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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: We find out that the benefit of having secrets on other countries is worth less than the benefit that they gain from knowing ours because we put more into research & development efforts than other companies do comparatively. We put more into education and research than other countries do. We put more in military spending than other countries do. So if everyone is insecure at an equal level we don't benefit because we have the best spy agency. We actually lose because we are more reliant on security than everybody else.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: So one of the reason we don't see the media keying on stories that are of critical important is because they don't realize they are of critical importance. And because of this, we are increasingly reliant upon the technical community to kind of do this for us and represent us. Now this is increasingly dangerous over time I believe because what we see is an increasingly disempowered citizen class and even in the press, even in politics because they have no idea what's going on in the world that matters. And an increasing empowerment of people who have sort of elite technological literacy. And I think this is dangerous over time because you will see a concentration of power around small groups, small individuals, who can increasingly impact society in greater and greater ways.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: I personally am the example of this, I’m not the world's expert in technology but because I was where I was, because I saw massive crimes against the constitution happening on an unprecedented scale, and I had the technological skills, capability to do something about it, I was able to change the conversation in a way, make some small contribution to the public that has really had an outside- impact. But we do not want our government to rely on this model because that relies on the actions of individuals– this is inherent, dangerous.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: Stories that have been overlooked- one of the very significant ones is the fact that all of this information we're collecting in bulk, bulk collection is the government's euphemism for mass surveillance, is the unreasonable seizure that is forbidden by the fourth amendment, these programs, mass collections, the 215 programs and what not, collect all of our information but the N.S.A., and the D.N.I. and so on and so forth, they assert this is okay because they apply what's called minimization to it.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowde: They say that if we see you're a U.S. citizen we'll remove your name and replace it with a pseudonym, with a placeholder. We will take measures like this to say an analyst can't target a U.S. person even though we're collecting all of your information and can read all of your information we can't do it by looking at you but who you're talking to. That kind of thing. But this is not done when we're sharing this with overseas allies in many cases.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowde: There was a story that was run I believe last year, late last year that showed we were sharing unminimized information, that included information on U.S. political figures, on judges, officials across the spectrum, private industry, private businesses, private individuals. Their private records were being shared en mass with Israel. This did not get a lot of play in the mainstream press and in the U.S. in the
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: We also saw a story last year reported in
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: These were people who on the basis of secret judgments made by a secret agency with no public oversight and with no authorizing legislation had decided that a certain brand of political viewpoints would authorize the intrusive monitoring, collection, eventual disbursement of your private records related to your sexual activities. This is a fundamentally unamerican thing. We have to ask ourselves, why do we allow this in the first place? Okay. Maybe it happened. Maybe mistakes were made. How do we hold people to account for this?
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: He (Bob Litt, General Counsel Office of DNI) said something that was fundamentally concerning in regards to the false testimony of James Clapper. He said that the real problem was not that the most senior official in the United States intelligence community committed a crime in front of Congress because it doesn't have to be perjury, it doesn’t have to be a willful lie. Giving a false statement to Congress in itself, providing false testimony, is also a crime under U.S.C. 1001 U.S.C. 18-1001. That false statement is itself is a crime. Now he was not concerned about the crime and he was not concerned about the impact this had on the public. He was concerned that the question had been asked at all. And it is this kind of paucity of concern for the public's role in the function of American government. It is the real danger represented by these programs.
Edward Snowden
CSPAN 12/12/2014
Snowden: He (Bob Litt, General Counsel Office of DNI) spoke quickly and that is not a representation of his true intent, but the reality is we see this consistently and it becomes increasingly concerning. It is this incautious language that causes them to lose credibility, that causes us to lose faith in institutions of government upon which Americans must rely. He said something such as, it is indisputable that the disclosures of last year caused damage, that terrorists had changed their communications and that we lost reporting as a result of this. But the evidence on the public records shows this is in fact not the case. It is entirely contrary. There is no evidence on the record that this has been caused as a result of the disclosures that were made last year.
Showing 1541 through 1550 of 1708