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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Adam Schiff
U.S. Representative D-CA, Member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
CNNW 09/20/2013
I think the public would have more confidence that the decisions were being made properly if it knew that this (FISA) court was hearing from both sides, that there was someone who was well trained to articulate the constitutional legal principles. That was there to represent the privacy interests of the public. Some of the former FISA court judges have now spoken out publicly saying that they believe that this would be a step in the right direction to have that adversarial process.
Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
It was becoming impossible to report from London. There are a different set of media laws in London. There is a concept of prior restraint, i.e. the government can interfere to try and stop you for from publishing which just simply doesn't exist in the U.S. There came a point where it made more sense to move the reporting to America (and to do it collaboratively.)
Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
This is a story which on one level is being governed by the old rules to do with spying. And, on another level, is about the mass surveillance of entire populations using the internet, which is a civilian network. And these two things have collided and the state is playing it by old rules, trying to use criminalization of this kind of reporting and using an injunctions or threatening to use injunctions…
Alan Rusbridger
Editor of the Guardian (UK)
CNNW 09/22/2013
The penny is beginning to drop among ordinary citizens business people journalists, that you can’t weaken the structure of the internet itself, just on behalf of the NSA. This will let criminals Chinese, Russians and other people in as well.
Bill Clinton
former President of the U.S.
CNNW 09/22/2013
It is interesting and we know this Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) Has done a better job than we thought. That is that they have tried to be vigilant about this and that the NSA, or agencies, apparently inadvertently went beyond what the Court had authorized them to do. It’s a good thing that we know this. I would encourage more disclosure on the procedures. Not the details, but the procedures. I think it would be a good thing for the American people have to a (debate on this.)
Julie Borowski
FBC 09/22/2013
…about the NSA spying so here is part of a video that has more than 100,000 views. Julie: When did the government become the jealous girlfriend? I need to know who you're talking to all times. Some people have it apparently in their minds. Oh privacy, that’s for terrorists and cheating boyfriends. We all have things you want to keep to ourselves or with a small group of people. When government is snooping you lose choice and control and freedom. John: So people watch that and then they can Respond on YouTube and there is conversation.
Heather Childers
co-host, Fox & Friends First
FOXNEWSW 09/23/2013
President Obama’s panel of independent experts reviewing the NSA spy network may not be so independent. A new report says the panel has been working hand in hand with Director of National Intelligence. According to the report they work in DNI offices and interview requests and press statements are all coordinated through the Agency. The panel is even allowed to skirt U.S. laws demanding public access to their meetings.
Shasta Darlington
CNN international correspondent
CNNW 09/24/2013
She (Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff) launched a veritable tirade against the United States and the NSA spy program. She accused them of meddling and basically violating the national sovereignty of a friendly nation. She reiterated allegations that the NSA was spying not only on her personal communication but also those of Brazilian citizens top companies and strategic industries. She said, therefore this argument that the United Sates was protecting itself and the world against terrorism just didn't hold water, that it was unacceptable
Shasta Darlington
CNN international correspondent
CNNW 09/24/2013
they (NSA surveillance) were violating human rights and civil liberties. She (Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff) said Brazil is now taking steps to protect its own communications within its own borders, but she also urged the United Nations to step in and take a lead role in doing something similar on the global stage, developing a framework to protect communications from unilateral activities. Not surprisingly president Obama didn't say a single word on this issue
Dilma Rousseff
President of Brazil
KCSM 09/24/2013
What we have before us, Mr. President, is a serious case of violation of human rights and civil liberties. A case of invasion and capture of confidential secret information pertaining to business activities. And above all, a case of disrespect to the national sovereignty of my country. We have let the U.S. government know about our protest by demanding explanations, apologies and guarantees that such acts or procedures will never be repeated again.
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