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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley, Cole, Litt continued 3: Litt: records are relevant. Grassley: Is there any legal precedent that supports such a broad definition of relevance to an investigation? Litt: I’d actually defer that to the Deputy Attorney General Grassley: OK Cole: The legal precedent comes from the history of all the orders that have been issued. The courts having looked at this under the FISA law and under the provisions of 215 and making sure that under the provision (of 215)
Chuck Grassley
U.S. Senator, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Grassley, Cole, Litt continued 4: Cole: (of 215) and the ability to get these records relevant to a criminal, rather– a foreign intelligence investigation, they have gone through the law that Mr.. Litt has described. On I believe 34 different occasions to do this analysis. So that legal precedent is there.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein: I just realized that I believe Mr. Inglis's statement makes public for the first time, a fact and it is an important fact. It is on page four of his letter and what he points out, I think Mr. Cole described that the query which is the search of the database can only be done on reasonable articulable suspicion and only 22 people
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 1: have access to that, trained and vetted analyst at the NSA. If the numbers are run and it looks like there is a problem, the report is made to the FBI. The FBI looks at it and if they want to collect content, they must get a probable cause warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance court.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein: NSA has produced and declassified a chart. Which I’d like to make available to all members. It has the 54 total events. It includes section 702 authority and section 215 authority. Which essentially work together. It shows the events disrupted based on a combination
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 1A: of these two programs. 13 in the homeland. 25 in Europe. Five in Africa, and 11 in Asia. I was on the intelligence committee before 9/11 and remember how little information we had.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 2A: The criticism of the government because of these stovepipes, the inability to share intelligence, the inability to collect intelligence, we had no row graham that could -- program that could have caught two people in san Diego before the event took place. I support this program. , think, based on what i know they will come after us and i think we need to prevent an attack wherever we can from happening.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 3A: That does not mean that we cannot make some changes. Yesterday, the intelligence committee, i outlined some changes that we might consider as part of our authorization bill. Let me quickly run through them. The number of American phone numbers submitted as queries on a regular basis annually from the database, the number of referrals
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 4A: made to the FBI each year, based on those queries, and how many times the FBI obtains probable cause warrants to collect the content of a call which we now know is very few times, relatively. The number of times that a company, this is at their request from the high-tech companies, that any company is required to provide data pursuant to FISA's business records provision. As you know, the companies who provide information are seeking
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/31/2013
Feinstein continued 5A: to speak more publicly about this. I think we should. There are some changes we can make to the business record section. We are looking at reducing the 5 year retention period that NSA keeps phone records in it’s database, down to two or three years. It is my understanding that the usefulness of it tails off as the years go on. We have to determine
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