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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 07/23/2013
Wyden: the FISA court got the job of interpreting these new unparalleled authorities of the Patriot Act and the FISA amendments Act. It was their decision to issue binding secret rulings that interpreted the law in the constitution in the startling way that have come to light in the last six weeks.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 07/23/2013
Wyden: Outside of the names of the FISA court judge's, virtually everything else is secretive about the court. Their rulings are secret which certainly makes challenging them in an appeals process almost impossible. Their proceedings are secret but I can tell you they’re almost always one sided.
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative R-Kansas
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Pompeo: The amendment I offer this evening clarifies and confirms the scope of two programs that Mr.. Snowden illegally exposed while sitting in a hotel room in communist china. First the amendment clarifies that under section 702 No US citizen or person in the US can be targeted. Period. No US person under section 702 may be targeted
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative R-Kansas
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Pompeo: in any way by the United states government. While there are other specific authorities, the US person may be subject to an investigation. They may not , the US government may not do so under section 702 .and that is what this amendment intends to clarify. The second part of the amendment clarifies section 215. Also known as section 501 of FISA. The amendment clarifies that no content of communication can be stored or collected by the national security agency. That is no e-mail, no video clips, no Skype. No record of the actual conversation
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative R-Kansas
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Pompeo: the contents there of may recorded or collected by the national security agency. I can’t repeat that enough. That’s the intent of this amendment. I want to make clear to everyone that contrary to the suggestions of some, the NSA has not been acting outside of the scope of its authorities. The metadata program is carefully designed with program layers of oversight by all three branches of government. This is precisely the way our government ought to operate. With input from article one article two and article three of the United States constitution. It is our duty to make sure
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative R-Kansas
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Pompeo: the contents there of may recorded or collected by the national security agency. I can’t repeat that enough. That’s the intent of this amendment. I want to make clear to everyone that contrary to the suggestions of some, the NSA has not been acting outside of the scope of its authorities. The metadata program is carefully designed with program layers of oversight by all three branches of government. This is precisely the way our government ought to operate. With input from article one article two and article three of the United States constitution. It is our duty to make sure
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative R-Kansas
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Pompeo: that the NSA stays with in the legal bounds here in Congress and this amendment makes those boundaries perfectly clear for everyone to know and understand. We shouldn’t mislead the American people into thinking that the NSA has been acting illegally. There is perhaps no program in the United States government that is as carefully monitored and overseen as the program that this amendment attempts to clarify. (To the extent that some in this chamber wish to review or provide more protection)
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Ruppersberger: I rise in support of the Pompeo Amendment. This amendment strongly reaffirms that in America privacy and security must co-exist together. This amendment states that in no uncertain terms that the government cannot use section 702 of the FISA to intentionally target an American for surveillance. This important amendment also reaffirms that the
Dutch Ruppersberger
U.S. Representative D-Maryland, Ranking Member on the Intelligence Committee
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Ruppersberger: phone conversations cannot be collected through section 215 of the Patriot Act. It makes the intensions of Congress very clear. I believe the Pompeio amendment makes a powerful statement that NSA cannot target Americans for the collection or listen to their phone calls. And I urge my colleagues to vote yes. However, I do understand the concerns of the American people and of Congress when it comes to these programs. On the House Intelligence Committee, we are reviewing and evaluating potential ways to change the FISA act that will provide the intelligence community with the tools it needs to keep
Justin Amash
U.S. Representative D-Michigan
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Amash: We are here today for a simple reason. To defend the fourth amendment. To defend the privacy of each and every American. As the Director of National Intelligence has made clear, the government collects the phone records, without suspicion of every single American in the united states. My amendment makes a simple but important change. It
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