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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Dan Lothian
White House correspondent for CNN
CNNW 08/16/2013
Dan Lothian: And the top judge on the secretive court that approves surveillance programs said judges aren't able to independently verify whether the government violates the law, saying that they are
Dan Lothian
White House correspondent for CNN
CNNW 08/16/2013
Dan Lothian: Defending the NSA. White house deputy spokesman Josh Ernest saying in a quote,
Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader, House of Representatives
FOXNEWSW 08/16/2013
Roberts: Nancy Pelosi says it is extremely disturbing. This is what she said in a statement. Congress must conduct rigorous oversight to ensure all incidents of noncompliance are reported to oversight committees and FISA court and that appropriate steps are taken to ensure violations are not repeated.
Barton Gellman
Journalist, contributing to the Washington Post
KNTV 08/16/2013
Gellman: The Federal Surveillance Court that has jurisdiction over the NSA ordered it to destroy after five years all the call data records that it gathers on innocent Americans. And it did not do that. There were several thousand files. O'Donnell: the Agency said in a state to NBC News, when NSA makes a mistake in carrying out its foreign intelligence mission, the agency reports the issue internally and to federal overseers and aggressively gets to the bottom of it.
Barton Gellman
Washington Post Reporter
KNTV 08/16/2013
Gellman: The federal surveillance court that has jurisdiction over the NSA ordered it to destroy after five years all the call data records that it gathers on innocent Americans. And It did not do that. There were several thousand files. O'Donnell: the agency said in a statement to NBC News, when NSA makes a mistake in carrying out its foreign intelligence mission, the agency reports the issue internally and to federal over seers and aggressively gets to the bottom of it.
Kelly O'Donnell
NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent
KNTV 08/16/2013
O’Donnell: This morning the White House declined to comment. The NSA also acknowledged the FISA court had found that some of it’s methods did violate 4th amendment rights so changes were made. The NSA also says it has 300 employees whose job is to work on preventing these kinds of breaches and to beef up compliance.
Kelly O'Donnell
NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent
KNTV 08/16/2013
O'Donnell: This morning the White House declined to comment. The NSA also acknowledged the FISA court had found that some of it’s methods did violate 4th amendment rights so changes were made. The NSA says it has 300 employees whose job is to work on preventing these kinds of breaches and to beef up compliance.
Nora O'Donnell
Co-Anchor of CBS This Morning
KPIX 08/16/2013
Nora O'Donnell: This is nearly 3,000 violations, over a one-year period. We should point out the NSA says, though, in a statement,
John Delong
N.S.A. Compliance Director
KPIX 08/16/2013
Andrews: The NSA argues that the number of privacy violations is tiny compared to the 20 million data searches done every month in the hunt for terrorists. NSA compliance director john delong told reporters by phone: the mistakes are routinely disclosed to the FISA court, to the justice department and to Congress. Delong: We don’t hide these incidents, we don’t keep them within NSA, they’re provided through to multiple overseers, through multiple channels.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
KPIX 08/16/2013
Andrews: the fact that there were thousand of (NSA) privacy breaches stunned many members of Congress, including Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Leahy: I want to know if, whether it's NSA or anybody else, has made a mistake, we ought to know that. If they're tapping into people's telephones where they have no right to, we ought to know that.
Showing 511 through 520 of 1708