a man picking up a box and walking away thursday...
Apr 10, 2016
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inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> into tv is live at the los angeles festival of books, held on the campusof the university of southern california and it's a much prettier day today than it was yesterday. we have a full day of live coverage ahead. the next author panel begins in half hour and that's a panel on biographies. in the meantime, reza aslan is joining us. his most recent book isset" lot. the life and times of jesus of nazareth." the last time we saw you on the show, we have a new pope, a rise in isis, and more people are identifying as athiests than ever before. what is your take on this topic? >> guest: well first of all, big fan of the pope. i'm a product of a jesuit education, and the minute that i newell we were going to have a jesuit pope i knew things were going to be different. if anybody is familiar with the history of the catholic church and the thorn in the side of the jesuits have been in that church for centuries. think you knew that this is going to be a revolutionary moment, and he has not failed to really live up to the expectations a lot had of him. what i would s
inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> into tv is live at the los angeles festival of books, held on the campusof the university of southern california and it's a much prettier day today than it was yesterday. we have a full day of live coverage ahead. the next author panel begins in half hour and that's a panel on biographies. in the meantime, reza aslan is joining us. his most recent book isset" lot. the life and times of jesus of nazareth." the last time we saw...