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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Siobhan Gorman
Wall Street Journal Reporter
KQED 08/21/2013
Gorman: protecting American communications. And that is, that certain types of communications, just because of the way technology has evolved, are bundled together. And so you may end up with a bundle of communications where some small portion of it contains information that is responsive to what NSA is looking for with its foreign intelligence filters, but they have to hand over the whole bundle of communications, which may also include wholly domestic communications. The problem is you can’t decouple some of these sets of communications.
Harry Smith
News Correspondent, Al Jazeera America
ALJAZAM 08/22/2013
Smith: The court's decision can best be described as a partial victory for both sides. David Miranda's lawyers came here hoping to persuade the court that their client had been detained illegally when the police stopped him at Heathrow. They said that they used legislation designed to stop terrorist suspects, not to stop journalists. They said that equipment that had been seized from their client should be returned to their client and the police should be barred from examining the material on that equipment. The equipment included a laptop and some memory sticks. They said it was journalistic material
Harry Smith
News Correspondent, Al Jazeera America
ALJAZAM 08/22/2013
Smith continued: It was confidential and the confidentiality of it should be preserved. However, lawyers for the govt. argued that there were grounds here of national security. They said that as a result of the material they’d already examined they had started a criminal investigation. The judges said the police could hang onto the equipment. They could examine the material but only on grounds of national security.
Gwendolen Morgan
David Miaranda's Attorney
ALJAZAM 08/22/2013
Smith: The British government issued a statement welcoming the court’s decision. The other side gave their reaction on the steps of the court: Morgan: The undertaking the police sought were stopped in their tracks, and some of the basis on which the police sought to justify their position was roundly rejected. They also conceded that at midnight on Saturday, our client will be returned his property. We therefore consider this to be a partial victory, and we hope to have the courts full reasoning tomorrow afternoon.
Harry Smith
News Correspondent, Al Jazeera America
ALJAZAM 08/22/2013
Smith: So the police now have seven days to continue examining the documents that are contained on the seized equipment. The lawyers in court said there were tens of thousands of documents, and they will have seven days to go through that. After that we'll have to come back to the court, persuade the judges they have good ground for suspicion or return the equipment to Mr. Miranda. Judges will then also set a date for a hearing to decide whether or not David Miranda was legally detained when police stopped him at Heathrow airport.
Brian Shactman
Host, MSNBC Way Too Early
MSNBCW 08/22/2013
The NSA also collected as much as 56,000 e-mailed communications while it was trying to track foreign terrorists. The court criticized the agency for misrepresenting the scale of its spying practices. Judge John Bates wrote, quote,
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Cuomo: You have said it is not the business of the US government to spy on its own people. The more it seems to come out the more questions seem to be raised. Are you confident you know everything that's going on within that agency and you can say to the American people it's all done the right way? Obama: yes. But what I've also said is that it can only work if the American people trust what's going on and what's been clear since the disclosures that were made by Mr.. Snowden is that people don't
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Obama continued: have enough information and aren't confident enough that, between all the safeguards and checks that we put in place within the executive branch and the federal court oversight that takes place on the program, and Congressional oversight, people are still concerned as to whether their e-mails are being read or their phone calls being listened to. Cuomo: especially hearing they are then mistakes are made, (shakes your confidence)
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Obama: what was learned was that NSA had inadvertently accidentally pulled the e-mails of some Americans, in violation of their own rules, because of technical problems that they didn't realize. They presented those problems to the court. The court said this isn't going to cut it. You're going to have to improve the safeguards given these technical problems. That's exactly what happened. All these safeguards, checks, audits, oversight, worked. Now, i think there are legitimate concerns that people
Barack Obama
CNNW 08/23/2013
Obama continued: have that the technology is moving so quick that at some point, does the technology outpace the laws that are in place and the protections that are in place and do some of the systems end up being like a loaded gun out there that somebody at some future point could abuse? Because there are no allegations, and i am very confident knowing the NSA and how they operate, that purposely somebody's out there trying
Showing 571 through 580 of 1708