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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


James Clapper
Director of National Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
We will continue to declassify more documents. That is what the American people want and what thePpresident has asked us to do and I personally believe it is the only way we can reassure our citizens that their intelligence community is using its tools and authorities appropriately. The rules and oversight that govern us ensure that we do what the people want us to do, which is protect our nation security and our people's liberties.
James Clapper
Director of National Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
We do not spy on anyone except for valid foreign intelligence purposes and we only work within the law. On occasion, as you stated, we have made mistakes, some quite significant. But these are usually caused by human error or technical problems. And whenever we’ve found mistakes, we reported, addressed and corrected them. The National Security Sgency specifically, as part of the U.S. intelligence community, and broadly, is an honorable institution.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
I believe that any government official who thought that the intrusive, constitutionally flawed surveillance system would never be disclosed was ignoring history. As senators pointed out on the Senate floor two years ago, even a quick read of history shows that in America the truth always managed to come out.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
The leadership of your agencies built an intelligence collection system that repeatedly deceived the American people. Time and time again the American people were told one thing about domestic surveillance in public forums while government agencies did something else in private.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Now these secret interpretations of the law in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans have become public, your agencies face terrible consequences that were not planned for. There’s been loss of trust in our intelligence apparatus here at home and with friendly foreign allies and that trust is going to take time to rebuild. And in my view this loss of trust undermines America’s ability to collect intelligence on real threats. And every member of this committee knows knows there are very (real threats out there.)
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Your joint testimony today blames media and others, but the fact is this could have been avoided if the intelligence leadership had been straight with the American people and not acted like the deceptions that were practiced for years could last forever. I hope this is a lesson that your agencies are going to carry into the future.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Wyden: About two dozen other Senators have asked in the past whether the NSA has ever collected, or made any plans, to collect American’s cell site information in bulk. What would be your response to that? Alexander: Senator, On July 25 Director Clapper provided a unclassified written response to this question amongst others
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Under section 215 NSA is not receiving cell site location data and has no current plans to do so. As you know I indicated to this committee on Oct. 20th 2011 that I would notify Congress of NSA’s intent to obtain cell site location data prior to any such plans put in place.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Wyden: That's not the question I am asking, respectfully. I’m asking has the in NSA ever collected or ever made any plans to collect Americans’ cell site information? That was the question that we still, respectfully, have not gotten an answer to. Could you give me an answer to that? Alexander: We did. Please allow me to continue.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN 09/26/2013
Renewing this program, the FISA court made clear in footnote number 5, that notice to the Court in a briefing would be required if the government were to seek production of cell site location information as part of the bulk production of call detail records. Additional details were also provided in the classified supplement to Director Clapper’s July 25th response to this question. So what I don't want to do, Senator, is put out in an unclassified form anything that is classified here. So I’m reading you exactly. So we sent both of those to you. I saw what Director Clapper sent and I agree with it.
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